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VENDU - Audioquest T4

Message » 31 Mai 2007 12:26

Type : HP
Marque : Audioquest
Modèle et options : Type 4, lg 2*4m + 4 fiches bananes
Prix de vente : 100 €

Département où la marchandise est visible : 69
Possibilité d'expédition : Oui
Montant des frais d'expédition : Selon destination

Etat de la marchandise : Trés bon.
Première main : Oui
Prix neuf : 190 €
Facture conservée : Non
Date et lieu d'achat : 95, Nantes L\\\'auditorium
Description et commentaires :

Vds 2*4 m d'Audioquest type 4. Ils sont adaptés éventuellement au bicablage, même si je m'en servais en mono. Servi environ 4 ans suite départ à l'international. Beaucoup de plaisir tant en hifi qu'en HC. Je les vend avec 4 fiches bananes de sécurité (forme T) dorées, qui ne sont pas celles représentées sur les photos car démontées, achetées mi 2006, photos sur demande. Etat global excellent.

Me contacter par MP, merci.

Voir tous nos conseils sur comment bien acheter et vendre.
Fichiers joints
(1.01 Mio) Téléchargé 123 fois
(993.27 Kio) Téléchargé 220 fois
Dernière édition par andycot le 25 Juil 2007 11:59, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 55
Inscription Forum: 27 Jan 2005 18:47
Localisation: 69
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Message » 04 Juin 2007 15:27

+ d'infos pour les anglophones :

" At first glance, Type 4 looks like a normal round cable, but inside is a fully optimized and very sophisticated balance of quality ingredients and refined design.

Conductors: Type 4 uses 4 x 18 AWG Conductors. All four of Type 4's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the single greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat harsh, dirty and confused sound. Solid conductors are the most important ingredients enabling Type 4's very clear sound. Whether a conductor is solid or stranded, skin-effect is a prime distortion mechanism in speaker cables. Type 4 very simply keeps this effect out of the audio range by using conductor sizes that are below the threshold for audible distortion.

Metal: Type 4's LGC (Long Grain Copper) allows a smoother and clearer sound than cables using regular OFHC (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity) copper. OFHC is a general metal industry specification regarding "loss," without any concern for distortion. LGC has fewer oxides within the conducting material, less impurities, less grain boundaries, and definitively better performance.
All drawn metal exhibits directionality, whether in hardware store wire or in the best AQ cable. We wish we could design away this awkwardness. Since we can't, we pay close attention to optimizing performance by clearly marking the cables and our terminations. Please watch for these markings when installing any audio cables.

Geometry: The relationship between conductors defines a cable's most basic electrical values (capacitance and inductance). However, even when those variables are kept in a reasonable balance, the relationship between conductors can be varied in ways that greatly effect the sound. The spiral construction of Type 4 allows for significantly better dynamic contrast and information intelligibility than if the same conductors were run in parallel. The specific 4-cross geometry used in Type 4 maximizes this advantage.

Insulation: In a low level cable the insulating material significantly affects the cable's performance. However, in a speaker cable the electrical effect of insulation is almost only heard as a dry irritating sound prior to a cable being fully "run-in" ...technically "adapting to a charged state." The term "break-in" does not apply because taking away the charge will slowly return the cable to its "new" condition. The insulation's mechanical (hard vs. soft) properties make an important difference in stranded cables. The harder the better in order to minimize strand movement. Since solid conductors don't need hard insulation, they can take advantage of the vibration damping advantage of a softer insulation.

A combination of these major ingredients, and many more subtle details add up to explain how even an affordable cable like Type 4 can sound so good. " :wink:
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Inscription Forum: 27 Jan 2005 18:47
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Message » 15 Juin 2007 15:29

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Message » 09 Juil 2007 11:22

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Message » 16 Juil 2007 18:34

Toujours là...

Allez baisse à 90 € :roll: et up...
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Message » 25 Juil 2007 12:00

Vendu, merci de clore ....
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Inscription Forum: 27 Jan 2005 18:47
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Message » 26 Juil 2007 0:09

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