EUVRARD a écrit:Christophe_35 a écrit:Bonjour a tous,
J'ai un tube qui marche tres bien en preamp dans le kora 90, je ne suis plus sur de la reference, mais je crois que c'est un 12AX7 LPS sovtek. son chaleureux et tres musical.
Pour info
Le test de ce tube sur WATFORD VALVE
"The new Sovtek 12AX7LPS valve is now in full scale production in Russia.
The valve is of medium to high gain and has a special spiral filament. This filament greatly reduces hum when operated in amplifiers with AC heaters. This is certainly the best 12AX7 that Sovtek have come up with. On the plus side in audio you get more detail in the treble register. The valve is open and has very balanced presentation and importantly the valve has life and sparkle not muddy like the WA or WB. Over long periods the valve was easy on the ear again unlike the other Sovteks we have listened too. Bass response was fine, not as deep or thundering as the Mullard , Brimar or JJ/tesla but one could easily pick out the bass line.
The minus points were on vocals as they were not as refined as the new old stock tubes."
Je suis globalement d'accord avec ce CR, notamment quand il dit "long periods the valve was easy on the ear again unlike the other Sovteks we have listened too".
Ca serait interessant de remplacer egalement le tube de la partie puissance par un sovtek 12AX7LPS pour voire ce que ca donne.