Commentaires de TubeWorld....
The Best Sounding 6DJ8=ECC88 are these:
6DJ8 Siemens West Germany 1960's
6DJ8 Telefunken West Germany 1960's
6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boy Holland 1960's
6DJ8 Amperex Holland 1960's and Amperex Holland Globe Logo late 1960's - mid 1970's
(some are branded Philips Miniwatt)
CV5358=6DJ8 Mullard 1960's
6DJ8 Mullard 1960's (either branded Mullard or Philips or Amperex Great Britain)
6DJ8 Sylvania late 1960's - mid 1970's (cheap alternative)
The Best Sounding 6922=E88CC Gold Pins are these:
(6922=Premium 6DJ8 with heater current reduced from 365ma to 300ma)
(6922 will have a slightly longer lifespan than 6DJ8; in some
cases 6922 will last 5-10,000 hours vs 3-4,000 hrs for a 6DJ8)
6922 Telefunken 1960's
6922 Amperex "PQ" Holland Gold Pins white printing 1960-1966
6922 Siemens 1960's
6922 Amperex Holland branded Amperex or Philips Miniwatt or Mullard Holland
or Philips Holland "SQ" 1960's
6922 Mullard 1960's
CV2493=E88CC-01 Mullard
6922 Amperex USA "PQ" white printing then orange printing
Best Sounding CCa Low Noise 6922 Gold Pins are these:
CCa Siemens late 1950's (extremely rare)
CCa Telefunken 1960's
CCa Siemens 1960's then early 1970's
Best Sounding E188CC=7308 are these:
(7308=10,000 hour premium 6922 with low microphonics)
7308 Amperex Holland "PQ" white printing with 2 Stars on tube early 1959-1960's
7308 Philips Miniwatt Holland most have 2 stars on tube 1958-1962
7308 Telefunken 1960's
7308 Siemens 1960's (some are branded RCA West Germany)
7308 Amperex "PQ" USA white printing then orange printing 1960's - mid 1970's
7308 Sylvania JAN NOS late 1960's to mid - 1970's
7308 Siemens late 1970's-1980's (avoid these, poor sound)