Bonjour à tous !
Voilà, j'ai sauté le pas et acheté un écran lcd LG 42LC55. Malgré de multiples recherches sur le net et sur ce forum en particulier, je n'ai rien trouvé comme information ou comme compte rendu. Une seule question, savez-vous si le hdmi est en 1.3. Merci bien.
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Tout sur les écrans plats HD du marché (TV LCD, TV Plasmas, TV SED, ...)
C'est un lcd (lc) et pas un plasma (pc). Les prises hdmi sont des 1.3.
- lobs7052
- Messages: 5387
- Inscription Forum: 12 Avr 2007 0:19
- Localisation: Cancoillotte Land
Regarde sur le catalogue 2007 il est dispo ici. ... arentId=01
HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)
The new Digital Multimedia Interface supports both multi-channel
audio and video signals in high quality. LGs HDMI input is the latest
version (1.3).
LG has two optimal performance modes for Video or PC (two different
graphic cards).
Video mode: Supports all resolutions and 24/30 and 50/60p (F and
Y series supports “Pixel Mapping”, read more in that section).
PC mode: The digital computer interface supports resolutions up to
panel resolution (F and Y series supports “Pixel Mapping” read more in
“Pixel Mapping” section). ... arentId=01
HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)
The new Digital Multimedia Interface supports both multi-channel
audio and video signals in high quality. LGs HDMI input is the latest
version (1.3).
LG has two optimal performance modes for Video or PC (two different
graphic cards).
Video mode: Supports all resolutions and 24/30 and 50/60p (F and
Y series supports “Pixel Mapping”, read more in that section).
PC mode: The digital computer interface supports resolutions up to
panel resolution (F and Y series supports “Pixel Mapping” read more in
“Pixel Mapping” section).
- crazylarry
- Messages: 304
- Inscription Forum: 22 Mai 2006 10:07
- Localisation: Essonnes 91
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