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Want to buy parts/assembled HCFR Colorimeter

Message » 20 Déc 2007 0:30

Hi My name is Espen and I come from Norway. I am afraid I speak almost no french at all, so I will write in english...sorry about making a new thread, it should probably be somewhere else, but because I can't read french it was kind of hard to figure out where it should be.

NOW to the point:

I would like to try calibration with the HCFR colorimeter, but would like to avoid the work with making the PCB and flashing the controller(PIC). Therefore I was wondering if there is anybody in the forum here who sell HCFR parts? This could be a kit ready for assembly( I can put it together myself, no problem) or maybe finished assembled HCFR colorimeters. I was thinking that as it is a french invention this marvelous little program and hardware, there might be someone here that sell parts. I have already contacted someone on the American AVSforum, but have not gotten any reply so I thought i'd try here.

Greetings from a hopeful Espen in Norway

You can contact me here, or send an email to:
(Because I do not know if I have activated e-mail notification on this thread :)
Messages: 2
Inscription Forum: 20 Déc 2007 0:07
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Message » 20 Déc 2007 8:06

Hi emiofnorway,

You can still register you for the group order on this thread
by sending a mp to max-art. Based on number of people registred for this odrer, the final price will be confirmed. After that you will receive the probe already assembled by someone.

Pay attention before ordering the colorimeter to check if there is a valid calibration file existing for your projector

You can find also on AVS some threads on HCFR colorimeter.
Messages: 1510
Inscription Forum: 07 Sep 2002 9:56
Localisation: Saint-denis (Belgique)
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Message » 21 Déc 2007 11:35

lcaufrie a écrit:Hi emiofnorway,

You can still register you for the group order on this thread
by sending a mp to max-art. Based on number of people registred for this odrer, the final price will be confirmed. After that you will receive the probe already assembled by someone.

Pay attention before ordering the colorimeter to check if there is a valid calibration file existing for your projector

You can find also on AVS some threads on HCFR colorimeter.

Thank you for the response lcaufrie. I got reply from one of the members on the AVSforum who had a few finished HCFR probes for sale, so I ordered from him now as it was easier because of the language barrier. But I do thank you for helping me out, and I will consider making my french friend Jean Baptistè learn me the language so I can read on this forum :)

Happy holidays,
Greetings from cold Norway
Messages: 2
Inscription Forum: 20 Déc 2007 0:07
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