je crée ici un TOPIC pour ce petit media center à prix très modéré ! : 99 € TVAc
Je ferais un CR plus tard.
En attendant : ... 95&type=20
The Patriot PBO Core is a Full-HD all-in-one media player that provides a
bridge to bring your digital media from your PC or network and into your
home entertainment system. PBO Core is optimized for full 1080P HD
video playback, includes the latest in video processing technology, and
supports Dolby®/DTS™ encoding to create a stunning HD video and
surreal 5.1/7.1 channel surround sound experience on your home
entertainment system. With support for todays most popular media
formats (H.264, ISO, VOB, DivX, xVid, MKV, MOV, MPEG and more) PBO Core
offers a variety of ways to connect to your media library through USB
storage devices, optional internal 2.5” hard drive, UPnP and wired or
wireless network streaming. The PBO Core is the Full-HD all-in-one solution
to bridge between your digital media collection and living room.
• Supports Full HD-video playback up to 1080p
• Supports Dolby® Digital and DTS™ surround sound
• Expandable internal storage via 2.5” SATA SSD/HDD
• Supports video playback via UPnP networking streaming
• Browse and shared videos, photos and music from attached network
devices/PCs, USB Flash Drives and USB external storage
• File formats supports
Music – WMA, MP3, Real Audio (Ra), EAV, OGG, ACC, FLAC
Graphics – JPEG, BMP, PNG
Video - [MPEG-1] MPG/MPEG/DAT,
[DviX 3/4/5/6, Xvid] AVI/MKV,
[Real Video 8/9/10] RM/RMVB
• Supports Internet Media Services (IMS)
Flickr, Stocks, Video News, Video Podcasts, Weather, Picasa, RSS (+20
video feeds) and custom RSS feeds
• New improved user interface for easier use and album artwork feature
during music search and playback
• Increased HDT V compatibility
• New compatibility with home made media connected via USB optical
• New firmware and features are backward compatible with legacy units
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Toutes les solutions à base d'ordinateur (PC, Mac, Linux...)
PATRIOT BOX OFFICE - Lecteur Multimedia
- Fichiers joints
- Ensemble.jpg (75.51 Kio) Vu 1515 fois
asterix - Pro-Commercant.
- Messages: 4796
- Inscription Forum: 11 Sep 2002 21:31
- Localisation: Belgique/Liège
faut rajouter un DD dedans c'est ça ?
Ca a l'air sympa
Ca a l'air sympa
- Messages: 1758
- Inscription Forum: 07 Déc 2010 15:32
- Localisation: Birmingham UK
IAC a écrit:faut rajouter un DD dedans c'est ça ?
Ca a l'air sympa
Pas du tout obligatoire !
Ce boîtier relié à ton réseau lit pratiquement n'importe quel type de fichiers, du MP3 au JPG en passant par le FLAC, DVD ISO et même Bluray ISO,... et j'en passe !
asterix - Pro-Commercant.
- Messages: 4796
- Inscription Forum: 11 Sep 2002 21:31
- Localisation: Belgique/Liège
c'est bon à savoir 

- Messages: 1758
- Inscription Forum: 07 Déc 2010 15:32
- Localisation: Birmingham UK
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