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DLP x 4 ? x 6 ?

Message » 11 Fév 2015 15:42

intéressant, un proto chez christie utiliserait un chip DMD de plus pour moduler la lumière sur un premier étage avant d'attaquer les 3 chips couleurs avec à la clé un gain de contraste important.

vu sur AVS:

"I was debating with a VP of Christie (who saw the raw engines in a lab environment without projector case- i need footprint of this monster for future projects) Whether it would be 6 dmd's based or 4, he thinks 4 (these are educated guesses as there is an information embargo).

Assuming 4: The first dmd is monochromatic and it acts as the contrast modulating 1st stage-DMD, this dmd acts as alight valve reducing black to zero and full brightness to 1024 white on a per pixel basis this image is then converged unto the regular 3chip dlp color STAGE using a modified 2 stage light block. The combined modulation yields One million to one contrast ratio, because pure black coming into the 3 dmds's is indeed pure black and 1024 white shun by a high power laser is of course very bright."
Messages: 2723
Inscription Forum: 14 Fév 2004 16:21
Localisation: Nîmes
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