Je voulais vérifier pour être bien sûr d'avoir branché correctement un bloc rmb-1565 avec la fonction trigger activée.
Lorsque mon préampli est éteint, le rotel conserve sa LED bleue éclairée et la LED rouge de la protection s'allume.
Lorsque le préampli est allumé, le rotel conserve sa LED bleue éclairée et la LED rouge de la protection est éteinte.
Est-ce la bon fonctionnement de la fonction trigger ? ie on laisse le rotel avec le bouton power allumé tout le temps et il gère comme un grand le mode protection pour se mettre en veille ?
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Modérateurs: Modération Forum Home-Cinéma, Le Bureau de l’Association HCFR • Utilisateurs parcourant ce forum: boost79, yanikus et 19 invités
Discussion sur les amplis et blocs de puissance multi-canaux pour le HomeCinéma
A vérifier, mais si un ampli se met en protection, c'est mauvais signe...
A vérifier, mais si un ampli se met en protection, c'est mauvais signe...
OO7livier - Modération Home-Cinema & Rencontres
- Messages: 18391
- Inscription Forum: 21 Nov 2002 14:32
- Localisation: Sept-Huit ! !
Tout est précisé là :
Power Switch and Indicator 1
The Power Switch is located on the front panel. To turn the amplifi er on
(or to activate either of the optional automatic power-on modes), push
the switch in. The ring around the switch will light, indicating that the
amplifi er is turned on. To turn the amplifi er off, push the button again
and return it to the out position.
Turn On/Off Mode Selector 6
The amplifi er can be turned on and off manually, or automatically by
using its “12V Trigger” system. The Turn On/Turn Off Mode selector
switch selects which method is used.
• With the switch in the OFF position, the amplifi er is turned on or off
manually using the front panel power switch. Use this mode if you
are using a switched AC outlet to control power to the amplifi er.
• With the switch in the 12V TRIG position, the amplifi er is turned
on automatically when a 12 volt trigger signal is applied to
the 3.5mm jack labeled IN. The front panel POWER SWITCH
overrides this function. It must be ON for the +12V trigger to work.
Turning the switch OFF cuts power to the amplifier, regardless of
whether or not a trigger signal is present.
Power Switch and Indicator 1
The Power Switch is located on the front panel. To turn the amplifi er on
(or to activate either of the optional automatic power-on modes), push
the switch in. The ring around the switch will light, indicating that the
amplifi er is turned on. To turn the amplifi er off, push the button again
and return it to the out position.
Turn On/Off Mode Selector 6
The amplifi er can be turned on and off manually, or automatically by
using its “12V Trigger” system. The Turn On/Turn Off Mode selector
switch selects which method is used.
• With the switch in the OFF position, the amplifi er is turned on or off
manually using the front panel power switch. Use this mode if you
are using a switched AC outlet to control power to the amplifi er.
• With the switch in the 12V TRIG position, the amplifi er is turned
on automatically when a 12 volt trigger signal is applied to
the 3.5mm jack labeled IN. The front panel POWER SWITCH
overrides this function. It must be ON for the +12V trigger to work.
Turning the switch OFF cuts power to the amplifier, regardless of
whether or not a trigger signal is present.
OO7livier - Modération Home-Cinema & Rencontres
- Messages: 18391
- Inscription Forum: 21 Nov 2002 14:32
- Localisation: Sept-Huit ! !
si un possesseur de rotel peu me faire part de son experience car je trouve que la doc (que j avais lue) se contredit.
merci !
merci !
- jddow
- Messages: 96
- Inscription Forum: 24 Oct 2011 21:24
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