Hi there! I am not sure if this is the right place to post the following announcement:
We are happy to announce the founding of a new Club called Club for Audio & Music, friends & family..." - AM&ff Club.
Founding members are three (3) ex-Directors of the Board of the Audiophile Club of Athens (President, Vice President & Secretary), who have resigned from A.C.A. due to various reasons with the main reason being the degradation of the A.C.A.s activities.
The new Club will be on the same principal - more or less - as the good old A.C.A.
Please, visit the Club's web-site at http://cpskal.gr and you will enjoy material you have seen before and which is all property of the founding and other members of the AM&ff Club.
For more info, read the who we are page at http://cpskal.gr/i.htm !
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AM&ff Club from Greece!
- skaloumbakas
- Messages: 50
- Inscription Forum: 28 Aoû 2002 21:53
- Localisation: Athens Hellas
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