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Tout sur les projecteurs vidéo à matrices ( LCD, DMD, DILA, ... ) 1080i/1080P

DLP, XGA, 1300 Lumens, 1800:1, 1,6 Kg 2500 Euros!!!

Message » 15 Mai 2003 21:47

C'est un DELL 3200MP:

Image ... -730-10951

2510 Euros !!!
Messages: 3850
Inscription Forum: 13 Sep 2002 22:32
Localisation: Alsace
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Message » 15 Mai 2003 22:55

interessant ca...

vu que la ou je travail on est consideré comme grand compte, je vais tel demain pour savoir a combien il sort..

par contre je me demande ce que ca donne par rapport aux EAC
Messages: 717
Inscription Forum: 02 Avr 2003 18:14
Localisation: St é
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Message » 15 Mai 2003 22:57

s'il est bien Puma, adieu le Plus U2-1200 ?
Messages: 717
Inscription Forum: 02 Avr 2003 18:14
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Message » 15 Mai 2003 23:07 ... ro_737.htm

Audible noise: The 3200MP is rated at 37dB, and the 737 is rated at 32 dB. From the specs you would assume the EzPro 737 is quieter. It is not. These two projectors generate virtually the same amount of audible noise. The EzPro 737 has a slightly lower pitch, but we would classify the noise level on both of these units as low to moderate within the mobile projector category. They are for all practical purposes unobtrusive in sales presentations, but a bit louder than most (but not all) of the products being targeted at home theater these days.

...Due to the hotspots and less than ideal color decoding on both of these units, neither of them can be strongly recommended for dedicated home theater. However, both produce very watchable video images with excellent contrast. For those who aren't video perfectionists, they will serve quite admirably as part time home entertainment machines. ...

en gros c'est pas top pour le HC
Messages: 717
Inscription Forum: 02 Avr 2003 18:14
Localisation: St é
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Message » 16 Mai 2003 10:41

Messages: 3850
Inscription Forum: 13 Sep 2002 22:32
Localisation: Alsace
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