Marque : Mark Levinson
Modèle et options : 380S d'origine (pas un upgrade) et en 220v
Prix de vente : 3300€
Département où la marchandise est visible : 75
Possibilité d'expédition : Oui, par Chronopost avec assurance.
Montant des frais d'expédition : OFFERTS
État de la marchandise : occasion, une petite pétouille à noter sur le bouton de volume
Première main : Non, seconde main
Prix neuf : 10 000 euros
Lettre de session : Oui
Date et lieu d'achat : 2003 chez Pilote Films pour le propriétaire d'origine
Je précise, suite aux messages par MP, que ce produit est assuré au niveau réparations par la marque Mark Levinson et que comme il s'agit d'un produit Français, préalablement vendu par l'importateur Pilote Films... que le SAV vous sera proposé (dans le cas où il y ait un jour une panne !)... avec le sourire par ces derniers (mais hors garantie constructeur bien sûr) -> pas comme si vous leur ameniez un produit étranger, quoi

Numéro de série : Sur demande
Emballage d'origine conservé : Non, l'ancien proprio l'a perdu
Documentations conservées : Non, l'ancien proprio les a perdues
-> Je vends mon préamp 380S qui est une excellente machine car j'ai une opportunité sur son grand frère le ML 320S et comme la vie est courte... je l'ai saisie

--> n'hésitez pas à me faire des propositions (raisonnables) je suis ouvert à discussion !
As-ton besoin de présenter ce produit ?
Architecture symétrique en double mono, produit totalement analogique (pas de DACs dedans attention) et surtout la transparence ML et l'énorme qualité de timbres (!)...
Dessous, quelques photos du produit in situ.
Bonne lecture.

Description générale :
"... Nº 380S Pre-Amplifier
Availability: Classic Product
A comprehensive design & performance review of the Nº38 and Nº38S preamplifiers has resulted in the introduction of two new preamplifiers from Mark Levinson. Every aspect of the preamplifier designs has been reviewed and reassessed. The resulting sonic improvement affects virtually all areas: bass authority, high frequency clarity, dynamics and speed, low level detail, and imaging/soundstaging.
These improvements are not subtle: press people around the world who have already seen "sneak previews" of these preamplifiers have been amazed (even shocked) by the magnitude of the improvement. In fact, most who have heard the comparison believe that the Nº380 is a better-sounding preamp even than the Nº38S; as for the Nº380S, it is in a whole new league--clearly the best preamplifier we have ever made.
How it all began
Four years ago, we designed a remarkable new preamplifier. As with all our products, after initial screening of possible components, the final candidates for each critical location in the circuit were selected by ear, in blind listening tests that cumulatively involved hundreds of hours of careful listening. These tests encompassed all areas of the product's design: the power supply and its distribution; input buffer; volume control; and output buffer. The goal: to ensure that the circuit topology delivered the finest possible performance, given the available technologies of the day.
This comprehensive approach to design, listening and optimization led to the most successful preamplifier in our history. To date, over 4,200 Nº38 and Nº38S preamplifiers have been sold. Since that time, we have developed several other new products, including the Nº33 Reference and Nº33H Monaural Power Amplifiers, the Nº36 and Nº36S Digital Audio Processors, and others. In conducting our technical design process and rigorous listening tests with these products, we were able to identify many new devices, using technologies previously unavailable in any form.
In some cases, these new technologies proved sonically superior to the ones from which we had to choose when we developed the earlier preamplifiers. While the superiority of a particular part in one application in no way guarantees it will also be better in a different application, we had had enough of these experiences to make us want to go back to take another look at the preamplifiers. Over the last six months, we did just that, not knowing whether we would realize changes dramatic enough to warrant a new product.
We did.
Summing Up
When all was said and done, the Nº380 benefited from 84 changes from the Nº38 including 20 new active devices and 64 new passive parts. There are 106 changes between the Nº380S the Nº38S with 28 new active devices and 78 new passive parts. In many areas of the design we have introduced new device technology unavailable at the time that the original preamplifiers were conceived, in some cases replacing complete circuit/technology blocks while preserving the same basic overall topology.
We are pleased to be able to offer these new preamplifiers for the same price as the preamplifiers they replace. In a period where many companies are increasing prices, We are demonstrating our commitment to increasing value.
To further demonstrate the wisdom of investing in Mark Levinson components, we are pleased to offer a cost-effective upgrade program for owners of the Nº38 and Nº38S models. Please contact your local dealer for more information
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