jonastra a écrit:Comme chez darty il les recoivent le 5 mai
je crois que c'est aussi ce qui est annoncé chez un des grossistes de ma boite
Modérateurs: Modération Forum Univers TV, Le Bureau de l’Association HCFR • Utilisateurs parcourant ce forum: Aucun utilisateur enregistré et 69 invités
jonastra a écrit:Comme chez darty il les recoivent le 5 mai
Mr Eric a écrit:Quelqu'un a-t-il une date plus précise que "fin avril" concernant la disponibilité ?
je pense que dès qu'il arrivera je sauterais dessus . c'est quasiment le LCD idéal pour moi, ne manque qu'une troisième prise HDMI (pour l'avenir). D'ailleur concernant l'HDMI si j'ai bien compris la doc allemande c'est du 1.3 (c'est pas que ça à un quelconque intéret, mais bon...).
jonastra a écrit:Déjà dit plus haut, pour le 20 normalement, mais tu veux l'acheter où ? Eux peuvent te dire quand il vont l'avoir !
Comme chez darty il les recoivent le 5 mai
akamonrg a écrit:Peut etre la version fr est bridée et seulement avec hdmi 1.2, mais ca serait bizarre...
Dear Mr ******,
Thank you for your recent enquiry. Please find the information that you requested as follows:
According to our manual, the 37X3030 has two HDMI inputs. They are version 1.3 connections and are able to accept a 1080p signal but not the 1080p/24 signal.
If you have any further queries or would like to go through your query with an advisor you can contact us on 0115 9766958,
Monday - Friday 8.00-20.00, Saturday 8.00-18.00 and Sunday 10.00-16.00, or feel free to reply by E-mail.
We trust that the information is to your satisfaction. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on the above number.
Kind regards,
Kevin Gannon
Toshiba Consumer Products Division Helpdesk
All Toshiba's new televisions, including this model, support material that uses the 24p standard, which means you can watch movies from Blu-ray or HD DVD at the rate they were intended. While this isn't the sort of feature many people will have missed in the past, it is good to have. The addition of this mode means films played on one of the high-definition players will look more cinematic and won't be speeded up by 4 per cent, so the audio won't be distorted.
If you are looking for an LCD that copes well with pretty much everything you can throw at it, the Toshiba 37X3030D is ideal. We'd like to have seen the M100 technology found on the Z series to reduce motion blur, but it isn't a big deal.
If you're looking for an alternative, we were very keen on the Sharp Aquos LC37XD1E, which also offers 1080p support and similar connectivity.
But for the 37X3030D, it's two thumbs up. With an increasing number of sources producing 1080p, from HD DVD to the PlayStation 3, this affordable TV is a good choice.
Pathou a écrit:Test du 37X3030D : ... 377,00.htm
Il accepte du 24p et apparemment affiche en multiple de 24Hz.
maxxiz a écrit:Pathou a écrit:Test du 37X3030D : ... 377,00.htm
Il accepte du 24p et apparemment affiche en multiple de 24Hz.
euh nulle part dans l'article ils disent qu'il affiche en multiple de 24Hz. Ce serait bien étonnant d'ailleurs.