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Indiana Jones 4, ca a l'air mal barré !

Message » 19 Fév 2004 6:03

Darabont talks about his Indy IV script

Monday, February 16, 2004 - Gilles V
Indiana Jones 4 screenplay writer Frank Darabont explained to Ain't It Cool News why his script didn't get green lighted from George Lucas.

"The short and simple version of the Indiana Jones 4 situation is that after more than a year of working closely with Steven Spielberg developing the story, I had completed a screenplay that Steven loved and was hoping to shoot in July of this year. However, George Lucas had issues with the script and slammed on the brakes in order to rework the material himself. There is talk of enlisting another writer. Given that George is the producer, but even more so because of their long and close friendship, Steven is deferring to George in this situation.

It is now up to them to try to find a common ground regarding the film. I wish them luck and hope their efforts result in something they're both excited about shooting. What, if anything, might remain of my work at the end of the process is anybody's guess, assuming the film even gets made at this point. As for me, I'm disappointed, but I'm putting the experience behind me and moving on with my life and my own projects."

The future of the fourth Indiana Jones film currently looks dark but let's not give up hope! The makers were looking forward to begin production on Indiana Jones 4 somewhere in this summer. But it currently looks like it will have to wait till somewhere in 2005.

Thanks to Ain't It Cool News and Frank Darabont for this explanation!!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

He ben ca va etre beau une fois saboté (pardon réécrit) par Mr Lucas :lol:
Messages: 1883
Inscription Forum: 21 Fév 2001 2:00
Localisation: Londres
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Message » 19 Fév 2004 11:30

Gambit a écrit:Vu le niveau de ses scénarii il est gonflé de venir ramener sa fraise celui-là.
Non content de massacrer son propre mythe en passant derrière la caméra, il se permet en plus de venir mettre le bocson sur Indy.
Espèce de gros ******* !

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Inscription Forum: 07 Sep 2000 2:00
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