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Shift 2 Unleashed [PS3-X360-PC]

Message » 19 Mai 2011 0:53

Bon, Patrick Soderlund est faché... il vient de perdre sa BMW Z4 GT3. Je l'ai allumé avec la BMW Alpina B6 en difficile/Elite avec toutes les aides à off (oui oui, je suis fier de moi sur ce coup là :roll: )
Pour moi, l'Alpina est la plus homogène des GT3 entre l'audi R8 et l'aston martin. L'aston est trop lourde et l'audi trop légère... Du coup, en sortie de virage, j'avais l'impression que l'aston avait une remorque tandis que pour l'audi, comme elle est bien plus légère, on part vite à la faute en accélérant en sortie de virage.
La 1ère course du championnat est la plus "dure" puisqu'on part 6ème sur la grille.... il faut donc bien négocier le 1er virage sinon on est vite dernier. Les autres circuits, en ayant fini a chaque fois 1er, on part en pôle, c'est donc déjà plus facile.
Maintenant, dodo bien mérité :mdr:
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Inscription Forum: 31 Mar 2009 10:25
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Message » 23 Aoû 2011 9:13

Un nouveau Patch sur NoGripp ;)

Unofficial Community Patch

Important information:
- requires latest official patch (v1.02)
- intended for use with a freshly installed game, but *should* also work with a modded game, as it will inject new files into your modded bff files.
- due to the significant changes made to the car tuning, the best thing to do is to reset each of your car's setups.
- the only tiny issue that I have encountered is that the main menu now opens with "Car lot" selected, rather than "Career" (seems related to unlocking hidden cars).

- removed intro movies.
- numerous changes within chassis files:
-- fixed reversed toe values bug (flip values to match tuning menu).
-- created standard adjustment units for the following tuning options (set all base values to 0, this way you know what you're actually setting for these items):
---- tyre pressure now displays the actual kPa value.
---- steering lock now displays your actual steering lock.
---- differential Power/Coast/Preload
-- caster ranges now range from 0 to 70, corresponding to 0 to 7 degrees.
-- established a common base camber tuning range (-5 to +5 degrees) and adjustment value (0.1).
-- unlocked more default tuning options for lower tier cars.
-- fixed uneven ReboundTravel on many cars.
-- fixed diffuser base value typos on various cars.
-- fixed uneven left/right tuning on various cars.
-- fixed front & rear wing range for Audi R8 LMS.
-- fixed camber values on various cars.
-- Corrected fuel tank locations (some were up to 2m behind car).
-- fixed missing DiffPumpSetting values (from "DiffPumpSetting= " to "DiffPumpSetting=0" which was found to produce more consistent AI behaviour in Overhaul mod for Shift 1).
- fixed a bug that prevented proper upgrade of Mercedes 190e Evo2.
- unlocked hidden cars and events.
- disabled reverse driving penalty.
- reduced the magnetized effect of collisions with walls/rails and other vehicles.
- fixed reversed mirrors.
- fixed syntax errors in tracks.lod files.
Messages: 46286
Inscription Forum: 07 Avr 2008 23:03
Localisation: Luxembourg
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Message » 28 Aoû 2011 2:02

Y at-il des jeux sur pc ou ont peut vraiment jouer online ?
PPPPFFFFFFFFFFn,suis trop vner là,chuis sur shift2 et y'a presk personn déjà....

Point n°1

En number 2,quand t'arrive à trouver des joueurs->le jeu y buggg :x

Bref,sa m'saoule,à quand un jeu où on peut vraiment jouer,pour les amateurs de jeux de caisses,qui ont investis dans un fucking "playseat et qui veulent y passer des nuits entières ????

Walloo,j'ai passé mon coup de gueule...

ALLLEZ tchao & bonne nuité les amis gamer^^
Messages: 1273
Inscription Forum: 10 Jan 2010 22:19
Localisation: Nurburgring ;)
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Message » 28 Aoû 2011 3:53

Suprimé->Message inutile
Dernière édition par Player1 le 29 Aoû 2011 9:07, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1273
Inscription Forum: 10 Jan 2010 22:19
Localisation: Nurburgring ;)
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Message » 28 Aoû 2011 15:06

Iracing :wink:
Messages: 46286
Inscription Forum: 07 Avr 2008 23:03
Localisation: Luxembourg
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Message » 10 Fév 2012 23:55

Du nouveau pour Shift2

Copié/collé du message de Stalker sur

je viens de testé le patch 1.06 unofficial ! et c'est tout simplement incroyable ce que les moddeur on pus faire ! je vous présente alors mon test :

graphisme : les moddeur on fait un véritable boulot , en améliorant notamment les effet de reflet et de lumière sur la carrosserie et sur le tableau de bord , mais il ne sont pas arrêtés sur ces simple détails , ils ont même améliorés les cockpits des vehicules en ajoutant certaines textures fort sympathique !

gameplay : représente le plus gros boulot des moddeur tous ce qui était reproché a shift 2 n'est plus , la course sur des peaux de banane c'est fini , là on sent vraiment la voiture , les collisions aussi ont été améliorés plus de destruction derby ou auto Unofficial

interface : fini la cinématique qui était obligatoire , la pression des pneus est affiché en valeur réel !

REMARQUE: le patch ne peut être installé , sauf si vous disposé de patch 1.02

c'est comme sa qu'aurait dus être shift 2 unleashed à sa sortie !

voici le lien du patch

& les infos no grip racing

Full Changelist:
- new automated backup and install method
- corrected engine swap HP menu stats
- sellable Speedhunters DLC cars
- increase maximum career level to 30 with following reward vehicles:
Level 21 = Limited Edition cars, Alfa Romeo Giulietta, Nissan S15, and Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
Level 22 = Chevrolet Camaro, Dr Pepper Edition
Level 23 = Porsche GT3, AutoBild Edtion
Level 24 = Alfa Romeo 8C Spider
Level 25 = Aston Martin DBS Volante
Level 26 = Audi R8 Spyder
Level 27 = Pagani Cinque Roadster
Level 28 = Pagani Cinque Roadster, Hot Pursuit Edition
Level 29 = Lamborghini Reventon, Hot Pursuit Cop Edition
Level 30 = Koenigsegg Agera
- increase prize money earned in quick races from $200 to $20,000
- enable prize money and XP for solo quick race
- increase caster range from 0-7.3 to 0-10 degrees
- Increase garage spaces to 800
- fixed sound for Nissan 2000GTR and Nissan 240ZG engine swap
- fixed Mazda RX8 and porsche 914 engine descriptions
- fixed bug in Bugatti Veyron rear-left SlowBumpRange

- removed the "unlock hidden cars and events" component in v1.03 and v1.04 because it was causing some problems with save games/new careers/menu selection for some people, sorry!
- fixed typos in three files that were included with the original game (two menu files and one damage file).
- enabled ability to skip career movies.
- corrected power of Mazda RX7 FC rotary (stock and turbo upgrades).
- corrected install location of some of the track.lod files
- adjusted max caster from 70 to 73 (to match range of default game = 72.5)

- attempted to fix problem with unlocking hidden cars which caused an issue with main menu and prevented starting a new career (however this was still bugged, removed in v1.05).
- added some missing chassis updates that were supposed to be in v1.03.

- removed intro movies for a faster game startup.
- numerous changes within each vehicles chassis file:
--> fixed reversed toe values bug (flip positive and negative values to match tuning menu).
--> created standard adjustment units for the following tuning options (set all base values to 0 while keeping original preset values, this way you know what you're actually setting for these items).
--------> tyre pressure now displays the actual kPa value (previously we saw only a condensed kPa range, which varied between different cars, making tuning confusing).
--------> steering lock now displays your actual steering lock (allowing easier comparison between cars).
--------> differential Power/Coast/Preload
--> caster ranges now range from 0 to 70, corresponding to 0 to 7 degrees.
--> established a common base camber tuning range (-5 to +5 degrees) and adjustment value (0.1).
--> unlocked more default tuning options for lower tier cars.
--> fixed uneven ReboundTravel on many cars.
--> fixed diffuser base value typos on various cars.
--> fixed uneven left/right tuning on various cars.
--> fixed front & rear wing range for Audi R8 LMS.
--> fixed camber values on various cars.
--> Corrected fuel tank locations (some were up to 2m behind car).
--> fixed missing DiffPumpSetting values (from "DiffPumpSetting= " to "DiffPumpSetting=0" which was found to produce more consistent AI behaviour in Overhaul mod for Shift 1)
- fixed a bug that prevented proper upgrade of Mercedes 190e Evo2
- unlocked hidden cars and events (turns out this was bugged, sorry! Removed in v1.05).
- disabled reverse driving penalty to double available tracks in hot lap mode.
- reduced the magnetized effect of collisions with walls/rails and other vehicles.
- fixed reversed mirrors in several cars.
- fixed syntax errors in tracks.lod files

See readme included in zip for installation instructions.

Messages: 1273
Inscription Forum: 10 Jan 2010 22:19
Localisation: Nurburgring ;)
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