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Denon AVC-A1SR or Rotel RMB-1095 + RSP-1066

Message » 28 Oct 2003 21:08

I am thinking about changing my Sony TA and NA 9000ES

I am for the moment not decided between the Denon or the Rotel

As the Rotel is only a 5 channel power ampli, should I just buy the pre ampli (RSP 1066) and keep mypower ampli NA 9000ES

Or just buy the Denon - is it as good as my Sony, better, worse ????

Need some help here so any ideas would be great

Desolé pour le texte en anglais mais beaucoup plus simple pour moi

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Message » 28 Oct 2003 21:16

You will be able to find the comparative between the RSP-1066 and Denon 1SR on this thread : ... ht=rsp1066

That will give you a good idea of the sonority of the 1066 and its capacities.


EDIT : I forgot the very good FAQ written by ajds on this thread : ... ht=rsp1066
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Message » 28 Oct 2003 21:22

if you are in paris, you could visit one of the retailers present on the forum. name of the store is KLS Audiovisuel and u can ask for Ronan ou Alain, and they have the Rotel Combo and the Denon integrated amplifier (maybe a SE and not SR though ...).

they r close to the gare de lyon (in paris) ... if u want to go there to test both systems !

enjoy ! ;)

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Message » 29 Oct 2003 8:38

DTSman a écrit:You will be able to find the comparative between the RSP-1066 and Denon 1SR on this thread : ... ht=rsp1066


It’s a comparative test between RSP-1066 and AVC-A11SR preamp part (not AVC-A1SR). The test was performed by guys who want to listen / buy a RSP-1066 (because it was just released and because the had waited it for months). In my opinion, you'll understand what I mean very quickly :lol:

Now, you can read the topic... :D

Laurent Image
Laurent B.
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 9:49

Also, if I remember well, the conclusion of Ajds was not so catastrophic concerning the 11SR.

And what think of all the people who have listened to the 1SR and the RSP-1066 at Elecson. Their conclusion was always in favour of Rotel.

But, now, it is a natural reflex to defend its own material, isn't it, Laurent? ;)
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 10:57

I own Rotel 1066 + 1095

1) GENERAL OPINION / Integrated versus specialized parts

My opinion is that it is always more interersting to have dedicated processor and amplifier.

An amplifier is a long term buy.

Not a processor due to fast changing tech :
numeric flows for sound & Video
new Microsoft WM format
increased processing power allowing Digital Room equalization

2) about denon Integrated amplifier and 1095

Generaly speaking, integrated amplifier fall short of their own specification. Mesured output powered is short of expected ( published) one. BY FAR. It is not the case with Harman, Rotel and Nad.

1095 offers TRUE WATTS and CURENT. 330 W / 4 Ohm. More than than on transitive demand. This is due to an impressive 2400 VA alimentaion.

Another point is that due to thermic consideration class AB Integrated amplifiers works without commutation, in class A, on a restricted range of power. Not the case with 1095. It works in class A mod on a large range of power.
Sounds good... even with demanding Speakers ( Nautilus)

3) About 1066
It's a previous generation processor ( n-1 processor, DAC, ADC)
Restricted I/O (No advanced Digital input ( IEEE, HDMI etc...) / no symetric output)
Restricted bass management
No digital room EQ.
...but it sounds good


I do not like integ HC amp
1095 is a strong buy recom.
1066 is no longer a killer product at this price point.
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Inscription Forum: 06 Juin 2003 15:16
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 11:04

Thanks for a good argument

I think the same

But if you think that the 1066 is not a killer machine then what whould you replace it with

The 1098 is far to expensive

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Inscription Forum: 11 Sep 2003 10:02
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 12:07

Laurent B. a écrit:
It’s a comparative test between RSP-1066 and AVC-A11SR preamp part (not AVC-A1SR). The test was performed by guys who want to listen / buy a RSP-1066 (because it was just released and because the had waited it for months). In my opinion, you'll understand what I mean very quickly :lol:

Now, you can read the topic... :D

Shazbot, LaurentL.B is our official die-hard Denon fan. He wakes up, breathes and eat Denon. What comes out of the speaker is a secondary concern as long as there is a Denon receiver in the link.

I've had the opportunity to compare an AVC1SR and a 1066/1075 combo. I'v found the Rotel combo more refined, airy and with deeper and neater bass.
But you mileage may vary. A good advice has been given to you, go to Elecson to check for yourself, it's always the best solution.

AFAIK, there's no alternative preamp at this price point.
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 12:14

I think the 1066 is still a good product at its price ... like u said, the 1098 uses newest technology, but is twice the price ...

1066 is still a "killer pre-amp" in its price range ...

Danam (1066 powaaaaaaaaaa)

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Message » 29 Oct 2003 15:44

I ve have not a lot of idee to swap 1066.
Perhaps a used 1066 ! as Users switch to 1098 ! ( helped by sellers : Oh yes ! 1098 is a better product! by far ! Not the same sound ! blablabla...
help me to pay my BMW X5 ! How could you ear 1066 any longer ? You can continue your live without DTS 24/96? ...COULD YOU BE SERIOUS BIG MAC !!! Do not forget that Dolby Digital and DTS are very old compression processes, not computer intensive... very difficult to increase the quality... as DSP &DAC exceed the DD & DTS requirements..). A CS dedicated processor is sold 20 USD and a high grade DAC 5USD...
1066 is a good HC product, a bit overpriced now.

Low cost high grade products : Look at Parasound, outlaw or B&K products. Do not know where you live...
It could be interesting to look at used high end equipment with pass through input.
Messages: 4022
Inscription Forum: 06 Juin 2003 15:16
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 15:55

DTSman a écrit:Also, if I remember well, the conclusion of Ajds was not so catastrophic concerning the 11SR.

Yes, but don't forget it was only the preamp section of the 11SR. If you put the power amplifier section in the loop, there's no comparaison, the separates wins hands down.

There might be an integrated amplifier close to separates or even better soon, that's the newest Sony TA-DA9000ES. Very promising from a technology point of view, but it remains to be heard as of now ;)
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 16:03

Okay it's seems that what the last two posts agree with what I think

Thanks to all

Now do I keep the Sony NA 9000ES or change it for a RMB 1095 or the smaller 1075 (which is probably very simaler to the Sony)

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Inscription Forum: 11 Sep 2003 10:02
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Message » 29 Oct 2003 16:07

ajds a écrit:
Yes, but don't forget it was only the preamp section of the 11SR. If you put the power amplifier section in the loop, there's no comparaison, the separates wins hands down.

I know ajds, but i have tried to find something to keep cool laurent ;)
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A like

Message » 29 Oct 2003 17:08

Shazbot a écrit:Okay it's seems that what the last two posts agree with what I think

Thanks to all

Now do I keep the Sony NA 9000ES or change it for a RMB 1095 or the smaller 1075 (which is probably very simaler to the Sony)


I have no opinion talking about Sony's
I could share my point of view about 1095
1095 is a high quiescent current amplifier. that means low efficiency ( PC = 400W without modulation ) That means Class A up to 15 watt ( I ve not the current's figures , so it's expectation based on power consumption). Class A means no commutation and 'clean' sound. from 15 to 200/300W you have a 12db headroom for transcient events.
1095 also support high output current thanks to 2400 VA, large cap, and transistor stage. It could drive difficult speakers.
I'm not a 1066 Fan, i LOVE 1095

Messages: 4022
Inscription Forum: 06 Juin 2003 15:16
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Message » 30 Oct 2003 7:17

Laurent B. a écrit:Shazbot, LaurentL.B is our official die-hard Denon fan. He wakes up, breathes and eat Denon. What comes out of the speaker is a secondary concern as long as there is a Denon receiver in the link.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

By the way, there are die-hard Denon fan here too ;) ;) ;)

Laurent Image, membre du club des Image

PS: Pour le topic en Anglais, ça va, mais si quelqu’un nous fait la même chose en Allemand, Russe ou Japonais, on va avoir plus de mal (surtout moi) :lol:
Laurent B.
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