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Nouveaux ampli Pioneer???

Message » 23 Fév 2009 15:26


je voulais savoir si qq'un avait des infos sur les nouveau ampli pio parce que j'ai trouvé ca: ... -819H.html ... -519V.html

et les prix qu ils annoncent sont bien inferieur a la gamme en vente actuellement....

alors je me demandais si c'etait bien la generation remplacente des models actuels.

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Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2004 16:20
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Message » 02 Mar 2009 9:55

Déplacé dans la section ampli :wink:

La configuration dans mon profil

On ne devient pas vieux pour avoir vécu un certain nombre d'années, on devient vieux parce qu'on a déserté son idéal. Les années rident la peau renoncer à son idéal ride l'âme.
Douglas MacArthur.
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Message » 19 Mar 2009 15:35

personne n a de nouvelles info sur ces produits?

dates de sorties
comparatif avec les models existants...
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Message » 20 Mar 2009 3:20

Et les LX 71 et 81 seront remplacés aussi ?

J'ai pas trouvé d'infos la dessus...
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Message » 21 Mar 2009 10:44

robced a écrit:personne n a de nouvelles info sur ces produits?

dates de sorties
comparatif avec les models existants...

J'attends aussi avec impatience car en plus du 519, du 819 et du 919, il y a aussi le 1019 et c'est celui-là que j'attends afin de pouvoir mettre un terme à mon choix.

J'ai lu quelque part sur le net que la sortie serait pour mai.... mais sans plus :cry:

AMHA, le HDG restera jusqu'à l'automne prochain, date à laquelle Pio change en général l'entièreté de son catalogue.
Messages: 688
Inscription Forum: 03 Jan 2009 19:12
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Message » 21 Mar 2009 11:06

Après quelques recherches sur le net, voici ce que j'ai touvé:

Sortie USA:
VSX519V 200$ avril 2009
VSX819V 300$ avril 2009
VSX919AH 400$ avril 2009
VSX1019AH 500$ avril 2009

Evidemment ces prix seront plus haut chez nous !!! :-?


The Pioneer VSX-519V is a entry-level receiver in Pioneer's 2009 A/V receiver lineup. The VSX-519V is the successor to the Pioneer VSX-518-K released in June 2008. Pioneer announced their most recent A/V receiver line (VSX-1019AH, VSX-919AH, VSX-819H, VSX-519V) at the 2009 CES event in Las Vegas. The Pioneer VSX-519V is set for an April, 2009 release date with an estimated MSRP of $200. Pioneer's new line of A/V receivers is specifically designed to read the content directly off the iPod units and decode the audio using integrated digital-to-analog converters; meaning no more grainy analog sound like most music listeners are so used to. The VSX-519V will also include additional features such as 3 HDMI ports (2 in/ 1 out), 3 Digital Inputs (1 coax/ 2 optical), full color jacket graphics output support for the iPod media content, a glowing remote control, and 5.1 channel analog audio. When compared to the other models in the lineup, the VSX-519V notably does not include high definition audio decoding support, video transcoding or upconversion, or enhanced the iPod OSD found in the other models.


The Pioneer VSX-819H is a high-end A/V receiver that is one step up from the bottom model in Pioneer's newly announced A/V receiver line. The VSX-819H is the successor to the popular Pioneer VSX-818V-K released in June 2008, and will likely feature similar features and specifications including upconversion of analog video to 1080p and decoding of Dolby TrueHD and dts HD MA. Pioneer announced their most recent A/V receiver line (VSX-1019AH, VSX-919AH, VSX-819H, VSX-519V) at the 2009 CES event in Las Vegas. The VSX 819H's biggest new feature will include an iPod digital USB connection that will play the audio devices media files digitally (including DRM protected content) which has not been seen in any A/V unit released before. The Pioneer VSX-819H is set for an April, 2009 release date with an estimated MSRP of $300.


The Pioneer VSX-919AH is a 7.1 channel A/V receiver that is one step below the top-of-the-line VSX-1019AH model in Pioneer's newly announced A/V receiver line. The VSX-919AH is the successor to the popular Pioneer VSX-918V-K released in April 2008, and will likely feature similar features and specifications including video upscaling and high definition audio decoding. Pioneer announced their most recent A/V receiver line (VSX-1019AH, VSX-919AH, VSX-819H, VSX-519V) at the 2009 CES event in Las Vegas. The VSX-919AH's biggest new feature will include an iPod digital USB connection that will play the audio devices media files digitally (including DRM protected content) which has not been seen in any A/V unit released before. The Pioneer VSX-919AH is set for an April, 2009 release date with an estimated MSRP of $400.


The Pioneer VSX-1019AH is a high-end A/V receiver that is also the top-of-the-line model in Pioneer's newly announced A/V receiver line. The VSX-1019AH is the successor to the popular Pioneer VSX-1018AH released in June 2008, and will likely feature similar features and specifications including upconversion of analog video to 1080p and decoding of Dolby TrueHD and dts HD MA. Pioneer announced their most recent A/V receiver line (VSX-1019AH, VSX-919AH, VSX-819H, VSX-519V) at the 2009 CES event in Las Vegas. The VSX-1019AH's biggest new feature will include an iPod digital USB connection that will play the audio devices media files digitally (including DRM protected content) which has not been seen in any A/V unit released before. The Pioneer VSX-1019AH is set for an April, 2009 release date with an estimated MSRP of $500.
Messages: 688
Inscription Forum: 03 Jan 2009 19:12
Localisation: Belgique
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Message » 22 Mar 2009 5:40

DanielR a écrit:Et les LX 71 et 81 seront remplacés aussi ?

J'ai pas trouvé d'infos la dessus...

Ca m'intéresse aussi. 8)
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Message » 24 Mar 2009 14:38

dvd1976 a écrit:Après quelques recherches sur le net, voici ce que j'ai touvé:

Sortie USA:
VSX519V 200$ avril 2009
VSX819V 300$ avril 2009
VSX919AH 400$ avril 2009
VSX1019AH 500$ avril 2009

Evidemment ces prix seront plus haut chez nous !!! :-?

Mais si je comprend bien par exemple le vsx1019AH sera le remplacent de l actuel vsx lx81 non? et le prix actuelle du lx81 est de 2500€.....
Tu dis que les prix seront plus haut chez nous mais tu crois qu ils vont passer pour ce model de 500$ (qui le dollard est rappelons le moins haut que l'euro) à 2500€?

c est du vol quel probleme pourrait on rencontrer d acheter un model vendu aux US?
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Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2004 16:20
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Message » 24 Mar 2009 15:10

Premier problème : le passage de 110V 60 Hz à 220V 50Hz.
Souvent quand une marque veux segmenter un produit aux USA et pas à l'Europe, mettre des transfo qui ne gèrent pas le 220 est une solution (comme ma Xbox que j'ai ramené de mon déménagement du Canada...).
Deuxième problème 20% de taxes. Malgré tout, entre (500$ + 20%) et 2500€.. Il y a une belle marge de manœuvre, pour demander à un électricien de faire un transformateur adapté...
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Message » 24 Mar 2009 15:21

robced a écrit:
dvd1976 a écrit:Après quelques recherches sur le net, voici ce que j'ai touvé:

Sortie USA:
VSX519V 200$ avril 2009
VSX819V 300$ avril 2009
VSX919AH 400$ avril 2009
VSX1019AH 500$ avril 2009

Evidemment ces prix seront plus haut chez nous !!! :-?

Mais si je comprend bien par exemple le vsx1019AH sera le remplacent de l actuel vsx lx81 non? et le prix actuelle du lx81 est de 2500€.....
Tu dis que les prix seront plus haut chez nous mais tu crois qu ils vont passer pour ce model de 500$ (qui le dollard est rappelons le moins haut que l'euro) à 2500€?

c est du vol quel probleme pourrait on rencontrer d acheter un model vendu aux US?

Non, le VSX-1019 est le remplaçant du VSX-1018 qui est chez nous à 799€ et ainsi de suite pour les autres référence : VSX-919 remplace VSX-918, VSX-819 remplace VSX-818.......
Messages: 688
Inscription Forum: 03 Jan 2009 19:12
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Message » 24 Mar 2009 15:37

dvd1976 a écrit:
Non, le VSX-1019 est le remplaçant du VSX-1018 qui est chez nous à 799€ et ainsi de suite pour les autres référence : VSX-919 remplace VSX-918, VSX-819 remplace VSX-818.......

Ah ok je comprend mieux est quelle est la difference entre les gamme sc lxXX et la gamme VSX ?

donc pas de model remplacent pour les gammes SC lx?
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Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2004 16:20
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Message » 24 Mar 2009 16:23

A priori, les annonces sur les modèles haut de gamme (Elite) n'arrivent qu'en juin.
C'est pareil chez Yam, ils renouvellent là leur entrée et milieu de gamme, et le haut de gamme est annoncé en été.

Mais si quelqu'un a déjà des infos, je prend. :idee:
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Inscription Forum: 13 Jan 2003 19:37
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Message » 25 Mar 2009 18:59

Perso, j'ai un 918 et j'en suis super satisfait... Il sonne super bien tant que l'on monte pas le volume trop fort, ne chauffe pas. Fait le switch audio sur HDMI.

Si le 919 apporte le son HD , cela devient une bonne affaire
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Inscription Forum: 01 Déc 2003 18:37
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Message » 26 Mar 2009 19:19

Pierock a écrit:Perso, j'ai un 918 et j'en suis super satisfait... Il sonne super bien tant que l'on monte pas le volume trop fort, ne chauffe pas. Fait le switch audio sur HDMI.

Si le 919 apporte le son HD , cela devient une bonne affaire

que st ce que tu veux dire par il sonne bien tant qu on ne monte pas trop le volume?

si tu met trop fort le rendu n est pas bon?
Messages: 112
Inscription Forum: 27 Déc 2004 16:20
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Message » 15 Avr 2009 10:34

et des nouvelles des nouveaux Pioneer, en anglais, desole... ... 43875.html

Pioneer VSX-519V, VSX-819H, VSX-919AH and VSX-1019AH AV Receivers
Posted by Admin on Thursday, January 15, 2009 - 06:21 am: ShareThis | Create New | Reply | Edit
Pioneer A/V Receivers Deliver Cutting Edge Digital Entertainment to the Living Room
Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. unveiled a new line of stellar A/V receivers that are the first to provide a complete digital entertainment solution for the home theater. The Pioneer VSX-519V, VSX-819H, VSX-919AH and VSX-1019AH are some of the industry's first to feature iPhone and iPod® certification for enhanced compatibility to the millions of Apple® mobile digital devices already sold. In addition to simple 'plug and play' connectivity, Pioneer enhances the overall user experience with full color graphic user interfaces including album jacket art as well as multi-zone enjoyment of personal content from any iPod and iPhone when using select receiver models. Pioneer's new line of A/V receivers elevate the listening experience of compressed audio and lower-quality music files with proprietary sound quality enhancements designed to ensure a dynamic surround listening experience.


High definition fans will appreciate dynamic picture and sound reproduction capabilities that are a result of multiple engineering features in the new line, including HDMI™ repeaters that provide full video format capabilities such as Deep Color, x.v Color that deliver a wider gamut of hues and shades as well as Lip Sync function for synchronized audio and video playback.

"The prevalence of digital devices as primary entertainment sources for consumers is undeniable, but what has been missing is the capability of a high end home theater product that can drastically improve the quality of downloaded content directly from one's cellular or other portable digital device," said David Bales, marketing manager of audio products for the home entertainment division of Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. "With our four new Pioneer models, consumers have a comprehensive entertainment control center that brings their existing digital entertainment into the living room, and they can be confident it will continue to meet their emerging high resolution demands well into the future."

Premium Home Theater Digital Entertainment Connectivity
As the central hub for all home entertainment components, Pioneer's top three new models are designed as the most dynamic solution to connect and improve playback performance for the 174 million iPod and 13 million iPhone devices purchased to date.* With a multi-format front panel USB port that can handle an array of MP3 music files, consumers can seamlessly navigate and choose personalized playlists using just the receiver's remote control and a dedicated OSD.

The VSX-919 and VSX-1019AH transcend music selection capabilities and add a touch of style to the traditional mobile device experience with full-color artwork from a selected song or album that can be displayed on a connected HDTV.

Compressed Audio Restored for Surround Sound Performance
Pioneer continues to integrate its industry-leading Advanced Sound Retriever (ASR) and Auto Level Control (ALC) audio improvement technologies across all four new models to elevate the sound quality experience of compressed media beyond one's earphones. In the VSX-919AH and VSX-1019AH models, engineers utilize updated versions of these features to deliver fuller, more natural surround sound across various content.

Pioneer's ASR -- Greatly enhances sound reproduction of iPhone, iPod and other portable media players as well as satellite radio devices by restoring the critical audio data that is often removed from a compressed audio file. When played back on a home theater system, audiences gain robust music that is near CD quality. The VSX-919AH and VSx-1019AH also feature ASR-multi, which restores compressed multi-channel legacy audio formats including Dolby® Digital and DTS® 5.1, often found on DVD movies and satellite or cable television programming.
Pioneer's ALC -- Recognizing that volume levels can fluctuate across digital audio tracks (i.e. MP3 and iPod), input sources and even television channels and commercials to cause disruptive entertainment, ALC is utilized to equalize these inconsistent volume levels. By restoring the gap in recorded and playback volume without diminishing audio quality, ALC ensures consistent listening from all entertainment. The VSX-919AH and VSx-1019AH also feature ALC3e-multi, which delivers multi-channel digital audio quality even in low volume listening.
Outfitted for the High Resolution Entertainment System

To fulfill the high resolution demands of audiophiles, Pioneer's top three models support Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD high resolution audio formats from Blu-ray Disc® feature films. The VSX-919AH and VSX-1019AH models also incorporate proprietary Hybrid Amplifier Technology II (P.H.A.T.) to ensure powerful, high quality, multi-channel sound performance at greater efficiency levels.

Audio Integration for Entire Home
Dedicated to providing a premium, customized audio entertainment experience throughout the home, Pioneer's new A/V receivers offers home integration features including:

* Multi-Zone Audio -- Pioneer's new models serve as the entertainment showpiece of up to two audio zone in the house. Users can even enjoy 2nd zone full-color OSD for Sirius as well as iPod album artwork (VSX-1019AH).
* Precision Quartz Lock System (PQLS) - Pioneer's engineers developed unique settings in its A/V receivers to harmonize audio performance with jitter-free playback and dynamic sound quality for music CDs. When connected to a new Blu-ray Disc player via HDMI, the VSX-919AH and VSX-1019AH utilize a proprietary PQLS technology that synchronizes data between the player and receiver.
* Multi-Channel Acoustic Calibration (MCACC) - Pioneer's exclusive high resolution sound tuning feature MCACC gives users finely tuned sound performance for their movies and music. MCACC room calibration takes inventory of a room's speakers then digitally optimizes each one to balance out any room-induced acoustic inaccuracies. With the top three models listeners gain extremely accurate, robust sound that reaches the ear at precisely the right time, sound level and equalization. The VSX-919AH and VSX-1019AH receivers allow users to make additional subtle adjustments as well as save room tuning settings.

Pioneer's Home Entertainment and Business Solutions Group develops high definition home theater equipment for discerning entertainment junkies. Its flat panel televisions, Blu-ray Disc players, A/V receivers and speakers bring a new level of emotion to the HD experience. The company brands include Pioneer and Elite®. When purchased from an authorized retailer, consumers receive a limited warranty for one year with Pioneer products and two years with Pioneer Elite products.
Messages: 1189
Inscription Forum: 18 Mar 2009 0:48
Localisation: Val d'Oise
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