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Les amplificateurs intégrés ( pré-ampli + ampli de puissance dans 1 seul appareil )

Chord / Luxman

Message » 29 Oct 2009 11:52


I have a dilema.
I used an Atoll IN200+CD200+Triangle Genese Trio.

Sound is good but I want try to improove this sound. For this, I have 2 possibilityes.
1. Chord CPA 2200 or
2.Luxman C-03

The ultimate possibilityes is for Luxman C-03+M-03.

i will appreciate an pertinent advice from you.

Thank you in advence.
dan dumitrescu
Messages: 16
Inscription Forum: 20 Oct 2009 16:55
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 15:44


je ne connais pas chord, mais luxman M03 et C03 étaient dans le haut de gamme luxman dans les années 90
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 15:52

He does not know about "chord", but he says a luxman M03 and C03 was high end for luxman in the 90's.

(I know you understand french because you arrived here, but I needed to feel usefull to someone today)

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Message » 29 Oct 2009 17:50

Hello Wembley.......don't be so nusty..:))))

Je compris francaise mais pour cherche les moits...est un eforte pour moi :) acoute atoll sisteme, mais je trouve le creek destiny sound plus bonne.
Que fais en cette ipostaze.......trouve un truc / magique :)
J e crois que n'est pas possible et je imagine un autre point........change le sistme (beaucoup d'argent-je fais une investition an atoll) ou prendre un preamplificateur puor avais un sound plus qualite.

En cette idee je veut trouve un preamplif qui fait un sound plus bien avec atoll in 200.

Vous avais compri ma question ?

dan dumitrescu
Messages: 16
Inscription Forum: 20 Oct 2009 16:55
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 18:00

dan dumitrescu a écrit:Hello,

I have a dilema.
I used an Atoll IN200+CD200+Triangle Genese Trio.

Sound is good but I want try to improove this sound. For this, I have 2 possibilityes.
1. Chord CPA 2200 or
2.Luxman C-03

The ultimate possibilityes is for Luxman C-03+M-03.

i will appreciate an pertinent advice from you.

Thank you in advence.


What's your budget and what kind of sound you are looking for ?

The Chord 2200 is just a preamplifier you need a power amp with it. The 2200 sound a little dry and clinical to me.
Dernière édition par Sonlam le 29 Oct 2009 18:17, édité 1 fois.
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 18:04

yes the question is understood, you are looking for a preamp if you keep the IN200 or a pream + a power amp .
I do not have sufficient knownledge to say anything !
good luck !
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sound system

Message » 29 Oct 2009 22:41

I came back with a clear ideea....

System Atoll proove a good sound but I heared Creek Destiny integrated amplifier.
I like more Creek sound.
For imcrease sound quality I thinking some variant.
First to sale all Atoll......and buy another .
Second to try to change some.......let introduce a preamplifier into Atoll system / this was the ideea.
If I will put a good preamplifier avance Atoll is possible to obtined a 'Creek sound ' ?

In my opinia Creek sound is near vintage sound / Atoll, Chord, Lavardin is precise but cold.
Creek is precise, detailled and warm.

Best regards.
dan dumitrescu
Messages: 16
Inscription Forum: 20 Oct 2009 16:55
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 23:32

Ia Luxman este de aproximativ ...
Dar, amplificatoare Vincent este, de asemenea, bun :mdr:
dinosaure 77
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 23:37

dinosaure 77 a écrit:Ia Luxman este de aproximativ ...
Dar, amplificatoare Vincent este, de asemenea, bun :mdr:

Mersi, insa intre Luxman Japonia si Vincent China,prefer Japonia..:)
dan dumitrescu
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Inscription Forum: 20 Oct 2009 16:55
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 23:48

Ceea ce nu este făcută în China, în aceste zile?
Cred sincer că Vincent poate fi un raspuns bun la solicitarea dvs. cu precizie şi sunet cald. :wink:
dinosaure 77
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Message » 29 Oct 2009 23:57

Stimate domn,

Inca se mai gasesc pe la noi, Luxman fabricatie Japonia.
Asistam la un intreg carambol al producatorilor de scule hi-end.
Am prieteni audiofili cunoascatori, chiar foarte cunoascatori.
In aceasta seara, am dat anunt vanzare sistem atoll / daca se va vinde, voi reconfigura un alt sistem...probabil Accuphase.
Daca as avea acum un preamplif Luxmann sau Vincent, ar fi usor sa imi dau seama daca pot sa modific sunetul Atoll.
Pana gasesc solutia, va multumesc pentru amabilitate.

dan dumitrescu
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Inscription Forum: 20 Oct 2009 16:55
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Message » 30 Oct 2009 0:04

Asociind un brand cu o preamplificator la un amplificator de un alt brand nu este atât de uşor.
Pot alege mai degrabă apoi un amplificator integrat ... Atoll CD-200 va oferi precizie si viteza.
dinosaure 77
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Message » 30 Oct 2009 0:12

dinosaure 77 a écrit:Asociind un brand cu o preamplificator la un amplificator de un alt brand nu este atât de uşor.
Pot alege mai degrabă apoi un amplificator integrat ... Atoll CD-200 va oferi precizie si viteza.

Bineinteles. De aceea am renuntat la preamplif Chord cpa 2200 / am gasit la un pret foarte bun. Insa trebuie si power Chord, ceea ce ridica bugetul mai sus decat am programat.

Mi-a placut foarte mult sunet Creek Destiny .
Cred ca ar trebui sa ma concentrez sa gasesc Creek.
dan dumitrescu
Messages: 16
Inscription Forum: 20 Oct 2009 16:55
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Message » 30 Oct 2009 0:43

dan dumitrescu a écrit:
Bineinteles. De aceea am renuntat la preamplif Chord cpa 2200 / am gasit la un pret foarte bun. Insa trebuie si power Chord, ceea ce ridica bugetul mai sus decat am programat.

Mi-a placut foarte mult sunet Creek Destiny .
Cred ca ar trebui sa ma concentrez sa gasesc Creek.

Creek Destiny could be definitely a fair choice. Keep an eye on :wink:
dinosaure 77
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Inscription Forum: 23 Fév 2007 12:38
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