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SAGEM Axium HTD-501 system failure / RSDiag Software

Message » 24 Juil 2010 8:25

Mon Axium montre l'image / audio seulement pour quelques secondes, puis:

-Image disparaît (et le son aussi)
-Power clignote (orange)
-Lampe LED rouge solide
-Après environ 1 minute, le système va de suspendre le mode.

Au cours de la brève période de travail à la télévision, tout est OK (menu, le son, la qualité d'image, etc)
J'ai vérifié le ventilateur, lampe et réinitialiser le compteur de lampe, sans résultat. Toute suggestion?

Où puis-je trouver RSDiag pour Sagem (diagniostic software)?

Merci pour votre aide!


--------------- Original English Version -------------------

My Axium shows image/audio just for few second, then:

-Image disappears (and sound too)
-Power light flashes (orange)
-Lamp led solid red
-After about 1 minute, system goes to suspend mode.

During the brief time the television working, it's all OK (menu, sound , image quality, etc.)
I checked fan, lamp and reset the lamp counter, without result. Any suggestion?

Where can I find RSDiag for Sagem (diagniostic software)?

Thank you for your help!

Messages: 2
Inscription Forum: 24 Juil 2010 8:17
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Message » 25 Juil 2010 12:31

Some news by my Sagem HTD 501.

After building serial cable, I was able to examine my TV boot by HyperTerminal.
At first, if I plug the cable and switch on my HTD 501, I have this message:

flag '__X3__' actif : RD50BS version 2
logiciel en FLASH
flag '__FLASH_CMD__' actif : commandes FLASH disponibles
flag '__ERROR_TRACE__' actif : affichage des erreurs
flag '__AUTOBOOT__' actif : auto-boot active
Entree dans l'init

version du logiciel courant : 0063
version logiciel zone Appli/TT : 0063
version logiciel zone OSD : 0063
version logiciel zone boot : 0063

| Rear Display 50-inch By Sagem |
| Interpreteur de commande OK |
RD >

The Power led blinks orange for all the time and nothing seems happen.
I'm no able to type anything at prompt .
So I start my TV and plug in the cable after power led becomes solid green (and everything seems OK, and DVD is playing) .
I have this message:

Soft du Front panel:Sagem
Cause réveil IR

Width: 294, Height: 15e, Total: 38658
--> MK3_MET tuner selected

| Rear Display 50-inch By Sagem |
| Application en FLASH |
| Interpreteur de commande OK |
RD > Version logicielle FPMC: 23
MSR > set std: 720x576Px50

Initialisation des parametres par le Myson OK
MSR > set std: 720x576Px50
blank ddp rate 50

Probleme : lamp on-off

and the lamp switch off (and audio too).
Power Led blinks orange and Lamp led is solid red.
After a minute, system goes stand-by.
What kind of problem can be? How can I examine lamp lifetime (to verify it is correctly reset)?

Messages: 2
Inscription Forum: 24 Juil 2010 8:17
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HTD 501 doesn't start

Message » 05 Aoû 2010 22:04

Hello ,
I think that I have the same problem. When I power on the TV the red led blinks orange and I hear the fan(s) and a strange noise like a failing fan and the led comes again red .The only way to try to start the TV again is to switch off the TV and try the process again.
I succeded to power on the TV .I opened the front panel ,dismounted the lamp ( it seems good ) plugged it again and the TV became up . But after a power off and on the same behavior occured.
Sincerly I think that it's the first symptom before the lamp becomes totaly broken.

I have questions for you:
You are speaking about a serial connector .Could you tell me where is this connector ? For me a serial connector is with 9 pins.
Actually I'm looking to upgrade the DVI to the latest level.
Canal Plus has upgraded their décoder and now my TV doesn't work anymore in HD .
Confirmation from Canal Plus that they had upgraded their HDMI protocol and that the DVI has to be upgraded too .

May be do you speak french ,because I read your first message in french

Messages: 2
Inscription Forum: 05 Aoû 2010 21:29
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