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[BR] Rumor : James Cameron Working on Abyss Blu-ray

Message » 30 Sep 2010 14:56

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Dernière édition par Idematoa le 30 Sep 2010 16:03, édité 1 fois.
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Message » 30 Sep 2010 15:16

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Inscription Forum: 10 Déc 2006 13:59
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Message » 30 Sep 2010 15:38

Sur digital bits, la seule info concernant ABYSS date de décembre 2009...
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Inscription Forum: 14 Juin 2006 10:16
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Message » 30 Sep 2010 15:50

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Message » 30 Sep 2010 15:58

Ou bien c'est mon navigateur qui débloque, ou alors c'est moi ? En tout cas je ne vois aucune rumeur plus récente que celles du 23/9...
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Message » 30 Sep 2010 19:16

Bin si y'en a une au 29/09 :

Okay... the following should be considered VERY tentative. However, we've now heard it from multiple independent sources, including reliable industry insiders, so.... Sources are telling us that director James Cameron has been (or it about to begin) working on a new high-def transfer and master of The Abyss, presumably for eventual Blu-ray Disc release. As many of you know, The Abyss is a title that doesn't even have an anamorphic widescreen DVD release (neither does True Lies for that matter) so it's LONG overdue. We've been hearing this might soon happen from industry insiders for a couple of months now, but the most recent report on this comes from a longtime Bits reader (thank you, Jon H!) who actually had the chance to meet Cameron a few weeks ago. He asked specifically about the possibility of The Abyss coming to Blu-ray, and Cameron said that he was about to start work on a new transfer using the same process he did with the Aliens Blu-ray. Cameron then proceeded to say that he was really excited about how good Aliens looks on the format. So... fingers crossed... maybe we'll finally see those remaining Cameron titles on Blu-ray in the next 12 months or so...

As always, none of this should be considered official until the studios make their official yadda, yadda... You all know the drill by now. Stay tuned!
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Inscription Forum: 22 Avr 2009 18:30
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Message » 02 Fév 2011 16:24

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Message » 02 Fév 2011 18:09

J'espère qu'il y aura vraiment les deux versions de AByss parce que j'ai lu le truc suivant sur :

The studio would "love" to offer both the theatrical and the extended cut of The Abyss on Blu-ray. Marcais recalled that this movie never got an anamorphic widescreen DVD, and said: "I can guarantee that when it is released on Blu-ray it will be in the proper aspect ratio."

Est-ce que cela veut dire que ce n'est pas encore sûr ?
Parce pas de VL, pas de Blu Ray d'Abyss pour moi.
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Inscription Forum: 01 Juin 2010 12:21
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