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Loudspeaker Drivers Measurements database

Message » 02 Avr 2015 17:45

please, could you suggest links where download various drivers measurements to import in simulation software ?
i know that i must measure my own driver but my goal is to play with simulation
thank you

excuse me for write in english
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Inscription Forum: 20 Fév 2005 11:36
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Message » 02 Avr 2015 18:20

I don't know any database,
You can try to "catch" the measurement you're need with a specific tool.

just get the image (SPL/Z) from the manufacturer,or any other sources.(jpeg or other graphic file)
and download digitizer engauge.

unfortunately,you have to generate yourself the minimum phase .
nowadays,speakers design software provide a way to generate min.phase.

a graphic sample
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Inscription Forum: 18 Sep 2013 7:36
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Message » 03 Avr 2015 12:53

Hello all,

Just to say.. we are on a french forum...
:idee: => Merci d'écrire en FRANCAIS !

:siffle: :wink:

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