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Marantz AV8802 / 8802A processeur 13.2 XLR - HDMI 2.0 - Wifi

Message » 09 Fév 2016 21:09

Tout ce beau travail d'ingénieurs pour rien... :siffle:
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Message » 09 Fév 2016 23:55

minirama90 a écrit:
Samix50 a écrit:

Persone ? :wtf:


Pour ma part tout est à l'arrêt, EQ CINEMA retire du naturel à la voie centrale, GESTION INTENSITE modifie l'équilibre des canaux du mixage d'origine, et COMPRESSION DYN, compresse le signal et diminue la dynamique de la bande son.....
Maintenant ça reste ma constatation............

La configuration dans mon profil

Sony VPL790ES - Radiance pro - Daylight 1.5 en 3m / Samsung 55KS8000/ACURUS ACT4/LCR + SR sur ACURUS A2007/ ACURUS M8 sur Atmos/Paradigm signature S8 et C5 v3 - 4xDALI RUBICON LCR-4DALI PHANTOM E80/2 SVS PB13ULTRA /OPPO 203 tweak JCGBAuralex/PS5/Canal+ 5☆
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Message » 13 Fév 2016 13:23


Confirmation de la pleine capacité HDCP 2.2 du 8802A dans le nouveau contexte BRD UHD :

sur AVS, Mbradley a écrit:Good news for all of us AV8802A owners!

I hooked up the new Samsung K8500 UHD 4k Blu-ray player through my Marantz AV8802A and to then to my Sony VPL 350 Projector and ……..perfect picture with NO Handshake issues.

I watched Kingman and the picture was better than anything that I have streamed in 4k and I think this movie wasn’t even shot in 4k! Even though my projectors is not HDR compatible, the color was much richer and deeper than the up scaled 1080 Blu-ray.

Consider up fortunate as MANY with other equipment are having all kinds of issues.

Hugo S
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Message » 13 Fév 2016 17:55

re Bonjour,

Contexte BRD UHD et de l'utilité de câbles HDMI adéquats...

sur AVS, Ralph Potts a écrit:Greetings,

This is definitely a cable issue, at least in my case. Just swapped in two Monster UltraHD Black Platinum HDMI cables (one 5 footer between the player and my Marantz AV8802A and a 35 footer from the Marantz to the RS500) and Bingo. Not even a hiccup. For those having problems, take a look at your cabling. I was using a Luxe Active HDMI Cable from Monoprice along with a 3 fooot active 18gbps rated cable from them between the player and Marantz.

Ron's earlier post got me thinking about the possibility that the active cables in conjunction with the Samsung's output might be correlated. That coupled with the fact that I have been in touch with a member that has the EXACT same gear (mated with the Monster cabling) who has had no issues led me to give this a try. Monster Cabling isn't necessary I'm sure however if you can try other cabling it may solve the problem.

I will report back later or tomorrow after I have spent more time testing.


... des Monster Black Platinum à LEDs (actifs) dans notre cas (voir référence dans profil). :wink:

Hugo S
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Message » 14 Fév 2016 0:38

Effectivement, j'ai bien changé 4 ou 5 fois de câble pour trouver celui ne pose aucun souci, le monster cable black platinium 27gbps (sans leds).
Câble très raide, il faut le savoir. Testé avec du matériel pro comme étant 100% fiable (je crois qu'il y a une vidéo qui traîne sur youtube là-dessus).
A acheter chez darty ou autre mais pas sur la bay, trop de contrefaçons.
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Message » 16 Fév 2016 16:48


Par delà le DTS:X /Neural X le contenu complet de la màj du dernier FW (du 04 Février) du 8802(A) :

sur AVS, jdsmoothie a écrit:The following is a list of fixes/changes included in the most recent firmware update:

1) Ability to use "Rear Height" instead of "Surround Height" with Auro 3D (which then allows using FH+RH for all 3 formats: Atmos, DTS:X, Auro 3D using a single Audyssey calibration)
2) HDMI 2.0a(HDR)
3) Add the "DTS: X" and "DTS Neural:X" sound mode feature.
4) When the customer plays DD + stream that exceeds 504kbps at specific Media Player (Tmall Magic box TMB300A), the sound might not be output from the AV receiver. The symptom is a problem that the product has the failure in playing DD + stream that exceeds 504kbps. (Improvement request from Dolby Laboratories, Inc.)
5) Even if the customer sets "Tone Control" to "ON" with the WEB control setting screen of the AV receiver, and the numerical value of Bass or Treble is changed, the AV receiver doesn't reflect a set value. The symptom is a problem that the AV receiver cannot set Bass or Treble from the WEB control.
6) When the input source of AV receiver switches automatically from Blu-ray (function during SACD playback) to TV Audio, the sound of the broadcast via ARC from specific TV (Panasonic) might not be outputted. The symptom is a problem that the sound of the broadcast via ARC from specific TV (Panasonic) might not be outputted.
7) Even if the customer sets Level FR from the WEB control screen of the AV receiver, the customer cannot confirm a set value of Level FR because the display on the WEB control screen doesn't change. The display of Level FR on the WEB control screen doesn't change but Level FR on the AV receiver side is changed. The symptom is a problem that the customer cannot confirm a set value of Level FR because the display on the WEB control screen doesn't change.
8) When the customer connects MAC Book to the AV receiver and then the specific MP3 file (Album art size is bigger than 1000x1000 pixels) is played from iTunes via the AirPlay, the AV receiver reboots before starting the playback of the MP3 file. The symptom is a problem that the AV receiver reboots before starting the playback of the MP3 file. (# 2-30-20150721-1 by EU region)
9) If the customer inserted the iPod classic to USB-A terminal on AV Receiver with standby mode (over 8 hours or more), when the customer turns on the power of AV receiver, the AV receiver cannot connect to the iPod again. The symptom is a problem that the AV receiver cannot connect to the iPod when the customer turns on the power of AV receiver. (#2-53-20150427-2 by EU region)
10) When the customer connects the AV receiver to HDMI output of specific Streaming Media Player (Roku 4) that the output setting of the resolution is set to 4K, the AV receiver doesn't output the video or the AV receiver has a latency until the output video. The symptom is a problem that the AV receiver doesn't output the video or the AV receiver has a latency until the output video.
11) Custom 2CH playback settings added

Hugo S
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Message » 16 Fév 2016 21:12

Avec des réglage optimiser le DTS neural X parvient à égalisé le DSU ou le résultat est toujours "bizarre" ?
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Message » 18 Fév 2016 11:01


sur AVS, Hugo S a écrit:Hi,

Originally Posted by aaranddeeman a écrit:

Quote : So nobody on this thread has contacted Denon about the problems we are talking about here?

@FilmMixer has contacts above all of us. So we are waiting patiently.

Also what I think, understand and do. ;)

As in this thread and elsewhere also, there has been more than enough food for thought for D&M as to become conscient that quite some things haven't been tested enough before the release of DTS:X on Denon 7200W(A) and Marantz 8802(A) products... and then to understand that a totally functional new DTS:X FW update is so necessary.

Will this happen before the beginning of March and the release of DTS:X updates on other D&M concerned products? Or will the initially planned releases be delayed?

At this moment, there's not a real answer to these questions... but in my opinion, how D&M will deal with these matters, will clearly be the indication as how D&M understands the interest of all its (at least concerned) clients.


Hugo S
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Message » 18 Fév 2016 11:06

re Bonjour,

Grumpt a écrit:Avec des réglage optimiser le DTS neural X parvient à égalisé le DSU ou le résultat est toujours "bizarre" ?

La citation AVS ci-dessus, devrait te donner quelques précisions...

... même si à l'utilisation au quotidien en 7.2.4 (sans Wides) et après recalibration Audyssey, l'upmixing DTS Neural X du 8802A que nous possédons, sur des pistes DTS 5.1 et au-dessus, s'avère finalement être "écoutable", mais esthétiquement pas forcément "transcendant"... :thks:

Probablement parce qu'avec toute l'attente, on avait tendance à s'attendre à des "miracles" de la part de ce tout nouveau DTS:X/DTS Neural X... or les "miracles"... :cry:

Hugo S
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Message » 18 Fév 2016 22:05

pour le peut d ecoute que j ai pu faire en 7.2.4 dts neural x mais avec les wides je dirai que c est meme mieux que le dts neo x
avec une bonne spatialisation sur l ensemble du plafond et des effets assez spectaculaire 8) (debut du film underworld 3)

snap richard :wink:
snap richard
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Message » 19 Fév 2016 11:33


Après pas mal d'essais du DTS Neural X à partir de pistes DTS 5.1 et au-delà, sur des config (5+Back Surround).2.4 et (5+Wides).2.4, je peux confirmer que dans notre contexte, la reproduction en (5+Back Surround).2.4, donc en "standard" 7.2.4 sans les Wides, s'avère bien meilleure.

Sachant que même si le DTS Neural X est particulièrement "démonstratif" au niveau des voies hautes (parfois trop...), il peut aussi subjectivement être des plus crédibles dans sa présentation spatiale.

Toutefois je trouve que dans ce contexte DTS Neural X 7.2.4 sur base DTS 5.1 ou au-delà, et en termes de reproduction sonore pure, il y a comme un "voile" (ou est-ce de l'écrêtage), pas forcément continuellement présent, mais que l'on peut percevoir si on fait attention à ce genre de choses... ceci tout du moins dans notre contexte... et quelque chose qui ne s'est et ne se produit JAMAIS en reproduction Dolby Surround.

Sachant qu'il est désormais très clair, puisque constaté par ailleurs par d'autres utilisateurs sur AVS, que comme indiqué plus haut dans mon retour du 05 Février, lors de la reproduction DTS Neural X en 7.x.4, d'une source Stéréo (type CD par exemple) à certains moments (et niveau d'écoute pas modéré) on peut percevoir une forte distorsion au niveau de la reproduction.

Bref tout ceci a (semble-t-il) été remonté à D&M et DTS et on peut donc espérer qu'à une échéance plus ou moins brève, il y aura un FW de correction qui sera publié.

Bon Vendredi pré WE,

Hugo S
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Message » 20 Fév 2016 11:50


Le choses commencent à se préciser du côté de D&M :

sur AVS, RappaloAV a écrit:... The other day they said that a fix would happen on all new DTS X updates, but I said everyone who has already done the firmware should also get the fix as there would be hundreds that never read these forums. They have now confirmed all will get the fix, so that's good.

Hello Mxxxx,
Thanks for sharing. Our engineering team also confirmed the issue when Dolby Surround was engaged as a surround mode before firmware update.
A firmware fix will also go out for those who have already made the update. If someone is experiencing the issue, it will not be necessary to change surround modes during DTS 2.0 content playback.
Thank you again for working with us and have a great weekend.
Best regards,
Yxxxxx Yxxxxx

Hugo S
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Message » 20 Fév 2016 20:17

J'ai pas compris :oops:
Sur des processeur d'autre marque mise à jour sa donne les même résultat ?
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Message » 21 Fév 2016 12:59


Grumpt a écrit:J'ai pas compris :oops:
Sur des processeur d'autre marque mise à jour sa donne les même résultat ?

Pour le moment seuls les appareils D&M bénéficient de la màj DTS:X, selon le calendrier :

sur AVS, M Code a écrit:DTS today announced DTS:X will be activating its first products via firmware updates:
  • Denon’s AVR-X7200W (January 28)
  • Denon AVR-X6200W, and AVR-X4200W receivers (February 18)
  • Marantz’ AV8802A pre-amplifier (February 4)
  • Marantz SR7010 and SR6010 AVRs (March 3)
  • Marantz AV7702mkII pre-amplifier (March 3)

Additionally DTS confirmed that both Texas Instruments and Analog Devices have been DTS:X certified to implement its surround sound technology in their devices. Plus they announced that “four major studios” have committed to mixing in DTS:X to bring more content to the market in the coming year.

Just my $0.02... ;)

Du coup pour le moment, seuls les utilisateurs des HDG Denon 7200W(A) et Marantz 8802(A) auront en fait pu écouter les DTS:X (peu de pistes mixages dispo) et surtout donc le DTS Neural X, applicable sur n'importe quelle piste DTS... avec les ressentis décrits plus haut.

Sachant que ce dont je parle ici concerne une installation 7.2.4 ((5+BS).2.4) et qu'à ce stade (et à ma connaissance) il n'est pas confirmé que ceci concerne(rait) aussi des installation 5.x.2 (par exemple).

Bon Dimanche,

Hugo S
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Message » 21 Fév 2016 17:05

re Bonjour,

Mais une màj qui n'empêche tout de même pas des utilisateurs (ici Denon 7200WA, dont le processing de décodage est identique au Marantz 8802(A) d'être particulièrement contents du rendu DTS:X et DTS Neural X qu'ils obtiennent chez eux :

sur AVS, Manni01 a écrit: I've done more listening with Neural:X. This was with my 7.1.4 layout with TF+TR assigned as FH+RH, after a full Audyssey calibration (remember I had stopped after 3 positions for my initial testing). I did the full calibration just after I upgraded to Auro 3D yesterday. This time, I have enabled my arrays, so FH+TF is an array, and TR+RH another. The difference is subtle, the arrays bring a bit more back to front separation between my two pairs of heights (TF+TR are a bit too close to each other but I can't change it), at the expense of a bit of precision (but not much). Worth the compromise in my room.

I watched (again) Lone Survivor in full (had watched it with DSU a few months ago).
Really liked what Neural:X does. I also re-watched chapter 2 in DSU right after that, and it's a close call. Slight preference for Neural:X, but it's a pure matter of taste. It makes the heights slightly more active, so some might prefer the very slightly more subtle approach of DSU with this title. Certainly nothing against Neural:X I could notice.

I then watched the beach landing section of Edge of Tomorrow (I had also watched it a few times with DSU) and I loved what Neural:X did. Again, more use of the heights, slightly more bass, more grunt if that makes any sense. Very impressed. Again, it's a subjective preference, but for that title again I preferred Neural:X.

I tried Auromatic for fun, and unsurprisingly it did worse than either DSU or Neural:X. A bit anemic and lacking precision. I only like Auromatic with a few select movies, and it's never my first choice for movies. I love if for music, and it's always my first upmixer for 2ch stereo and multi-ch music when I feel like upmixing these.

Finally I watched some of Birdman, which is one of my favorite soundtracks of the last couple of years. Not much special effects and explosions there, but I watched the film the first time with DSU and absolutely loved the mix. Incredibly immersive and precise, with a fantastic music track. Every single time the Skype call rings, I half get up to try to answer/shut off my computer, then I realise it's in the film... The first time, it made me laugh, but the fact that it still gets me when I know it says something about how clear the soundtrack is (or how thick I am).

Anyway, I wanted to see how each upmixer would handle the voice of Birdman. With DSU, it came slightly from the heights, which gave it a very nice internal/supernatural effect. That's the way it was the first time I heard it, so for me of course that's the right way as it makes sense to move it up, but it's very subjective. With Neural:X, there was nothing from the voice coming from the heights. Zero. with Auro 3D, it was fun because it came partially from the VOG, which added to the actual VOG effect. Overall, for Birdman, I preferred (very slightly again) DSU, because with that kind of delicate mix it strikes the right balance. Great ambiance, super precise steering. The heights are used to create even more immersion, but not too much. I totally understand Neural:X decision to keep the Birdman voice in the front at ear level, as it's likely to be correct 99% of the time, but in this instance it took something away from my initial Birdman experience. Again, personal preference. I know many people hated this movie (I personally love it, it's one of my favorite recent movies) but it's a good way to look at the way the various upmixers approach a more subtle soundtrack, especially voice and music.

I mostly wanted to assess if I'd miss DSU when playing DTS:HD tracks (about 80% of my bluray collection), and the answer is no, I won't miss DSU. It might even be the other way round, I might want to switch to LPCM to be able to apply Neural:X to some Dolby TrueHD tracks. If I had to, I'll be very happy sticking to bitstream 99% of the time and play DSU with Dolby and Neural:X with DTS tracks and be able to play Atmos and DTS:X as well. There is very little between the two upmixers, and even if I couldn't switch I'd be happy with either. If there is anything between the two, IMHO it's a matter of preference, not performance.

I have a feeling that DSU might be a bit more conservative, so might take less risks of being wrong, while Neural:X goes a bit wilder, which makes it more visceral/impressive, but it might go slightly overboard on occasion. Very slightly, nothing that would jump on anyone not paying a lot of attention.

Overall, neural:X is a fine addition to my upmixer collection, and I haven't yet found a situation where I thought it did wrong. Even the Birdman example isn't wrong, it's just different.

I find DTS:X and Neural:X very impressive. Very, very happy with the upgrade.

We are incredibly lucky to have this level of performance at home, especially given the price of the X7200WA, which is a bargain compared to the various high end processors above it. Sure, we can worry and complain about minor issues, but the glass is almost full, so I'd rather concentrate on that bit. The choices we have now between Atmos, DTS:X, Auro 3D, DSU, Neural:X and Auromatic is amazing. I'm a happy camper. :)

Réconfortant... :D

Hugo S
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