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Help: Mitsubishi Hc900 Verticale stripes

Message » 21 Jan 2005 18:22

Hi, I would like to know if anyone had this problem:

With very dark images I can see two vertical stripes (one per side) external
to the image, also without any entering signals with just the black screen
selected from the projector menu. I can better see them if I'm projecting on
the wall at 1 mt distance.

I asked information about to a Mitusbishi technician and He told me that is
a normal issue!!!

Thank you for your comments.

Messages: 3
Inscription Forum: 17 Déc 2004 15:46
Localisation: Firenze - Italy
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Message » 21 Jan 2005 18:41

euh l'autre il parle même pas notre langue ! :wink:
Dark Anthony
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Inscription Forum: 07 Sep 2003 12:00
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Message » 21 Jan 2005 18:56

facile a comprendre mais je n'ai pas de hc900 ! :-? donc je ne connais pas son defaut.

peut etre que les specialistes HC900 peuvent intervenir !


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Inscription Forum: 18 Déc 2000 2:00
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Message » 21 Jan 2005 21:01

Guanabats a écrit:Hi, I would like to know if anyone had this problem:

With very dark images I can see two vertical stripes (one per side) external
to the image, also without any entering signals with just the black screen
selected from the projector menu. I can better see them if I'm projecting on
the wall at 1 mt distance.

I asked information about to a Mitusbishi technician and He told me that is
a normal issue!!!

Thank you for your comments.


Hello Guanabats
I test for you, with my HC900
At 1mt on a white wall, with black screen selected from the VP.
I can see the matrice, but no vertical stripe at the left or right side.

Par contre la non uniformité de l’éclairage apparaît.
Il faut dire qu’a cette distance les fuites de lumière viennent perturber le carré lumineux plus proche des gris que des noirs à cette distance.
Cette constatation faite lors de test avec des mires voir le tableau comparatif des VPS de Mlill n’est pas perçu lors de la projection.
Messages: 715
Inscription Forum: 31 Oct 2004 15:09
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Message » 22 Jan 2005 14:42

Ciao e grazie.

I’m writing for the “Official thread Mistubishi HC 900” :wink:
You have in France the HC900 from more time than us.
Thank you for the test you have done for us.
If we will have other problems surely we will ask your help.

Meteor :D
Messages: 3
Inscription Forum: 17 Déc 2004 15:46
Localisation: Firenze - Italy
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Message » 22 Jan 2005 23:10

Guanabats a écrit:Ciao e grazie.

I’m writing for the “Official thread Mistubishi HC 900” :wink:
You have in France the HC900 from more time than us.
Thank you for the test you have done for us.
If we will have other problems surely we will ask your help.

Meteor :D

Va bene
Is was a pleasure. :wink:
Messages: 715
Inscription Forum: 31 Oct 2004 15:09
Localisation: 54
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