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Je vend ma télécomande a écran tactile JBL TC 1000 (vendu)

Message » 16 Mai 2003 17:35

Salut tout est dans le titre!
Elle est programmable (logiciel et cordon pc fourni).
On peux faire des macros.
Je l'ai modifiée pour mettre une pile 9V ce qui rend le retroeclairage plus puissant et j'ai changé les leds infrarouges pour qu'elle ai une plus grande portée!
Je la vend car je viens d'acheter une Pronto.
Prix: 75€ plus 5€ de frais de port! :wink:

J'ajoute un peu d'infos:

JBL TC1000 "Take Control" Universal Remote With PC Serial Cable


A joint development of Microsoft® Corporation and Harman Kardon®, Take Control is a breakthrough system controller that unifies, organizes, and simplifies the control of virtually all IR-controlled electronics. Take Control includes a serial- connection cable and a Windows®-based editor program that enables you to program the unit directly from your PC.

User's Review

This is one of those very rare products that does everything you could ever want, the way you want to do it. Every aspect of this unit is programmable/customizable. The unit has a LCD screen which can hold up to 20 virtual buttons (icons). It also has physical buttons for "main menu, volume up/down, backlight, mute, and a roller ball for channel up/down which also has an integrated Push-switch.

You start off by running a "wizard" which identifies your equipment type and manufacturer and programs those "Devices" into your remote. When this is finished, you can go through the unit-generated default screens and test the functionality of each button. When you identify ones that won't work or don't work correctly, the TC1000 can "learn" from your other remotes. The learning process is very stable and it never failed to learn a single function from my remotes on the first try (unlike some other products out there).

Now you've finished the basic setup. What follows is the true power of the TC1000. Plug the included serial cable into your pc, plug the other end into your TC1000, and run the included CD Rom. A set-up program comes up. With this program you can create "Activities" (user-defined menu screens which can hold up to 20 buttons/icons each). Once you create an activity (as simple as telling it to create a new activity and giving it a name) you can add virtual buttons. A button can be any device, built-in function, macro, or other already existing activity. You can use a macro to create a power button that turns on/off your TV, VCR, and Stereo with the push of a single button. You can combine functions for different devices all on one activity screen, thus producing a "master screen" which has all of your most-used functions. If you need a "page 2" you can create another activity screen (of up to 20 more buttons) and place a button on your main activity screen which brings up the second activity. You can make as many Activities as the memory allows. This can take a little time, much of which determining what is most useful for you. After using it for a couple of days, you might say, "gee, I wish I could do this or that when I'm on this screen". So you add that functionality.

I mentioned that the TC1000 had physical buttons for Channel up/down, Volume, Mute, etc. These buttons are also programmable and can be customized for each different activity screen. Personally, I use the "Push" button integrated into the Roller to bring up my "Main Menu" from most activity screens; very handy.

All of this is accomplished with drag and drop simplicity on your PC. When you are finished, the configuration is saved on your PC so if, for some reason, you loose or break your remote, or if it somehow looses its programming, you can download the configuration from your computer into the TC1000. Just remember when you have finished programming to synchronize your TC1000 with your computer.

User note: I had a heck of a time getting the touch screen to work properly, even after calibrating it. However, after calibrating again (using the small eraser head on a mechanical pencil or Q-Tip), very carefully making sure that I lightly pressed the exact center of the calibration x's, and the center of the "done" button, everything began working flawlessly. If you purchase one of these, you'll understand what I'm talking about and I highly recommend this procedure.

Overall, the more I worked with the included software, the more excited I became. If you are a person who demands perfection, are into gadgets, and looking for the ultimate in hand-held remotes, this unit is absolutely incredible.


Microsoft/JBL Take Control Programmable Remote

General Features:
Operate virtually any IR-activated electronic device
Combine multiple commands to network "activities"
Design and save programming to PC
Stores hundreds of codes and macros
Backlit touchscreen LCD
23-feet IR transmission range
120KHz IR learning frequency
Serial cable (included)
2.5-inch viewing area
200x160 resolution
Easily add, edit and remove devices
Create macros for multiple commands
Selector wheel scrolls through menus, doubles as button
Home menu button
Volume up button
Volume down button
Backlight button
Mute button
Reset button

Remote Control Unit
Four (4) AA Batteries
Software CD

Product Requirements

Microsoft Windws 95/98/NT 4.0 (Workstation or Server
PC with 486/25MHz processor or faster
2MB free hard disk space
CD-ROM drive
Available 9-pin serial port
Fichiers joints
JBL TC 1000
advantage123_1739_102753497.gif (22.72 Kio) Vu 580 fois
La même par Harman Kardon
dmart_1739_76243400.jpg (9.43 Kio) Vu 552 fois
Le logiciel et le cable
CEP-TC1000-SOFT.gif (12.85 Kio) Vu 551 fois
Dernière édition par ARNAUDCOCO le 18 Mai 2003 22:14, édité 1 fois.
Messages: 1271
Inscription Forum: 28 Mar 2003 12:40
Localisation: Rouen, France
  • offline

Message » 17 Mai 2003 14:56

Up car j'ai ajouté des infos! :wink:
Messages: 1271
Inscription Forum: 28 Mar 2003 12:40
Localisation: Rouen, France
  • offline

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