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POPCORN HOUR A-200/A-210 -Tests -Astuces -Moding

Message » 24 Fév 2010 16:31

MysTinuX a écrit:aucun problème à ce niveau la... bcp d'autres lecteurs ont un ventilo pour refroidir uniquement leur HDD interne. Et clairement, le A-200 est trop bruyant, comparé au C-200 c'est vraiment flagrant !

Je ne comprends pas tout... le C-200 est un fanless, donc c'est normal qu'il fait moins de bruit :)
J'hésité, j'hésite... j'ai peur de devenir four avec le ventiolo du A-200.

Quelqu'un a déjà comparé le bruit du ventilo avec le PlayonHD ou le MED500X ?
Messages: 64
Inscription Forum: 09 Oct 2009 11:20
Localisation: Bruxelles
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Message » 24 Fév 2010 17:03

chasechad a écrit:Un utilisateur du forum officiel a découvert un moyen de rendre le lecteur silencieux.Il suffit de changer le câble du ventilo qui est du 12 volts par un câble 5 volts. ... #pid342698

La référence du cable est ZALMAN ZM-RC100.En plus il ne coûte que 2,90 €.

Attention, sans percer le dessus du A-200 pour évacuer la chaleur il est possible que la puce ne sois plus assez bien refroidie avec ça!
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Inscription Forum: 15 Nov 2005 10:09
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Message » 24 Fév 2010 17:45

Skip a écrit:
chasechad a écrit:Un utilisateur du forum officiel a découvert un moyen de rendre le lecteur silencieux.Il suffit de changer le câble du ventilo qui est du 12 volts par un câble 5 volts. ... #pid342698

La référence du cable est ZALMAN ZM-RC100.En plus il ne coûte que 2,90 €.

Attention, sans percer le dessus du A-200 pour évacuer la chaleur il est possible que la puce ne sois plus assez bien refroidie avec ça!

Vu que (a priori) la ventilation n'évacue rien et se contente de brasser l'air dans le boitier, ca ne doit pas changer grand chose ;)

Du coup je viens de commander le mien avec un fan mate, on verra bien (ne sachant pas s'il me reste des câbles ULNA de mes différentes Noctua quelque part... )
Messages: 540
Inscription Forum: 29 Sep 2009 7:07
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Message » 24 Fév 2010 18:46

Je ne comprends pas, j'ai le mien depuis quelques jours et je n'ai pas entendu de bruit au dela du normal.
Il est vrai que j'ai deux PC et le filtre de l'aquarium dans la pièce, mais bon, meme en me collant contre la machine, le bruit est raisonnable.
Messages: 387
Inscription Forum: 19 Déc 2004 16:35
Localisation: Saint Jean de Niost (dans l'ain !)
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Message » 24 Fév 2010 18:58

nonodup a écrit:Je ne comprends pas, j'ai le mien depuis quelques jours et je n'ai pas entendu de bruit au dela du normal.
Il est vrai que j'ai deux PC et le filtre de l'aquarium dans la pièce, mais bon, meme en me collant contre la machine, le bruit est raisonnable.

Dans le doute (et pour 2,50 € de plus) j'ai pris le fan mate, mais si ce n'est pas nécessaire tant mieux (un peu de graisse au silicone sur l'axe du ventilo peut aussi être la solution). On verra dans 2 jours :mdr:
Messages: 540
Inscription Forum: 29 Sep 2009 7:07
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Message » 24 Fév 2010 21:04

nonodup a écrit:Je ne comprends pas, j'ai le mien depuis quelques jours et je n'ai pas entendu de bruit au dela du normal.
Il est vrai que j'ai deux PC et le filtre de l'aquarium dans la pièce, mais bon, meme en me collant contre la machine, le bruit est raisonnable.

A mon avis, la plupart des utilisateurs veulent un bruit en dessous de la normale... on pourrait même sans bruit.
Pour ma part, je ne dois plus l'entendre à 2m.
Et le filtre de l'aquarium, outch! Pas possible de voir un film avec ce genre de chose pour moi. Je tolère a peine que ma copine bouffe du popcorn :D
Messages: 64
Inscription Forum: 09 Oct 2009 11:20
Localisation: Bruxelles
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Message » 24 Fév 2010 23:11

mais je suis d'accord avec toi, à partir de 2m on entend plus rien.

Le problème c'est que quand tu lis tous ces messages, ca te fait hésiter à acheter le popcorn alors que franchement c'est un super produit !
Messages: 387
Inscription Forum: 19 Déc 2004 16:35
Localisation: Saint Jean de Niost (dans l'ain !)
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 9:53

nonodup a écrit:LOL
mais je suis d'accord avec toi, à partir de 2m on entend plus rien.

Le problème c'est que quand tu lis tous ces messages, ca te fait hésiter à acheter le popcorn alors que franchement c'est un super produit !

C'est le même phénomène lorsque tu te ballades sur les forums TV... Si j'avais raisonné en fonction de ce que je lisais je n'aurais jamais acheté ma B6000 Samsung 8)
Messages: 540
Inscription Forum: 29 Sep 2009 7:07
Localisation: Immigré Breton à Yerres (91)
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 11:10

Ouaip, le problème c'est qu'il n'y a que les personnes qui ont des problèmes qui s'expriment.
Ceux qui sont contents ne disent rien.
C'est aussi pour ca que j'ai laissé un message, car franchement je suis ravi de mon popcorn A200.
Alors peut etre aussi que je ne le pousse pas dans ses retranchements. Je n'ai pas d'ampli home cinéma audio HD, donc je ne fais pas attention à la piste sonore utilisée.

Mais pour tout ce que j'utilise dans les films c'est nickel.
C'est vrai que pour la musique c'est pauvre, je pense que ce n'est vraiment pas fait pour. Pour ma part j'utilise le système squeezebox de logitech. Chacun son truc.
Messages: 387
Inscription Forum: 19 Déc 2004 16:35
Localisation: Saint Jean de Niost (dans l'ain !)
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 19:06

Ouais enfin on est quand même sur un forum de "puristes", normal qu'on rale vu le boucan que fait la bête!

Nouveau firm dispo sinon:

Release date : 24 February 2010
Firmware version : 02-02-100208-19-POP-411-000

1. New NMT apps 02-01-100119-19-POP-411
- Retrieve DVD region and number of changes available from the hardware;
show these info in the region setting pop-up box
- Bookmark/resume support for DVD ISO/VIDEO_TS
- Max. 10 bookmarks.
- known issue, sometimes failed to resume correctly for certain clips
- Implemented simple persistfs folder
- if NMT HDD not exist, any available writable device (HDD/USB)
will be auto-detected and used.
- previous /persistfs mounting wizard removed
- Temporarly mount VideoCD/SVCD as data disc, to play the .dat
- Fixed DVD fast-forward issue; press FF->PAUSE->PLAY key, playback could not resume
- Fixed some DVD ISO files cannot resume from bookmark.
- Fixed system hang when BD-J ISO playback BDJ ISO without /persistfs (Bug #5000285)
- Fixed playback BDJ disc from internal BDROM without /persistfs connected.
- Fixed certain DVD ISO (Apocalypto.ISO) cannot resume from bookmark (Bug #5000289).
- Fixed subtitle cannot be enabled when play DVD with only single subtitle.
- Fixed audio CD info not showed
- Fixed occasional access/mount failure to disc in USB drive (Bug #5000315, #5000316)
- Workaround for CDDA issues (Bug #5000302, #5000303)
- Workaround for BD-ROM via USB support
- Performance improvement for BD ISO playback
- Added patches for audio bitstream issues
- Enabled MENU key for DVD/ISO/VIDEO_TS playback
- Added REPEAT A-B function for DVD/VIDEO_TS and CDDA
- Known to have slow response
- A-B interval of less than 2sec may have issue
- Workaround for BD audio no output after switch from HD audio to Dolby Digital/DTS
- Fixed after HDMI audio muted, DVD playback will have noise on audio output
- SimpleBD navigation feature for A-200
- Added support for ISO files.
- Fixed video skip forward about an hour when switch audio track. (Tested BEVERLY_HILLS_CHIHUAHUA)
- Fixed subtitle menu incorrect listing
- Fixed audio/subtitle persistency issue
- Fixed incorrect icon displayed when doing scene selection using menu
- Enabled MENU key for DVD/ISO/VIDEO_TS playback
- Added ANGLE switching OSD display for DVD/ISO/VIDEO_TS/BRD playback.
- Added option in SETUP page to enable or disable BD PiP
- Fixed AVCHD disc intermittent "could not play" issue.
- Fixed AVCHD shown as "BLU-RAY Video" at OSD infobar
- Fixed short audio mute issue when resume from bookmark for DVD content playback
- For AudioCD/DVD/AVCHD, Right/Left key will do +/- 30 seconds skip
3. Video and Audio playback
- Added Dolby DRC (Dynamic Range Control) setting
- Fixed RW/FF/Slow icon not cleared after seek
- Fileplayer bookmark/resume support (first-cut)
- Max. 10 bookmarks
- bookmark saved on STOP keypress; subsequent press (ENTER or PLAY) will resume from bookmark.
- To start from beginning, press '0'.
- Fixed incorrect aspect ratio (Bug #5000155)
- Fixed "actual size" aspect ratio issue when playback clips below 1080p. (Bug #5000154)
- Fixed BiDi char type table to resolved incorrect Hebrew subtitle rendering.
- Partially fixed Arabic Tashkeel character shaping issue
- Fixed subtitle size/position affected by pan/zoom.
- Modified time seek hh:mm:ss key handling.
- Fixed certain clips WMAPro audio lose output after 1-2 sec playback.
- Forced 24p source to framerate 60Hz for non-1080p TV mode
- Fixed issue where audio playback do not stop gracefully when encounter file read error
- added FLAC audio support, including multi-channel FLAC
- Fixed and restored video/audio bitrate display
- Added Vorbis/FLAC audio bitrate display
- Fixed MKV playback file cannot get audio bitstream/passthrough after resume from bookmark.
- Modified subtitle menu order and reversed time offset key direction; same as A100
- Changed tab-switching (SOURCE key) focus behaviour
- Show only ID3 album art if exist, when music playback
- Fixed incorrect ID3 genre display for certain files
- Disable bookmark for Internet/Broadcast/MSP/SayaTV video playback
- Temporarily disabled video format with psfdemux/demux for video/audio bitrate shown on infobar.
- Increased subtitle font size range.
- maintain adjusted subtitle time offset throughout playlist.
- Increased vertical position range for external text subtitle.
- Stop background slideshow before starting VOD to release free memory (Bug #5000299)
- Fixed detection conflict between FLAC, WAV and AVS video (Bug #5000287)
- Enable support for FLAC and VORBIS with 3, 4 & 5 channels
- Support Thai(codepage 874) external ext-based subtitle
- Checking of Byte Order Mark for external SRT in UTF8 (Bug #5000322)
- Fixed positioning of long/large-size text-based subtitle
- Fixed external text-based subtitle via HTTP e.g. myiHome not loaded (Bug #5000250)
- Fixed resume/bookmark issue; only seekable files can be bookmarked now
- Fix to only allow files with duration and seekable status to do time seek (LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO) (Bug #5000139)
- Fixed file certain WMV clip unable to end after LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO seek
- Fixed STEP on clip that is not steppable will terminate playback
- Fixed after trigger SEEK LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO on the infobar will show PAUSE/STOP icon then only show PLAY icon.
- Fixed hang-up when press PLAY on m3u file (Bug #5000320)
- Fixed issue regarding video zoom/scaling (Bug #5000327)
- Improvements for h264 video frame sequence calculation to handle typical h264 encoding fault
caused by non-standard ripping
- MKV chapter support, use PREV/NEXT key
- Added FLAC metadata display for music playback
- Added shuffle feature for music playlist; press REPEAT to toggle
- Added gapless playback feature for audio playback (first phase)
- only for MP3 and WAV now, and for subsequent files of same format
- cannot seek when prebuffer starts near end of file
- Fixed certain TS video clips cannot do LEFT/RIGHT/GOTO/TIME SEEK seek/resume from bookmark.
- Fixed if huge MKV chapter size causing system error.
- Fixed certain Internet radio cannot play.
- Fixed UPnP-AV (WMP11) playlist item crashes.
- embedded PGS subtitle support for M2TS files (first phase)
- Fixed PGS/M2TS subtitle rendering resolution flaw
- Enabled camcoder AVCHD type detection.
- Added gapless audio support for FLAC format.
- Support for changing subtitle encoding on-the-fly
- in subtitle menu; only for ASCII codepages (Latin1, Greek,
Cyrillic, Turkish, Vietnamese, Thai), GB2312, BIG5, Shift_JIS and UTF-8)
- Fixed missing space with italic subtitle
- Fixed PGS subtitle potential hang.
- Workaround to enable 24Hz at auto framerate sync
- Fixed gapless playback feature for small mp3 file less than 1MB
- Added album art retrieval from FLAC metadata
- Added Brightness, Contrast, Hue and Saturation setting for video
(press Setup during video playback)
- Fixed issue where single file playback could not toggle repeat mode.
- Fixed M2TS PGS subtitle issue
- Workaround WMAPro bitstream output issue
- Added all playable formats allow for audio playlist
- Fixed incomplete FLAC metadata retrieval
- Fixed playlist sometimes does not start from correct file
- Fixed m4a song info and album art display
- Patch Colorspace algorithm (for file playback only)
- Fixed playback failure via certain HTTP server (SwissCenter)
- Disable subpicture for .VOB file play
- Fixed WAV detection that crash with MPEG1/2
- Fixed subtitle switching issue with MPEG; previously broken external subtitle on/off function
- Fixed specific ASF cannot fast forward
- Fixed subtitle CP1258 detection
- Added album art retrieval from FLAC metadata
- Added BCS (Brightness/Contrast/Saturation) on-the-fly setting during playback (press Setup)
- workaround for MKV audio lip-sync issue
- Fixed scaling/zoom/pan OSD menu unintended pop-up when playback near end of file
- Fixed STOP key cannot save the bookmark file to flash setting when scaling/zoom/pan menu is ON.
- Fixed playlist sometimes does not start from correct file
- Improved SRT subtitle parsing
- Display language code of MKV embedded subtitles
- Fixed m4a song info and album art display
- Exception handling for ID3 genre index out-of-range (7034.mp3)
- Enable 7.1 support for flac, vorbis and also mkv-flac mkv-vorbis
- Fixed error in MKV embedded subtitle language code display causing disappearing menu
- Fixed MKV aspect ratio error
- Fixed some internet radio links cannot stream with MMS protocol.
- PGS subtitle support for MKV
- May have time offset issue depending on muxer software.
- Workaround to overcome some m2ts stream with incorrect PTS causing subtitle to show up for
1~100ms then dissapear (Bug #5000395)
- Workaround to output M2TS TrueHD as Dolby Digital where applicable
- Added manual audio sync support to compensate HDMI audio sync issue
(press SETUP during video playback)
4. Photo app
- Fixed an issue when setting repeat on the last photo in playlist
will show current playlist item as 0 on FIP (Bug #5000116)
- Fixed PNG image decoding causing system hang
- Fixed issues where myiHome (Mac) not focusing on photo when playback
photo with BGM and stopping photo does not stop BGM
- Enable screensaver during photo playlist pause state
- Slideshow, new photo info (ISO speed, F number and Exposure time)
5. OSD
- fixed minor OSD text wrapping issue.
- slight modification for info display during video/photo playback.
6. System/Network
- Fixed cannot eject data disc (Bug #5000064)
- Workaround for missing folder issue due to filesystem failed to identify
directory type for unknown reason with scandir (Bug #5000218)
- Fixed incorrect display resolution when boot up in auto TV mode without
connecting HDMI.
- Tweak to improve network performance.
- Fix for HDMI blackout and HDMI audio mute issue
- Added progress indicator during firmware update download
- Fixed flash driver to avoid occasional hang issue when umount particular partition
- Fixed default value; DTS:PCM, DRC:off for factory setting
- Changed "AC3" wording to "Dolby Digital", shifted DRC setting down to Audio section
- Fixed language tanslations
- Added Country/Region code to WiFi config setup.
- Country/Region contains channel settings for 8 regions; only for Ralink MII card.
- Fixed stuck in playback if no network up
- Fixed reboot failure (Bug #5000243)
- Fixed screensaver still kicks in at background when in standby mode
- Show harddisk and usb disk size when info button pressed
- Show file size on the UI listing
- Reverted patch which fixed screensaver kicking in at background when standby; causing (Bug #5000314)
- Resolved screensaver setting issue after restoring factory setting
- Fixed video scaling info not updated during PAUSE (Bug #5000306)
- Disallow file copy of over 4GB to FAT device (filesystem limitation)
- included kernelmode NTFS read/write driver
- Fixed configure proxy result in error page
- Fixed DVD parental setting cannot be saved
- minor update on Chinese/Japanese language pack
- Fixed HDD name not displayed
- Fixed occasional detection failure of NTFS harddisk
- New network share UI
- Turn on syabas_command_server
- Improve time for NFS (UDP/TCP) client login to non-exist/blocked shares
- Improve time for server discovery utility
- More intelligent handling of protocol type instead of .udp. default
- Torrent client HTTP wget fix
- Network share, number of allowed persistent links has been increased to 20.
- Fixed USB unmount issue
- Fixed issue of incorrect redirection when changing password in NMT Apps page
- Fixed CD status update while opening/closing
- Fixed issue where some servers were missing from the discovery
- Minor update to language pack
- Added USB keyboard hotplug handling
- Fixed incorrect harddisk status/icon display after USB slave operations
- minor graphical adjustment for Info bar
- Show decimal fraction for disk info (Bug #5000392)
7. Browser
- New twirling icon
- New licensed font integrated
- Support dynamic loading of external js file
- New UI theme
- To display memory usage; press SLOW key
- Fixed Pause key wrongly mapped as Play/Pause key
- Fixed 'No Disc Found' message not shown and browser hang when accessing empty loader (Bug #5000292)
- press PLAY on non-playable item will instead play from first playable
item in the folder
- Browser user-agent missing closing bracket.
- Added "remove USB device" feature in file mode menu
- For browser to display USB mount point instead of USB name
- browser will stay busy until all images from previous page is loaded
- Fixed file operation delete/copy/newfolder/move/rename/createplaylist does not update the list in UI
- Fixed Internet radio showing image info on front panel LCD
- Fixed SD mode media source listing issue, broken in previous RC release
- Fixed HTTP mime type overwritten issue
8. WiFi
- Integrated WIFI driver for Realtek USB RTL8192
- Turn on Ethernet LNK LED when link to 100baseT as well.
- Fixed connection failure if disable SSID broadcast at router and key in SSID manually (Bug #5000331)
- Fixed unable to play Internet radio via MSP when using WiFi (Bug #5000330)
- Fixed issue where empty entry is displayed in the SSID dropdown list (Bug #5000341)
- Added in support for extended printable ASCII characters for SSID/security code input (Bug #5000345)
- Fixed soft reboot wasn't able to reboot machine, after connection to network with wifi device(Bug #5000340)
- Check on WPA state and continue with configuration when state is WPA_COMPLETED
- Fixed improper word displayed at the wifi connection column while not able to establish connection (Bug #5000342)
- Improved IP address acquisition when using DHCP (Bug #5000339, #5000344)
9. UPnP AV
- Added image resolution support (Twonky photo bug)
- Fixed UPnP device duplication issue when server restart or host name changed
- Added .ts, .avi support (Twonky)
- Resolved photo pause-next will hang the system
- support mp2v m4a mp4 m4v.
- Resolved PlayOn "no content found" problem
- Fixed URL with parameters cannot find extension
10. Web Services
- App Center service
- Official SHOUTcast service added
- Fixed "scroll up" page handling issue.
- Fixed loading wrong saved flash info in SD mode
- Overall performance improvement, fixes for multi-language support
- Fixed PHF launch without special HTML attributes
- Enable system font
- New Revision3 app
- Handle volume up/down
- Shoutcast app reenabled
Messages: 1138
Inscription Forum: 15 Nov 2005 10:09
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 19:11

Wahoo c'est pas une blague ce firmware dispo.

Tu as un lien direct ?
Messages: 387
Inscription Forum: 19 Déc 2004 16:35
Localisation: Saint Jean de Niost (dans l'ain !)
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 19:15 ... -A200.html

Sinon il suffit de faire la màj direct en ligne, ça marche nickel ;)
Messages: 1138
Inscription Forum: 15 Nov 2005 10:09
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 19:17

ok merci. Je pensais que la mise à jour en ligne ne fonctionnait pas, j'etais passé par uen clé USB la première fois.
Je vais essayer en ligne cette fois ci alors.
Messages: 387
Inscription Forum: 19 Déc 2004 16:35
Localisation: Saint Jean de Niost (dans l'ain !)
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 19:20

La première non, celle-là oui normalement ;)
Messages: 1138
Inscription Forum: 15 Nov 2005 10:09
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Message » 25 Fév 2010 23:10


jai recu mon a200 et j'ai installer un disque dur de 1,5to dedans le a200 a formater le disque dur automatiquement en 4 partitions certainement pour pouvoir installer les appli.
le probleme c'est que quand je connecte le a200 a mon macbook en usb le disque dur du a200 n'est pas reconnu l'ordi me propose de reformater le dd que dois je faire?
si il faut reformater quel format fat32 ou mac os etendu?
martin logan
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