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Message » 24 Mar 2007 20:35

voici une traduction en anglais (google) du lien en espagnol:

The Jazzgirl is pequeñitas boxes that recently have come to my house from China. I have tried which the photos make justice to the boxes, but do not know if I have obtained it. A fan is very difficult to photograph lacadas black surfaces that are like mirrors and where absolutely everything is reflected. But I believe that with them you podeis to make idea of the excellent ones finished that they are spent. However, sharpening the Vista and carrying far the exigency, small (smallest) failures can be found that do not occur in boxes of western origin. By all means, in this case we spoke of other prices, several times superior to which cost these youngest children, that announce in the Web to appetizing 462 €; although, to put them route aerial can here almost duplicate that price.

As far as the sound: they sound well… but we go by parts.

The Transducers are of European origin and of recognized fame. In acute it mounts an excellent Vifa XT 25 and in serious means/You are WT 171 with the nose slightly modified with respect to which it appears in the catalogue of the mark Norwegian. Good letter of presentation.

I have listened to them in four different rooms, with dimensions from the 30 meters from my hall to the 12 meters of an empty room of the office. The differences between rooms were enormous, much greater than those than it had in the comparative ones against other boxes in the same room.

The answer according to the manufacturer is of 40 to 40,000 Hertz and must be truth because the serious one has been good in all the rooms. Nondeep, but good and articulated. In the smallest room the own ways even made it seem much greater of which in fact they are (fijaos in the photo of the Ipod).

The first impression, in a small room, almost empty and undresses (it could not hope to arrive at house) was that they were very shining. I did not like absolutely, but she did not quiese to say nothing until proving them in more well-known surroundings.

To compare them with listened to well-known boxes previously could seem a good well-known idea since it could offer a reference extended enough and by all. But considering which marks to the room and the enormous deformation of the memory, I prefer not to previously make comparisons with boxes listened to in another surroundings although more they are known and I am going away to fit to the done comparisons bis to bis with own a 20 Revel M and my Offrande. In both cases, the amplification was a 100 stage AR of W and in a case (Revel) the previous one was YBA series 2 with special source and in the other, a previous A/V of Nad.

As it already said, the boxes sound well, the first impression is that they sound… “to güena box”, as they sound the boxes that already stop being toys and have more serious aspirations, with a massive enclosure and without resonances: with a good balance in general, enough detail (than my Offrande and the Revel would say more also that). Dynamics is satisfactory to moderate volumes throwing to stops (I have not put the sound level meter) and, although they are more shining than the Offrande (that are very, very planitas) does not tire absolutely.

When comparing with the Revel all (three people) we agreed in which they gave the stature perfectly. For my taste the Revel was llenitas in serious means/, which gave more body him to the sound, however, the serious one seemed something more uncontrolled and the acute one, something less acute; as if the subjects of gossip were of less thickness with the Jazzgirl (courtesy of the Vifa). If it had to choose without concerning the price, posibemente the Revel would choose, seemed to me a little less rough…. Running?

But good… we go to my room that, although not yet sounds as I wanted, is where better I can establish references.

There the Offrande sounds very neutral, sometimes of more (with the Rock) but with a very good scene. In addition, it is a box that lowers much for its size (30 Hertz), his serious one is perfectly comparable to the one of a good ground box.

These characteristics of the boxes with which I have been coexisting for years condition until certain point my tastes and the truth… between the brightness that had listened to in another limited room and its serious one more was almost safe that the Jazzgirl was going to disappoint to me.

It has been an pleasant surprise to find with a total sound, that filled the room perfectly (without lowering so much as the Offrande, but of very worthy form), something me more brilliant but than, with some discs I have gotten to be thankful. The guitar of Antonio Forcione sounded so full of shades or more than what was used to hearing. The scene and the focalización were something (little) worse (except for the disc of Forcione, that sounded splendid in all the senses) but quite acceptable. All it sounded more advanced to me slightly.

Really, the points that I have liked have been many more than those than I have not liked (in fact none the sufficiently important thing to discard them). Together with to its excellent one finished, its robust construction and its price, I believe that they are boxes that give the stature perfectly, mainly for small rooms and medium where is listened to close more (its 87 yield is of dbs) and the ways of the room will complement limited his (relatively) serious.

There is another particularitity that it wanted to mention: they go very well in near field. I do not know so that, but all the boxes that I have listened (the Offrande without going more far) do not let hear equal of good in near field. All does not present/display the same coherence when we approached them to a even inferior distance to the distance that separates them.

Listening in near field can please or not please, but it is undeniable that it has his attractiveness…. if you find the box suitable. These are it.

If somebody is interested in listening to them, I am to its disposition.

Specifications of the manufacturer:

Frequency response: 40-40KHz
Sensitivity: 87dB/Wm
Amplification: 30-100W
Dimensions: 195x360x250 mm.
Weight: 9Kg/unidad
Messages: 518
Inscription Forum: 29 Juin 2003 22:23
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Message » 25 Mar 2007 3:09

Moi je conseille les Revelator 1.5 qui sont excellentes !

Quelques photos en vrac (j'en ai beaucoup d'autres) :


Les miennes :


Messages: 1391
Inscription Forum: 05 Mar 2003 15:32
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Message » 25 Mar 2007 10:56

Pyra, merci pour ces photos !

N'avais-tu pas une jazzman 2.5 ?

Tu as donc déjà entendu la petite revelator 1.5? Peux-tu nous en dire plus? Réellement au-dessus de la jazzgirl? Et comparé à du proac? J'ai entendu hier la response one sc et c'était excellent!

Au fait, as-tu des photos de la revelator 1.5?
Messages: 518
Inscription Forum: 29 Juin 2003 22:23
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Message » 25 Mar 2007 20:53

gyzmoo a écrit:Pyra, merci pour ces photos !

N'avais-tu pas une jazzman 2.5 ?

Tu as donc déjà entendu la petite revelator 1.5? Peux-tu nous en dire plus? Réellement au-dessus de la jazzgirl? Et comparé à du proac? J'ai entendu hier la response one sc et c'était excellent!

Au fait, as-tu des photos de la revelator 1.5?

La Revelator 1.5 est en effet une bonne enceinte.
Je l'avais commandé pour un ami donc je l'ai eu en test quelques jours.
Pas de comparaison directe avec Proac, donc je ne saurais dire.
A mon avis très différent des Jazzgirl (les HPs ne sont pas du tout les mêmes).


Et en effet j'ai eu les Jazzman ;)

PS : quelques photos de filtres Jazzman et 38T : ... 529_rs.jpg ... 754_rs.jpg
Messages: 1391
Inscription Forum: 05 Mar 2003 15:32
Localisation: Nimes
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Message » 25 Mar 2007 22:28

dans quelle gamme d'enceinte la situerais-tu?
Penses-tu qu'elle se compare avec des modèles très haut de gamme?
te souviens-tu de son prix?

Ce modèle embarque les mêmes tweeter et woofers que ta revelator 38T, non? Ce sont aussi les mêmes que la PEL Quaris, non?
Est-ce dans la même veine, au niveau du rendu sonore que la jazzman?
Messages: 518
Inscription Forum: 29 Juin 2003 22:23
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Message » 25 Mar 2007 22:54

Le prix était aux alentours de 900 EUR

Même tweeter que la 38T mais medium/grave différent.
Même medium/grave que la PEL mais tweeter différent.

Très différent des Jazzman : aigu plus nuancé, grave plus sec. Ca reste quand même une biblio. La finition est un poil meilleure que sur le série Jazz (gros borniers, etc.).

Pour moi une excellente enceinte dans l'absolu.
Messages: 1391
Inscription Forum: 05 Mar 2003 15:32
Localisation: Nimes
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Message » 26 Mar 2007 19:33

Pyra, est-ce le prix final (frais de port, tva et douane comris)?
Via Norman?

Toi qui a pu l'écouter et qui a eu une jazzman, comme moi et donc dont je connais la sonorité, grave plus sec, ça me semble bien si cela signifie plus tendu totu en restant nuancé, aigu plus nuancé, c'est mieux si c'est plus de détails sans être plus agressif.
La finition, la série jazz est déjà bien et ça n'est pas pour moi le critère le plus important.
Je souhaite aujourd'hui prendre une biblio et la garder pour longtemps.
Je souhaite donc faire "le bon choix". Même si je pense que je ne serai pas déçu ni de l'une ni de l'autre, l'une me plaierait certainement plus que l'autre, sans doute la plus cher, si la logique des prix est bien respectée? Tu me conseilles la revelator 1.5 plutôt que la jazzgirl?

Merci pour ton intervention, pyra :-)

Pyra tu as d'autres photos de la petite revelator? Peut-être dans d'autres finitions?

Donc dans ta revelator 38T tu as les mêmes woofer que dans la jazzman mais le tweeter change et est le même que dans cette revelator 1.5? Bizarre, je pensais que le woofer de la revelator 1.5 (et aussi 2.0) était supérieur à celui de la jazzman!?
Messages: 518
Inscription Forum: 29 Juin 2003 22:23
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Message » 27 Mar 2007 22:05

C'était 900 EUR port compris sans les taxes.

Pour le reste, malheureusement, tout est question de goût. Et moi, très personnellement, je prendrais les 1.5 si je devais acheter des biblio chez Image ;)
Question finition, je te déconseille juste le Bird eye qui n'est pas terrible...
Je n'ai malheureusement pas d'autres photos des 1.5.
Fichiers joints
IMAGE Retail Price 2005 USD.xls
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Messages: 1391
Inscription Forum: 05 Mar 2003 15:32
Localisation: Nimes
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