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Tout sur les écrans plats HD du marché (TV LCD, TV Plasmas, TV SED, ...)

Samsung série F96 (LED Full HD)

Message » 29 Aoû 2007 18:05

Merci pour vos infos. :wink:
En fait c'est comme ci on comparait le rendu d'une lampe xenon à celui d'une UHP.
La xenon de part ses son spectre offrant un rendu plus fidel des couleurs. Lameilleure source
étant celle se rapprochant du blanc le plus pur si j'ai bien saisi :)
Messages: 105
Inscription Forum: 20 Aoû 2007 21:29
Localisation: 94 Val de marne
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Message » 29 Aoû 2007 18:53


Ce modele semble tres, tres interessant!
Cependant le reflet semble extremement important, meme pour un glossy (cf photo sur l autre forum, on voit le type qui pren la photo sur presque toute les photo de jour).
A voir donc.

Concernant la disponibilite, sur le site de Samsung UK on ne voit toujours que les modele 52 et 70 pouces. Quelle pourrait etre la raison de cette disponibilite de taille ? Ceux qui veulent du 40 pouces ils puent ? Les europeens seraient-ils consideres comme des nababs (A l instar de Sony et son starter pack...) ?:D

Autre question : Quid de la dispo ? A la base ca devait etre Aout et puis... :(
Messages: 120
Inscription Forum: 17 Aoû 2007 13:11
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 14:52

Bin si ! Il yaura un 40' ici :wink:
Messages: 987
Inscription Forum: 29 Aoû 2006 15:17
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 15:05

Merci Tintinator :)

Le site samsung uk n'est donc pas a jour (une veritable contagion chez les constructeurs ;) ).

Par hasard, aurais-tu des sources sur une date de sortie europeene (ou anglaise :p ) ?
Messages: 120
Inscription Forum: 17 Aoû 2007 13:11
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 15:36

bin pas plus que lcd compare... :-? fin 2007, je suppose peu avant noel... :o j'espere franchement avant afin que l'on puisse profiter des premieres baisses de prix ! :wink:
Messages: 987
Inscription Forum: 29 Aoû 2006 15:17
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 15:49

passer de fin aout a decembre, ca c'est du serieux... :(

Bon ben je crois que je vais arreter d'attendre et opter pour un philips qui me plait bien ou un sharp...
J'en ai marre de soauler ma copine avec mon 'futur home cinema' et j'en ai marre d'attendre... :(
Messages: 120
Inscription Forum: 17 Aoû 2007 13:11
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 16:26

non non!! fin decembre c'est moi qui le dit !!! Patiente encore, je crois qu'il vaut vriment le coup ! :wink:
Messages: 987
Inscription Forum: 29 Aoû 2006 15:17
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 21:13

Hum, je me demande quand meme... C'est annonce sur aucun site en europe, aucune date, pas d infos, site pas a jour...Ca sent l'embrouille non ?

Aux US il est deja dispo (sur par example).Uk, rien(ni en 40, ni en 46, ni en 52 pouces d ailleurs).

Il a vraiment l'air bien mais j'en peux plus d attendre, au moins le 42PFL9732 est dispo, lui ... ield=prix#

L'Europe c'est vraiment toujours les derniers servis...
Messages: 120
Inscription Forum: 17 Aoû 2007 13:11
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 21:29

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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 21:45

merci Pathou, sur ce lien on peut en effet voir "octobre 2007", et un prix...C'est deja mieux.

C'est le premier site que je vois d ailleurs avec de telles infos, car il n y a rien ailleurs, meme pas sur zettavolt
Messages: 120
Inscription Forum: 17 Aoû 2007 13:11
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 23:24


Une review qui en dit long (pour les anglophones) :

I go on a road trip to the Philadelphia suburbs to look at this thing in person, I spend three hours there putting that little sonofagun through its paces, and I drive back here to four new pages, 3.5 of which are acrimony. I feel that our decorum is slipping again.

Anyway, on to the report, cheerfully entitled "I Can Tell You Where to Find Your Most Holy Gr-r-r-ail!"...

I tried to take photos of this thing with my dumb little digital camera, but all my pictures suck (I am not a photographer). I was unable to hook it up to a PC over HDMI, sadly (they just wouldn't haul one of their desktop PCs over for it), but I was able to do it over VGA and everything clocked in perfectly there (duh). It's not much consolation, but I was given repeated verbal assurance that it will do 1-to-1 pixel mapping via HDMI (for which the "Just Scan" setting is the best choice, apparently). All the images I brought looked predictably lovely over the laptop I used. I brought several pictures to try to test for black and/or white crushes and saw none whatsoever (my Westinghouse had black crushes like mad).

I brought three movies with me: Star Wars (I refuse to call it "Episode <anything>" because that is hooey), The Empire Strikes Back, and Fellowship of the Ring. Again, I looked for crushed blacks and whites and found literally none. Even in Moria.

I still cannot get over this display. God. Bear with me...

So I monkeyed around with its settings like crazy, and when I first brought up the desktop from the laptop PC, I thought I saw the feared halos off the toolbar at the bottom. Then the rep and I discovered that the local dimming function was not turned on. That taught me a little humility about psyching myself into seeing things that are not there. So we turned it on.

Holy crap.

Holy, holy crap.

Prior to that, I had no idea that I had been looking at a gray screen, but obviously I had. This new one was black, baby. So I monkeyed around with the computer some more and tried to find clouds, flashlights, etc. Nuthin'.

When I played the movies, the color gamut feature, the local dimming, and the motion smoothing feature all went bananas (in a good way). I tried really, really hard to find color crushes, halos, et al, but I simply could not find a single one. At first I thought I did in Star Wars when Vader first walks onto the ship they stormed, but then I paused it, got in close, and took a long hard look. Every single shadow, every single detail, every gradation that I know to be on the disc (I know that movie VERY well--that's why I picked it) was right there in front of me. In other words, there were gradations in the shadows that my own eyes had trouble catching, but that the Samsung faithfully reproduced. It turns out the reason I had trouble seeing some of those details is that the room was bright and yes, there is a glare (criminny, would you guys please relax about that and try some breathing exercises, or something). Is the glare a problem? Not for me, no. My computer room generally is kept dark even in the daytime, so I absolutely do not care. Also, the glare is NOT pronounced. It is enough to hide some details in a bright room, though. Shucky-darn. Guess I'll have to buy some other display with a lower contrast ratio, eh? Not bloody likely.

NO OTHER DISPLAY HAS ANYTHING LIKE THIS!! (I checked a ton of them at the Magnolia.)

The motion smoothing feature does have one expected cost: it dims the display. It also makes the movies, to my eyes, like butter. I mean, the second scene in Empire Strikes Back, where we see the Star Destroyer spitting out probe droids, is always just sooo choppy it totally bums me out. It was perfectly smooth (to my eyes). I could not catch a single hiccup or hesitation in the motion. It wasn't like I was watching footage at all. It was like I was seeing an approaching Star Destroyer.

Long and short of it: I bought one. How could I not??? Seriously--how could I not?

They didn't have any 40"s in stock, though, so I have to wait (get this) until 9/20 for it to arrive (my guess is it won't really be available for pick up until 9/22 or 9/24). I could have walked home with a 46" tonight, yes, but that would have made me dig into my zero-balance credit card and I simply will not do that. Especially not for a TV, man. That's rubbish.

So I got $1280 for my dodgy old Westinghouse (net loss: $1000), plopped down an additional $1900 (net loss: $1900), and in three or four weeks I'll have my new baby hooked up to my rig.

Oh, I should mention one last thing for tonight before I crash and allow myself to forget how much I hate driving. The displays, for anyone in the area, are in two Philadelphia suburbs. Five are in stock right now in Plymouth Meeting, with more due in a week or so, and 40 are due in stock in King of Prussia this Sunday, but delivery is more likely to be Tuesday or Wednesday simply because the trucks don't seem to be delivering there this weekend.

Right. Did it blow my mind? Yes. Yes, it did. I really didn't think this kind of image detail, shadow detail, and color accuracy was possible on an LCD display. It IS possible; it's just very, very expensive. (I still can't believe I just spent $2g.) Are the local dimming, the wide color gamut, and the motion smoothing all that and a bag of chips? Yes. Yes, they are (in my unprofessional opinion). Is it worth going into debt? No consumer product ever is; don't be stupid. If you have the money, is it worth it? Oh, God, yes. Absolutely. Will there be problems with it? Does the Pope where a silly hat and say impolitic things about Islam?

Good night,


Une image pour donner une idee de la profondeur du noir :



Comparaison des niveaux de noirs du F96 par rapport a un samsung de la serie precedente :


Impressionant (meme si les phtotos sont pourries :) ).
Messages: 120
Inscription Forum: 17 Aoû 2007 13:11
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Message » 30 Aoû 2007 23:31

Question d'un gros debutant. On peut s'attendre à un noir presque aussi parfait sur le prochain F8 (car pour moi ce F9 c'est du reve, trop cher pour moi) ou l'actuelle Sony X3500 ? Oû est bien est-ce que ce noir est possible uniquement sur les LCD à LED ?

Merci d'avance pour vos reponses.
Messages: 467
Inscription Forum: 06 Juil 2004 9:11
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Message » 31 Aoû 2007 8:59

reponse d'un gros debutant :D :

J'ai suivi le thread US sur le forum AVS, et il semble que ce noir soit unique pour un LCD.
Donc exit le X3500 et les F8, ce sont reellemet les LED qui donnent ce noir impressionant.

D'ailleurs je ne pense pas que tu paieras moins cher un 3500 :-? (ou pas de beaucoup)

Deux threads ont ete ferme a cause des defenseurs du Plasma Kuro (J'en sais pas plus), qui apparemment serait meilleur / moins bon selon les avis.
Reste a savoir si c'est vraiment le cas ou si ces defenseurs du plasma sont des neuneus (pour reussir a faire ferme deux threads qd meme ... ! ), perso j en ai aucune idee.
Messages: 120
Inscription Forum: 17 Aoû 2007 13:11
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Message » 31 Aoû 2007 9:23

il me semble que la particularité de cet écran à LED est de pouvoir éteindre le rétro-éclairage par bloc ce que fait qu'une partie de l'écran n'est plus allumé et donc c'est le noir (comme sur les plasmas).

Il y a des images très parlantes sur Avsforums.

C'est assez prometteur :)

Une image tiré du DVD 5ème élément sur un Samsung F9

Un comparatif Samsung de technologie


Une autre démo de la technologie à LED

Dernière édition par Ridge Racer le 31 Aoû 2007 9:37, édité 1 fois.
Ridge Racer
Messages: 3581
Inscription Forum: 10 Nov 2005 0:49
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Message » 31 Aoû 2007 9:36

On pourrait avoir le lien svp? :)
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Inscription Forum: 06 Nov 2006 13:18
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