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Dark Souls III [PS4-X1-PC]

Message » 01 Mai 2016 14:01

Dark Souls faut mettre DSfix et quelques mods ;)
Messages: 8680
Inscription Forum: 14 Nov 2005 12:57
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Message » 01 Mai 2016 15:45

Kolian a écrit:Dark Souls faut mettre DSfix et quelques mods ;)

Ok DSfix trouvé sur nexusmods :wink:

Quels sont tes autres mods recommandés?
Messages: 11169
Inscription Forum: 04 Mai 2006 21:21
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Message » 01 Mai 2016 18:00

pack de texture au moins
Messages: 8680
Inscription Forum: 14 Nov 2005 12:57
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Message » 01 Mai 2016 18:17

Ok j'ai vu ça aussi.

Merci m'sieur :wink:
Messages: 11169
Inscription Forum: 04 Mai 2006 21:21
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Message » 01 Mai 2016 18:36

BennJ a écrit:Le test par M. Plouf :

Excellent :mdr: :lol:
Membre d'Honneur - Contributeur
Membre d'Honneur - Contributeur
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Message » 02 Mai 2016 8:18

Pourtant, la video de plouf est pleine d erreur dans ce qu il dit.

Reprocher des niveaux "trituré" alors que c'est justement tout ce qui a fait le charme de dark soul premier du nom.
Messages: 8680
Inscription Forum: 14 Nov 2005 12:57
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Message » 02 Mai 2016 9:41

C'est son ressentis ;) On est pas là à jouer au jeu des 7 erreurs.
Messages: 23124
Inscription Forum: 07 Juil 2002 15:02
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Message » 02 Mai 2016 18:18

Kolian a écrit:Dark Souls faut mettre DSfix et quelques mods ;)

Re :wink:

Bon tout est st installé et ça a l'air de fonctionner...

Dernière question, tu l'as fait en 30FPS ou en 60 grâce à dsfix?

J'hésite car apparemment ca entraîne des bugs de collision le déblocage en 60fps
Messages: 11169
Inscription Forum: 04 Mai 2006 21:21
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Message » 02 Mai 2016 18:50

le premier je l avais principalement fait sur PS3 :ko:

Mais sur PC, j avais unlock pour le fps...c'est juste pas possible en 30fps une fois qu on a gouté au 60fps :ane:
Messages: 8680
Inscription Forum: 14 Nov 2005 12:57
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Message » 02 Mai 2016 20:05

Petite question, avez vous remarquer des baisses de performance suite à la MAJ 1.04 :idee:

Apparemment c'est le cas sur PS4, mais aussi sur PC où maintenant il y a pas mal de Drop FPS ou du Stuttering...

j'ai fait un peu de recherche sur le net et pas mal d'utilisateur s'en plaignent
Un utilisateur a fait une vidéo montrant le problème où avec le Patch 1.04 le jeu bouffe beaucoup plus de RAM

J'y joue sur PC et j'ai pas mal de Drop FPS et/ou du Stuttering lors des combats (ce qui est très pénible), quand je me ballade dans une zone, où même tout simplement lorsque mon personnage utilise un ascenseur :-?
Messages: 14940
Inscription Forum: 23 Aoû 2005 13:42
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Message » 22 Mar 2017 10:23

un Patch PS4 Pro vient d'etre annoncé sur Steam :siffle: :ko:

=> ... 2478282575

Patch 1.11 Patchnotes - March 24th

Ashens Ones,

In anticipation for the release of The Ringed City, a big patch will be deployed on March 24th. It will bring bug fixing and balancing.

I'm currently not able to confirm this will allow to preload the content of the DLC, but this question will be answered shortly.

The patch will be deployed on the 24th at:
  • JST - 18.00
  • CET - 15.00
  • PST - 7pm

The server will be on maintenance on the 24th during:
  • JST - 17.00 to 19.00
  • CET - 09.00 to 11.00
  • PST - 1am to 3am

  • Made system updates for The Ringed City.
  • Increased frame rate for gameplay on PlayStation®4 Pro.
  • 2 New maps added to Undead Match, Dragon Ruins and Grand Roof.
  • Added function to Undead Match where, if password matching is used, players can split into teams.
  • Added function to Undead Match that allows one team of players to match with one password, and the other team to match with another password.
  • Added function where various hosts could be displayed on the bonfire warp menu.
  • Added warning text that advised player if he/she has dropped too many items in a single location on the field.
  • Fixed issue where the loading screen was displayed for longer than usual when the guest returned to his/her own world after an online multiplayer session.
  • Fixed issue in "The Painted World of Ariandel" where the opened/closed status of the door to the Cleansing Chapel did not synched properly during online multiplayer session.
  • Fixed issue where a guest could enter alone into the boss room for the Dancer of the Boreal Valley during online multiplayer session.
  • Fixed issue where the level sync feature in Undead Match did not synched consistently during online multiplayer session.
  • Fixed issue in the loading screen where guests were not alerted to an error that occurred on the host's side during online multiplayer session.
  • Fixed issue when player using the miracle Tears of Denial doesn’t get attacked during online multiplayer session.
  • Fixed issue where weapons and items sent to the box get corrupted when inventory is full.
  • Fixed icons that specify which certain items are for which gender. (ex. Chain Armor).
  • Improved attack power for Daggers. In accordance with this fix, critical hit is decreased in order to make critical power the same as present.
  • Improved motion of normal attack for Ultra Greatswords, Great Hammers and Curved Great Swords.
  • Decreased stamina depletion when attacking using Ultra Greatswords, Great Hammers, and Greataxes.
  • Improved attack power for Curved Greatswords.
  • Decreased motion of normal attack while dashing for Katanas. Improved motion of any other normal attacks.
  • Improved motion of shield bash skill. In accordance with this fix, stamina consumption has been reduced.
  • Improved motion of Dagger's Blind Spot skill.
  • Increased rate at which Frostbite builds up when using Vordt's Great Hammer, Irithyll Straight Sword, and Friede's Great Scythe.
  • Shortened attack window of Carthus Curved Sword and Dark Sword, Gargoyle Flame Spear and Follower Sabre.
  • Improved motion of Crescent Moon Sword's skill, Crescent Blade.
  • Improved the motion of Moonlight Greatswords’s skill, Moonlight Vortex.
  • Improved FP recovery effect of Executioner's Greatsword.
  • Fixed so that Frost Blade appears from the beginning of Pontiff Knight Curved Sword skill.
  • Improved FP decrease effect of Yorshka’s Spear skill, Pacify.
  • Improved motion and the frost effect of Pontiff Knight Great Scythe skill.
  • Improved motion of normal attack for Greatlance.
  • Fixed so that poise is applied during Greatlance two-handed attack. 
  • Fixed so that poise is applied during Dark Hand skill, Lifedrain.
  • Disabled parry during Pickaxe's two-handed attack.
  • Improved duration of the Perseverance effect.
  • Fixed issue where attack power of some bolts was different from the assumed value when using Avelyn.
  • Fixed issue where one-handed attack motion of Crow Talons was the incorrectly using the animation for the Fists.
  • Fixed issue where player can apply enchantment of Bloodlust to other weapons.
  • Fixed so that poise is applied during Spin Sweep attack.
  • Fixed issue where Onislayer continued to attack consecutively.
  • Improved correction value for Sharp or Heavy weapons' upgrade.
  • Improved the Bleed build-up of Blood infusions. Reduced Bleed build-up of weapons not infused with Blood.
  • Improved the Poison build-up of Poison infusions.
  • Along with improving correction value for Sharp or Heavy weapons' upgrade, adjusted correction value for Refined weapons' upgrade.
  • Improved defense and also increased weights for heavy armor.
  • Improved the motion of Lightning Stake, Lightning Storm and Way of White Corona.
  • Extended the time you can move during the casting of the miracles of Gnaw, Dorhys' Gnawing and Wrath of the Gods
  • Fixed issue where bonus value is not affected by Dark Damage when equipping Hornet Ring during critical attack.
  • Increased the damage of Poison and Toxic dealt by players, and shortened its duration.
  • Decreased rate at which bleed builds up when using Carthus Rouge.
Membre d'Honneur - Contributeur
Membre d'Honneur - Contributeur
Messages: 32309
Inscription Forum: 25 Mai 2008 9:32
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Message » 22 Mar 2017 12:22

Pas mal de changements dans les armes et les effets...
Il va falloir que je retourne voir...
Messages: 3608
Inscription Forum: 13 Juil 2005 18:05
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Message » 22 Mar 2017 12:34

Va falloir que je fasse vraiment mon nouveau PC pour rejouer a dks3 :ko: ( mais pour l instant, c est tout de meme l episode que j ai le moins essoré :/ )
Messages: 8680
Inscription Forum: 14 Nov 2005 12:57
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Message » 22 Mar 2017 12:49

C'est l'épisode que j'aime le moins : trop d'influence bloodborne (d'un point de vue artistique pricipalement) qui trahi un peu l'esprit et l'ambiance des Demon Souls et DS1, DS2.
Messages: 3608
Inscription Forum: 13 Juil 2005 18:05
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Message » 22 Mar 2017 13:16

Bah j'ai préféré BB a dks3.

BB proposait vraiment un autre gameplay assumé.
Dks3 a mixté un peu les deux...Et pour moi ca colle moins.

Par contre, la construction des niveaux est bien mieux que dks2 ( où le gros défaut était le lvl design comparé a dks1 )

Et malheureusement, je pense aussi que j'ai perdu l'envie de me plonger a fond sur du dks3 ( moins de temps libre disponible )
Messages: 8680
Inscription Forum: 14 Nov 2005 12:57
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