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Tweakage de la Cayin CDT-17A diapason d'or 2005

Message » 15 Oct 2005 16:02

beb a écrit:Je préférais la 100H ,la première fois que je les ai écoutées ...
Ca dépend aussi de la zizique qu'on écoute :wink:
Non, c'est surtout qu'à l'époque de ton écoute, on n'avait pas encore touché aux AOP, et les tubes n'étaient pas des CCa... :wink:
teiki arii
Messages: 5164
Inscription Forum: 19 Aoû 2004 19:24
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Message » 15 Oct 2005 16:06

teiki arii a écrit:momo et pepe se sont-ils mis d'accord pour comparer la Sphinx à la Cayin? :roll:

normalement nous devrions faire quelques ecoutes la semaine a venir 8) Je ramenerai sans doute ma CDP...mais dans un but purement amical :mdr:

Pour les AOP de conversion : NON J ai deja change les condo, maintenant, ca suffit :lol: Pour les CCa, as tu un lien au cas ou :roll:
(voila que ca recommence..... :evil: )

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Message » 15 Oct 2005 16:12

teiki arii a écrit:
beb a écrit:Je préférais la 100H ,la première fois que je les ai écoutées ...
Ca dépend aussi de la zizique qu'on écoute :wink:
Non, c'est surtout qu'à l'époque de ton écoute, on n'avait pas encore touché aux AOP, et les tubes n'étaient pas des CCa... :wink:

Par contre petite precision tout de meme, meme de base, je ne trouve pas la CDT17 si mauvaise que tu semble l indiquer. Certes elle presente des defauts mais c est le cas pour toutes les CDP AMHA...Il est clair que les tweaks l ont parachutee a un niveau fort superieur AMHA 8)

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Message » 15 Oct 2005 16:16

momois a écrit:normalement nous devrions faire quelques ecoutes la semaine a venir 8) Je ramenerai sans doute ma CDP...mais dans un but purement amical :mdr:
C'est vrai qu'un coup mal placé de telco cayin, ça peut faire très mal... :roll:

momois a écrit:Pour les AOP de conversion : NON J ai deja change les condo, maintenant, ca suffit :lol:
D'accord, mais que mettrais-tu? :roll:

momois a écrit: Pour les CCa, as tu un lien au cas ou :roll:
de chez teiki arii... :lol: 8)
Je peux te les préter avant de faire un achat pas très raisonnable... :wink:
teiki arii
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Inscription Forum: 19 Aoû 2004 19:24
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Message » 15 Oct 2005 16:20

momois a écrit:Par contre petite precision tout de meme, meme de base, je ne trouve pas la CDT17 si mauvaise que tu semble l indiquer...
Non, tu ne m'as pas bien compris: elle n'est pas mauvaise, mais en comparaison, la Jolida d'origine est mieux équilibrée et plus plaisante que la CDT-17A d'origine mais c'est mon humble avis d'après les écoutes sur mon système d'alors... :wink:
teiki arii
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Message » 15 Oct 2005 19:50

La jolida me paraissait plus intéressante au vu des musiques que j'écoute

La configuration dans mon profil

Très très près de la ville d'Hélène.
Perrichon et Annie Dingophobe.
Et tout le reste est la faute à Rousseau (Sardine de son prénom)
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Message » 17 Oct 2005 3:58

Traduction d'un article chinois:

SPARK Cayin CDT-17A CD Player

As long as the adjustment and outfitting earnestly, I am sure that Cayin CDT-17A CD Player’s sound effect can be compared with the highest grade digital system of more than 10,000 US dollar.

The sound was impressive at once when I first turned on the Cayin CDT-17A CD Player. It sounds like the effect of the unusual treasure Koetsu 80 Pickup which many fans are earnestly long for. The timbre is very pure, natural, relaxed, and tireless.
Although I have a Koetsu 80 Pickup which is very expensive (8,000 US dollar ten years ago) and unwonted, I do not always use it for the difficulties to buy new one to change the broken one. Benz micro ruby ? is always used because of the prices of 3,000 US dollar and the convenience of buying and going back factory to change the new pickups.

Cayin CDT-17A CD Player’s sound effect can not catch the whole music soul of the Koetsu 80 Pickup and even the 80 or 90 percent of it. Whether you know that the price is 26,000 US dollar only including one Koetsu 80 Pickup with air-driven turntable, air-driven arm and full-balance pick-up amplifier (from the arm to the amplifier) which is more than 20 times than the price of the CDT-17A. It is more convenient when we use the CDT-17A without any tension in the hart (in case of the damage of the Pickup), so we always have a relaxed mood when we enjoy the CDT-17A with the felling that what a good sound effect with that par instrument.

We can enjoy the felling of Hall Effect using CDT-17A with CAI QIN FOLK SONG, especially the song Follow Me To Say Love Me. We have the felling that Timbre and consonance are rolling on the both sides of our rooftree which the Lingering musical sound winds and the felling can be only enjoyed in some records with Koetsu Pick-up. As only for Leisureliness and lingering
charm, the assembled Cayin CDT-17A CD Player has already attained the word standard without the consideration of the price.

Air and body:
Many instruments exhibited on the Hongkong Hi-Fi show two mouth ago had all given a demonstration using voice bass big gun of ZHAO PENG Vol 1. I found that it was not easy to play the songs of ZHAO PENG, especially the song The Moon Speaks For My Heart. And the voice will be intermittent in case the playing is not very good. What is the result of expression using the Cayin CDT-17A CD Player with Altec Ultra A5 MK6? The tamber is full of relaxation, easiness and bounce while two Spanish Guitars give the introduction Zhao Peng’s voice has a unique attraction and magnetic charm with the ample air sense and the setting off from the bottom of the throat. Zhao Peng has sang the larruping song The Moon Speaks For My Heart with the basic skills full of the feeling of tiredness, idleness and unconcern. Although Deng Lijun has sung the song, the song here has a unique style of the voice, and moreover, the Right-hand Bass cello plays a deep and relaxed bass. As for the air sense and the Body full degree Cayin CDT-17A CD has already attained the world best level.
The sound effect of the rubber leg belongs to the kinds of instantaneous slowing and weak analysis, moreover, Cayin CDT-17A CD’s instantaneous change speed, analysis and the live sense fade because the legs’ positions do not matched the center of the gravity, believe? So long as you change the position according to the indication of the drawing, the instantaneous change speed, analysis and the live sense will be improved more than one time, and if the rolling crystal tacks are used for supporting the effect will be improved twice. Frankly Cayin legs have been already much better than other products, and if the low center of gravity is placed CDT-17A CD will Sweep other products away in domestic market.
The arrow 1 showed in the drawing indicates the all-closed Transport system which can stop the interferences of the useless lights, electromagnetic wave and electric wave completely. The arrow 2 indicates the power supply transformer for digital and the arrow 3 indicates the other one for analog. Arrow 3 and 4 show the soul parts of the CDT-17A CD, and the chips are BB DAC PCM1792 (24 bit/192kHz) which are used exclusively for compact disc player in domestic market. Actually each chip is used for only one CD, but one PCM1792 is used to get the all balanced decoding for each sound channels in order to stop the interferences between the two channels. The weak analog signals firstly pass the lowpass including six OPA604s OPT AMP so as to obtain the full-balance fastidiously after the D/A conversion course (showed by arrow 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Two vacuum tubes EH 6922 are used to do the full-balance amplifying (showed by arrow 12, 13). DC is filtrated through four Wimas 2 mF capacitances and then the alternating current sound signals are transmitted to the Pre-amplifier or amalgamated amplifier. The two amplifications operate independently in order to avoid the interferences between the full-balance and single-ended amplification. The two EH6922 triodes are used to single-ended amplify independently (showed by arrow 14, 15), and the following Wimas 2 mF capacitances are used to filtrate the DC of the single ends. The two Relcap 0.4 mF (white) clung to the Wimas are used to filtrate the UHF completely.
When you look at the CDT-17A circuitry carefully you will find out more than sixty Ribbin capacitances with the price of 400 bucks (each one 6 bucks), and May I ask how the manufacturer makes money? I recollect that Mr. Wang in Melody whose job is radar designing while serving in the army have given me several resistances used for radar designing. The sound effect is very good when we weld them to the electronic crossover for a test. I t is impossible to bear the price of such high-quality resistances with the Melody’s price. Actually these were the surplus products of the military more than ten years ago, and military decided to break them and recycle the pure silver and copper for environmental protection. The boss of Melody bought all the surplus goods and used them to their own products. SPARK is affiliated to Aerospace industry and we can speculate that SPARK bought the surplus high-quality resistances used for Aerospace industry to produce Hi-Fi, it just a guess and we try to get the answer till next meet with the important official of SPARK.

Cayin CDT-17A CD has the highest cost performance since there is a history of the music. Because for the appropriate price it is well worth spending a lot of attentions exploiting the potentialities to the high point. As long as the adjustment and outfitting earnestly, I am sure that Cayin CDT-17A CD Player’s sound effect can be compared with the highest grade digital system of more than 10,000 US dollar.
teiki arii
Messages: 5164
Inscription Forum: 19 Aoû 2004 19:24
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Message » 18 Oct 2005 12:59

teiki arii a écrit:Traduction d'un article chinois:

SPARK Cayin CDT-17A CD Player

As long as the adjustment and outfitting earnestly, I am sure that Cayin CDT-17A CD Player’s sound effect can be compared with the highest grade digital system of more than 10,000 US dollar.

The sound was impressive at once when I first turned on the Cayin CDT-17A CD Player. It sounds like the effect of the unusual treasure Koetsu 80 Pickup which many fans are earnestly long for. The timbre is very pure, natural, relaxed, and tireless.
Although I have a Koetsu 80 Pickup which is very expensive (8,000 US dollar ten years ago) and unwonted, I do not always use it for the difficulties to buy new one to change the broken one. Benz micro ruby ? is always used because of the prices of 3,000 US dollar and the convenience of buying and going back factory to change the new pickups.

Cayin CDT-17A CD Player’s sound effect can not catch the whole music soul of the Koetsu 80 Pickup and even the 80 or 90 percent of it. Whether you know that the price is 26,000 US dollar only including one Koetsu 80 Pickup with air-driven turntable, air-driven arm and full-balance pick-up amplifier (from the arm to the amplifier) which is more than 20 times than the price of the CDT-17A. It is more convenient when we use the CDT-17A without any tension in the hart (in case of the damage of the Pickup), so we always have a relaxed mood when we enjoy the CDT-17A with the felling that what a good sound effect with that par instrument.

We can enjoy the felling of Hall Effect using CDT-17A with CAI QIN FOLK SONG, especially the song Follow Me To Say Love Me. We have the felling that Timbre and consonance are rolling on the both sides of our rooftree which the Lingering musical sound winds and the felling can be only enjoyed in some records with Koetsu Pick-up. As only for Leisureliness and lingering
charm, the assembled Cayin CDT-17A CD Player has already attained the word standard without the consideration of the price.

Air and body:
Many instruments exhibited on the Hongkong Hi-Fi show two mouth ago had all given a demonstration using voice bass big gun of ZHAO PENG Vol 1. I found that it was not easy to play the songs of ZHAO PENG, especially the song The Moon Speaks For My Heart. And the voice will be intermittent in case the playing is not very good. What is the result of expression using the Cayin CDT-17A CD Player with Altec Ultra A5 MK6? The tamber is full of relaxation, easiness and bounce while two Spanish Guitars give the introduction Zhao Peng’s voice has a unique attraction and magnetic charm with the ample air sense and the setting off from the bottom of the throat. Zhao Peng has sang the larruping song The Moon Speaks For My Heart with the basic skills full of the feeling of tiredness, idleness and unconcern. Although Deng Lijun has sung the song, the song here has a unique style of the voice, and moreover, the Right-hand Bass cello plays a deep and relaxed bass. As for the air sense and the Body full degree Cayin CDT-17A CD has already attained the world best level.
The sound effect of the rubber leg belongs to the kinds of instantaneous slowing and weak analysis, moreover, Cayin CDT-17A CD’s instantaneous change speed, analysis and the live sense fade because the legs’ positions do not matched the center of the gravity, believe? So long as you change the position according to the indication of the drawing, the instantaneous change speed, analysis and the live sense will be improved more than one time, and if the rolling crystal tacks are used for supporting the effect will be improved twice. Frankly Cayin legs have been already much better than other products, and if the low center of gravity is placed CDT-17A CD will Sweep other products away in domestic market.
The arrow 1 showed in the drawing indicates the all-closed Transport system which can stop the interferences of the useless lights, electromagnetic wave and electric wave completely. The arrow 2 indicates the power supply transformer for digital and the arrow 3 indicates the other one for analog. Arrow 3 and 4 show the soul parts of the CDT-17A CD, and the chips are BB DAC PCM1792 (24 bit/192kHz) which are used exclusively for compact disc player in domestic market. Actually each chip is used for only one CD, but one PCM1792 is used to get the all balanced decoding for each sound channels in order to stop the interferences between the two channels. The weak analog signals firstly pass the lowpass including six OPA604s OPT AMP so as to obtain the full-balance fastidiously after the D/A conversion course (showed by arrow 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Two vacuum tubes EH 6922 are used to do the full-balance amplifying (showed by arrow 12, 13). DC is filtrated through four Wimas 2 mF capacitances and then the alternating current sound signals are transmitted to the Pre-amplifier or amalgamated amplifier. The two amplifications operate independently in order to avoid the interferences between the full-balance and single-ended amplification. The two EH6922 triodes are used to single-ended amplify independently (showed by arrow 14, 15), and the following Wimas 2 mF capacitances are used to filtrate the DC of the single ends. The two Relcap 0.4 mF (white) clung to the Wimas are used to filtrate the UHF completely.
When you look at the CDT-17A circuitry carefully you will find out more than sixty Ribbin capacitances with the price of 400 bucks (each one 6 bucks), and May I ask how the manufacturer makes money? I recollect that Mr. Wang in Melody whose job is radar designing while serving in the army have given me several resistances used for radar designing. The sound effect is very good when we weld them to the electronic crossover for a test. I t is impossible to bear the price of such high-quality resistances with the Melody’s price. Actually these were the surplus products of the military more than ten years ago, and military decided to break them and recycle the pure silver and copper for environmental protection. The boss of Melody bought all the surplus goods and used them to their own products. SPARK is affiliated to Aerospace industry and we can speculate that SPARK bought the surplus high-quality resistances used for Aerospace industry to produce Hi-Fi, it just a guess and we try to get the answer till next meet with the important official of SPARK.

Cayin CDT-17A CD has the highest cost performance since there is a history of the music. Because for the appropriate price it is well worth spending a lot of attentions exploiting the potentialities to the high point. As long as the adjustment and outfitting earnestly, I am sure that Cayin CDT-17A CD Player’s sound effect can be compared with the highest grade digital system of more than 10,000 US dollar.

j ai pas tout lu en detail, mais.....heureusement qu il n a pas entendu nos cdp tweakees lui :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS : bien que je pense qu il exagere, c est vrai qu il n a pas tout a fait tord, c est une belle bestiole 8)

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Message » 18 Oct 2005 13:05

momois a écrit:j ai pas tout lu en detail, mais.....heureusement qu il n a pas entendu nos cdp tweakees lui :lol: :lol: :lol:
PS : bien que je pense qu il exagere, c est vrai qu il n a pas tout a fait tord, c est une belle bestiole 8)
C'est un compte-rendu chinois d'une bestiole chinoise... :idee: :wink:
teiki arii
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Message » 18 Oct 2005 13:58

N'y a-t-il pas eu une erreur de traduction ?
Je penses qu'ils doit s'agir de 100,000$ et non 10,000$

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Message » 23 Oct 2005 21:26

Des idées de tweakage: quelqu'un a-t-il entendu parlé du "Melody" CDT-17 basé sur la Cayin CDT-17A?

It is a "Melody Cdt-17a", strongly Genuine equipment of B*. A*. on the basis of the Spark/Cayin CDT-17A.
../...The "Melody" is an unbelievable animal, sings and plays with spirit and blood, one feels mountains and water, thunder and lightning, the medium and high frequencies are unbelievably filigran, pleasantly finely instead of unpleasantly analytic. The spatialness and the details are very emotional and natural. The basses are extreme low and can be transferred directly by the soil to under the feet. The representation is unbelievably realistic. If one changes the cable to the Cayin 17, the same music pieces are again clearly more boring and less musical realistic...

Image ... ing2ph.gif
Dernière édition par teiki arii le 27 Oct 2005 1:46, édité 1 fois.
teiki arii
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Message » 23 Oct 2005 21:33

Marrant, pas de modif des condos de sortie...

La configuration dans mon profil

Très très près de la ville d'Hélène.
Perrichon et Annie Dingophobe.
Et tout le reste est la faute à Rousseau (Sardine de son prénom)
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Message » 23 Oct 2005 21:50

beb a écrit:Marrant, pas de modif des condos de sortie...
Mais l'un dans l'autre, cela doit être encore meilleur. Les sorties XLR ont été condamnées... :wink:
teiki arii
Messages: 5164
Inscription Forum: 19 Aoû 2004 19:24
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Message » 24 Oct 2005 11:15

teiki arii a écrit:
beb a écrit:Marrant, pas de modif des condos de sortie...
Mais l'un dans l'autre, cela doit être encore meilleur. Les sorties XLR ont été condamnées... :wink:

en effet, il faudrait un peut s y pencher.... :wink:

par contre, comment sais tu que les XLR ont ete condamnees ??? :roll: Tu n aurais pas un lien plus detaille :roll:

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Cayin CDT-17A asymétrique (RCA)

Message » 26 Oct 2005 23:12


Martin alias Erzkanzler m'a conforté dans l'idée de shunter les derniers AOP de désymétrisation pour ceux qui n'utilisent que les sorties RCA: moins d'AOP, meilleure qualité me suis-je dit. Pour cela, il a repris l'idée de la "melody CD17" comme l'indiquent les photos suivantes. Il ne reste plus alors que DEUX AOP au lieu de SIX mais les sorties XLR sont condamnées...
Be careful, the bridges are ONLY on the last OPA. PIN 1 + 3, 5 + 7.


Tom alias Tom H a repris la même idée et l'a appliqué sur la Jolida Music Van et voici ce qu'il en dit :
Except the bridges, that is similar to that what I did with my Music Van.
The improvement is a much deeper soundstage and less harshness. :o
As soon as I finished my investigations, I will post at the MV modding thread.

La Cayin CDT-17A shuntée de Erzkanzler:
La melody CD17:
Détail du shunt de l'AOP de désymétrisation d'après Erzkanzler:

le Post initial: ... 1219#21219
Les photos ont été aimablement offertes par Erzkanzler... :wink:
Dernière édition par teiki arii le 27 Oct 2005 10:55, édité 6 fois.
teiki arii
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