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Qu'apporte un cordon secteur HDG sur un ensemble hifi ?

Message » 26 Mar 2006 14:51

siezien a écrit:je suis Siezien :wink: et les recettes de fabrication de mes cables sont ici :

:mdr: :mdr: :mdr: :mdr:

Ha ben j'ai bien rigolé la :)

Je croyais que c'était une marque de cable :D , remarque on est pas loin
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Inscription Forum: 01 Déc 2004 23:39
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Message » 26 Mar 2006 16:59

Oui, il devrait faire déposer son nom :mdr:
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Inscription Forum: 20 Mai 2004 13:32
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Message » 09 Avr 2006 18:30

J'ai un "chum" anglophone qui a mené quelques essais intéressants, il n'est pas du métier, c'est un prof d'anglais, audiophile et mélomane :

1. CD player: Shanling CD-T100. Although the stock power cord is overbuilt, a more expensive (better?) one made a positive difference.

2. CD players: Shanling CD-S100 and S100 Mk II. A power cord upgrade made a positive difference.

3. Transport: Cambridge Discmagic. A power cord upgrade made a positive difference.

4. Transport: TEAC VRDS T1. A power cord upgrade made a positive difference.

5. DAC: Cambridge IsoMagic 700. A power cord upgrade made no significant difference.

6. DAC: Apogee DA-1000E-20. A power cord upgrade made no significant difference.

7. Preamp: Copland CTA-301 MkII. A power cord upgrade made a positive difference.

8. Preamp: Klyne SK-5A. A power cord upgrade made a positive difference.

9. Amplifier: SimAudio Celeste W-4070SE. A power cord upgrade made a small positive difference.

Comprenez "Up Grade", c'est le changement par un cordon plus haut de gamme...

C'est une personne intègre et honnête qui n'a aucune raison de raconter des "histoires à dormir debout". Je fais donc, confiance en ses écoutes et son jugement.

Voici la suite de ses écoutes, en Anglais désolé :

Début de citation :

"Most listeners' impressions I have been able to find on the subject suggest that power cords make more difference on front end components. Indeed the DAC is often said to be the component that benefits most. My experience tends to bear this out, but my DAC / transport findings represent a curious exception.

Now, both the DACs mentioned above have an outboard power supply, a rather sophisticated one in the case of the Apogee. So in these instances, the new power cord did not alter the unit's immediate link to its energy source. The outboard box and its connecting cord were in the way.

This begs some questions. Was the power cord effect really negligible or was it just prevented (by the outboard supply) from "reaching" the DAC circuitry? Also, was the effect negligible because there was none to be had, or rather because the outboard power supply was already doing the job?

The notion I have found which most persuasively explains this phenomenon comes from Sean at Audiogon. He says that the quality of the unit's power supply is a key factor. If the PS is of top quality, a power cord will make little difference. The experience with McIntosh gear (no PC effect perceived), mentioned elsewhere in this thread, may bear this out.

However there are at least two more factors which may be involved in the power cord effect. One, which I referred to above, is "proximity": the cord may need to be directly connected to the component for it to work well.

The other factor has to do with the actual cause of the perceived improvement. If the power cord somehow improves the AC input, an outboard power supply may stop the power cord's contribution before it "gets to" the unit. Clearly, though, the inverse is also true: the component may be sending signal (distortion) out its power input, either on the AC line or at broadcast frequencies. Replacing the power cord on a unit with an outboard supply won't affect this, since the PS and its connecting link remain in place.

If, in addition to signal (and minimal distortion) via its interconnects, the component can also send out distortion via its power cord and this distortion can reach the rest of the system, one important contribution of a premium power cord is potentially in this domain, and not just to the quality of incoming AC. The component most likely to be transmitting distortion via the AC line is of course the digital source.

What are the consequences of this to the test design in question? At least three. First, power cords should be substituted first at the digital source. Second, the quality of each component's own supply and its RF shielding is potentially worth noting. Third, any power cord in a system under test should be directly connected to the component."

Fin de citation.
Messages: 2317
Inscription Forum: 13 Fév 2005 16:40
Localisation: Centre Val de Loire
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Message » 09 Avr 2006 19:57

Le cable secteur fait couler beaucoup d'encre et je ne sais pas pourquoi! Le cable de modulation, lui, n'en fait pas couler à ce point, ni de sang d'ailleurs. Et pourtant, la différence à mes oreilles est plus flagrante entre deux cables secteurs qu'entre deux cables de modulation... :o
Il suffit d'essayer, et puis c'est tout. Si tu n'entends pas de différence, passe ton chemin, ça te fera faire des économies! :wink:
Et puis, je me trouve des avantages! :D Comme je suis un naze des explications scientifiques, un peu comme le nouveau-né tout juste sorti du ventre de sa maman, je ne me fie qu'à mes oreilles de sourd... :mdr: J'aborde donc toujours les bizarreries avec "objectivité", il me semble. :roll: :wink:
teiki arii
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Message » 09 Avr 2006 20:02

Oui, mais sans test en aveugle, 'spèce d'obscurantiste :mdr:
Messages: 2817
Inscription Forum: 20 Mai 2004 13:32
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Message » 09 Avr 2006 20:12

Je vais passer en cable secteur audioquest NRG², je vous dirais concretement si difference il y à
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Inscription Forum: 01 Déc 2004 23:39
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