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Toutes les enceintes HiFi
Non, là c'est une tombe !!
Voila la vraie très classieuse BmW :
Voila la vraie très classieuse BmW :
- fargo
- Messages: 7624
- Inscription Forum: 15 Avr 2005 23:01
- Localisation: Tolosa
L'idée du touiiiter en "caillou" est assez géniale .
C'est très beau, mais si ça sonne comme un caillou alors là ........
C'est très beau, mais si ça sonne comme un caillou alors là ........
- fargo
- Messages: 7624
- Inscription Forum: 15 Avr 2005 23:01
- Localisation: Tolosa
fargo a écrit:C'est très beau, mais si ça sonne comme un caillou alors là ........
carbo en avait parlé ici...
carbo a écrit:Ecoute 2 : B&W Diamond Signature (16000 euros)
Alors celles-là, je les attendais au tournant. Pour ne les avoir vues que dans des revues, et en plus dans leur finition blanche, je les trouvais horribles. En vrai, et surtout en noir (ou plus exactement en finition bois foncé qui ressemble beaucoup à la finition "eye's tiger" de la série Signature des anciennes Nautilus 800), elles sont déjà beaucoup moins vilaines ... ce qui n'en fait quand même pas non plus des œuvres d'art selon mes propres critères. Mais bien plus que cela, j'étais curieux de voir, ou plus exactement d'écouter une enceinte 2 voies à 16000 euros, surtout après avoir lu tous les éloges les concernant. Je partais donc avec un à priori plutôt négatif.
Oui, et bien, il faut savoir reconnaître ses torts et ses erreurs. Ces enceintes sont tout simplement hallucinantes !
Pour faire rapide, je vais les comparer avec les 800D précédemment écoutées.
Certes, la grenouille ne peut pas se faire plus grosse que le bœuf, et c'est donc dans le registre du grave que les 800D prennent le dessus. Mais la différence n'est pas si énorme que l'on pourrait s'y attendre. C'est vraiment impressionnant ce que cette "petite" enceinte est capable de sortir comme grave. En fermant les yeux, on imaginerait avoir affaire au moins à un HP de 25 cm.
De même, sur les œuvres orchestrales, la 800D est plus à l'aise. Il y a plus de présence, de poids, de matière.
Par contre, la Signature oppose tous les avantages d'une deux voies : cohérence de timbres et des registres, rapidité/nervosité accrue, homogénéité.
L'équilibre général parait un peu plus montant, en fait, c'est tout simplement qu'il est moins descendant (moins de grave), ce qui donne un écoute plus lumineuse, mais avec moins d'assise, de grain.
On est donc là en présence d'un système 2 voies poussé à son extrème. Très très impressionnant.
Certes, les différences ne sont pas abyssales, et il est clair que ce sont là 2 B&W de la série Diamond, mais elles sont suffisantes pour que chacune ait ses partisans.
Personnellement, je préfère quand même les 800D, de plus les Signatures ne seraient pas adaptées à la taille de ma pièce et B&W n'a pas prévu de caisson à lui associer (l'ensemble aurait de toute façon été probablement hors budget).
- corintin
- Messages: 3774
- Inscription Forum: 24 Mai 2009 22:25
fargo a écrit:C'est très beau, mais si ....
vu sur un autre forum anglophone via la filière B&W que selon un propriétaire et son revendeur la Diamond Signature serait supérieure pour les aigus et le medium à la 802D qui, elle, se rattrape (logiquement) sur l'extrême grave :
"I own N802 and my dealer which I have known for a long time owns the 802D's and we both admitted the Signature edges out the 802D in the midrange and treble for clarity however in the bass the 802D (802N) is far more dynamic with low frequencies you can feel in your bones."
l'heureux homme possède des 802D et des Diamond Signature qu'il préfererait s'il avait à choisir entre les deux :
"I have a pair of the signatures, I can tell you first hand go for them!
You will not regret, their sound is amazing, they are very different vs the 802D's.
Their sound stage is not small like someone said (maybe the problem was the room or placement), it is the most coherent speaker I heard, they are not very good in bass response for obious reasons but the highs and mids are incredible!
It is also a limited edition speaker which will surely revalue with time.
I really, really like them and I also have 802D's which are also great but if I where in your position I buy the Signatures"
finalement il a opté pour les Signature en blanc même s'il a des Nautilus (noires ?) :
"I got the white one, I order my pair 1 year ago almost the same day the Nautilus arrive home, my dealer provide me with 2 samples and the Wakame was not for me!
Almost everyone in this forum hate the look of the Signatures, but love it, they are truly a statement.
The black grills look great and they are painted with the same paint as a Porsche and took 4 weeks just for that job.
One of the main differences I like better than the wakame is that the tweeter housing is from a gray/white marvel which look great and the wakames came with a plain black marvel which look like a painted simple housing."
- corintin
- Messages: 3774
- Inscription Forum: 24 Mai 2009 22:25
et sur Audiogon, quelques échanges :
"des enceintes superlatives" :
"A couple of days ago I had the pleasure of auditioning the limited edition B&W Signature Diamond speaker powered by all Ayre gear.
I thought for a very small two way speaker they were superlative for the following reasons:
1) offered electrostatic speed and details with very natural timbres.
2) For such a small two way speaker it had great dynamics and bass extension. These would not do well in a very large acoustic environment, but that's not the reason way B&W built them, there for smaller listening spaces.
3) Totally open, you don't "hear" the speaker at all."
"elles sont laides" :
"09-21-07: Rlwainwright
Well, they sure enough are ugly. It is to be hoped that they sound better than they look..."
je ne suis pas fan B&W mais.. :
"10-05-07: Bblilikoi
I heard these speakers recently too--at Top Audio in Milan, driven by the CAT JL-2 amp, CAT SL-1 Ultimate pre, and AQ wires. Source was the top Esoteric two-box.
I also heard the Magico Minis with Spectral electronics and MIT wires.
I completely agree with your assessment regarding the quality of the new Signature Diamonds. And I have NOT been a fan of B&W speakers. These SDs are a good departure for B&W. Your description of them is spot-on--"very natural timbres" and "great dynamics and bass extension."
But the Magico Minis aren't any lessers, to my hearing. Their sound is quite different--neutral, linear, transparent, and extremely sensitive to whatever electronics or signal is matched with them. I was impressed at how different they sounded with Spectral electronics as opposed to the BAT equipment I'd heard them with at the last CES.
Still, you're quite right to mention the price difference--about $9K less for the SDs. And, in the dark finish, I think they'd be better looking than in the white."
plus équilibrées que les autres B&W Diamond :
"12-08-07: Srdan01
I listen them hook up on Classe electronic. They are better balanced than rest of Diamond series, probably because tweeter in N800/1/2 doesn’t have enough sensitivity to be balanced flat till 20kH. Here situation is different and small speaker is really something! Sound wonderful with great bas. But, again..., you need to forget high SPL and room more than 25m2. Really expensive and it's not look so bad like on the pictures. The one I listen was white."
mes meilleures enceintes à ce jour.. et je suis dans le business audio :
"12-29-07: Berjar
I have had a pair for about a month (white). They are driven by AR REF 3, Ref CD7 and AR Ref 110 stereo amp. I thought I would buy a pair just for fun and probably sell them quickly. After hearing them, it will be a long time before I make another change. They are the most accurate and natural sounding speaker I have ever heard. I am in the business, so I have heard a lot. There is almost no coloration from the lower mids on up. The blend between the tweeter and mid is seamless. They have a lot of detail, but sound buttery smooth at the same time (the AR gear helps I am sure). There are more powerful and dynamic speakers out there, but for listening at moderate levels in a medium size room they are among, if not the best in the world. "
impressionnant.. the best deal :
"12-29-07: Bar81
I also got to listen to the Signature Diamonds fronted by the top end Classe gear and what I heard was quite impressive. The midrange was fantastic (although still not quite as transparent as the Focal Alto Utopia Be) and, as stated earlier, blended seamlessly with the tweeter. The bass also went surprisingly low for their size and a two-way speaker. Other than the fact that they are unattractive aesthetically imo, even with room reinforcement, the bass just doesn't go low enough to justify the price imo. But for those looking for a superior two way, they might be the best deal in the business atm"
ce que l’on peut en retenir en résumé : :
speed and details with very natural timbres
great dynamics and bass extension
Totally open, you don't "hear" the speaker at all.
Well, they sure enough are ugly
They are better balanced than rest of Diamond series
the most accurate and natural sounding speaker I have ever heard
The midrange was fantastic
The bass also went surprisingly low for their size
"des enceintes superlatives" :
"A couple of days ago I had the pleasure of auditioning the limited edition B&W Signature Diamond speaker powered by all Ayre gear.
I thought for a very small two way speaker they were superlative for the following reasons:
1) offered electrostatic speed and details with very natural timbres.
2) For such a small two way speaker it had great dynamics and bass extension. These would not do well in a very large acoustic environment, but that's not the reason way B&W built them, there for smaller listening spaces.
3) Totally open, you don't "hear" the speaker at all."
"elles sont laides" :
"09-21-07: Rlwainwright
Well, they sure enough are ugly. It is to be hoped that they sound better than they look..."
je ne suis pas fan B&W mais.. :
"10-05-07: Bblilikoi
I heard these speakers recently too--at Top Audio in Milan, driven by the CAT JL-2 amp, CAT SL-1 Ultimate pre, and AQ wires. Source was the top Esoteric two-box.
I also heard the Magico Minis with Spectral electronics and MIT wires.
I completely agree with your assessment regarding the quality of the new Signature Diamonds. And I have NOT been a fan of B&W speakers. These SDs are a good departure for B&W. Your description of them is spot-on--"very natural timbres" and "great dynamics and bass extension."
But the Magico Minis aren't any lessers, to my hearing. Their sound is quite different--neutral, linear, transparent, and extremely sensitive to whatever electronics or signal is matched with them. I was impressed at how different they sounded with Spectral electronics as opposed to the BAT equipment I'd heard them with at the last CES.
Still, you're quite right to mention the price difference--about $9K less for the SDs. And, in the dark finish, I think they'd be better looking than in the white."
plus équilibrées que les autres B&W Diamond :
"12-08-07: Srdan01
I listen them hook up on Classe electronic. They are better balanced than rest of Diamond series, probably because tweeter in N800/1/2 doesn’t have enough sensitivity to be balanced flat till 20kH. Here situation is different and small speaker is really something! Sound wonderful with great bas. But, again..., you need to forget high SPL and room more than 25m2. Really expensive and it's not look so bad like on the pictures. The one I listen was white."
mes meilleures enceintes à ce jour.. et je suis dans le business audio :
"12-29-07: Berjar
I have had a pair for about a month (white). They are driven by AR REF 3, Ref CD7 and AR Ref 110 stereo amp. I thought I would buy a pair just for fun and probably sell them quickly. After hearing them, it will be a long time before I make another change. They are the most accurate and natural sounding speaker I have ever heard. I am in the business, so I have heard a lot. There is almost no coloration from the lower mids on up. The blend between the tweeter and mid is seamless. They have a lot of detail, but sound buttery smooth at the same time (the AR gear helps I am sure). There are more powerful and dynamic speakers out there, but for listening at moderate levels in a medium size room they are among, if not the best in the world. "
impressionnant.. the best deal :
"12-29-07: Bar81
I also got to listen to the Signature Diamonds fronted by the top end Classe gear and what I heard was quite impressive. The midrange was fantastic (although still not quite as transparent as the Focal Alto Utopia Be) and, as stated earlier, blended seamlessly with the tweeter. The bass also went surprisingly low for their size and a two-way speaker. Other than the fact that they are unattractive aesthetically imo, even with room reinforcement, the bass just doesn't go low enough to justify the price imo. But for those looking for a superior two way, they might be the best deal in the business atm"
ce que l’on peut en retenir en résumé : :
speed and details with very natural timbres
great dynamics and bass extension
Totally open, you don't "hear" the speaker at all.
Well, they sure enough are ugly
They are better balanced than rest of Diamond series
the most accurate and natural sounding speaker I have ever heard
The midrange was fantastic
The bass also went surprisingly low for their size
Dernière édition par corintin le 12 Déc 2009 18:18, édité 2 fois.
- corintin
- Messages: 3774
- Inscription Forum: 24 Mai 2009 22:25
la production de ces Diamond signature est censée s'arrêter ? (série limitée ?)
ou bien elle va continuer encore longtemps ?
ou bien elle va continuer encore longtemps ?
- Home Audio Selection
- Pro-Commercant
- Messages: 2567
- Inscription Forum: 05 Sep 2006 22:01
- Localisation: 2 points d'écoutes sur le Sud-Ouest (périphérie TOULOUSE et BORDEAUX)
frisounette a écrit:la production de ces Diamond signature est censée s'arrêter ? (série limitée ?)
ou bien elle va continuer encore longtemps ?
ils les ont présenté à tous les salons de France et de Navarre ces derniers mois..
et donc je suppose qu'elles sont bien disponibles ? .. mystère !
Dernière édition par corintin le 07 Jan 2010 20:11, édité 1 fois.
- corintin
- Messages: 3774
- Inscription Forum: 24 Mai 2009 22:25
Y avait-il une nécessité acoustique pour qu'elle soit aussi laide cette enceinte ou était-ce juste pour le fun ?
- van.alstine
- Messages: 7423
- Inscription Forum: 01 Nov 2006 19:13
- Localisation: france
Tu vas voir qu'il y en a qui vont te dire qu'elle est belle et chacun ses gouts ,nananère
- AbsoluteSound
- Messages: 5490
- Inscription Forum: 10 Oct 2008 13:58
superbe esthétiquement
bobim - Membre HCFR
- Messages: 26229
- Inscription Forum: 05 Mar 2002 2:00
- Localisation: ici et ailleurs
Heu ... ce ne serait pas un modèle en série limitée qui date de deux ou trois ans ?
En tout cas, j'ai du voir et écouter un modèle qui lui ressemblait comme deux gouttes d'eau au Salon de la HiFi présentée par Ph.Muller à cette époque, j'en suis certain.
En tout cas, j'ai du voir et écouter un modèle qui lui ressemblait comme deux gouttes d'eau au Salon de la HiFi présentée par Ph.Muller à cette époque, j'en suis certain.
- syber
- Messages: 12665
- Inscription Forum: 30 Juil 2005 15:07