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PACER [PC-PS4-X1] par les ExDevs de WipEout

Message » 01 Jan 2015 16:59


Source => ... 7c82#/main


Dear TTP Member,

I just thought I would share with you some of the behind-the-scenes work we are on with right now, and some of the design thoughts we've been having - Please note that these concept WIP materials are only available to you as subscribed TPP members.

As you can see, we are moving away slightly from the early F1 inspired designs and we are trying to re-imagine the progression of near future F1 racing technology (60 years in the future) and more importantly the progression of Quantum Levitation Technology.

QLT is something that will give us a lot of freedom over the original Wipeout to create some very exciting track designs that will be unique to FF.

The stage above represents the Amateur Racing Class Craft that will feature in the early builds from April - so expect to see an awesome 3d version soon! There will be few refinements to be made to the design and some clean up work but I think you can see the potential.

Were are we at right now?

Next week we will be starting the Steam Greenlight process, to attract more numbers to the community and to help us build momentum - a notification will go out shortly. Over the next couple of months we will be working on implementing a combination of QL physics and 2097 style craft behavior so we can create a a kick ass game-play video in anticipation of the Kickstarter Campaign to be launched in March.

FYI - for those of you wanting to contribute..

You can now purchase exclusive TPP offers using PAYPAL here.

As always, your continued support means a great deal to us at R8 HQ.


Team R8.
Dernière édition par Darkhan le 04 Jan 2015 16:22, édité 1 fois.
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Message » 03 Jan 2015 18:09


Full STEAM ahead!

Source => ... 2f0b#/main


So - we are now officially on Steam - to begin the Concept->Greenlight->Early Access->Release process. You can find us here.

If you have a spare moment please lend your support and cast your vote. This will mean we can stay on top of the other concepts and get the guys at VALVE to feature us. We are already starting to get noticed and when we get back in the office we will make sure we start to put up some juicy materials to try and sustain the momentum.

BTW: If you were wondering about our stage #1 concept progression - here's a glimpse at the concept work we are on with:


Thanks for your continued support.

Team R8!
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Message » 04 Jan 2015 16:37

La Fiche sur Steam

Game Overview

Formula Fusion Racing takes the best elements of Wipeout and F Zero X and gives the genre some real bite, taking AG Racing to the next level! The amount of speed you can gain is potentially open-ended; to the point of having an almost warp speed like quality. The game brings together experts in the fields of optimisation and performance, concept art from established film and VFX talent and a thumping soundtrack from international music artists to create a blended visceral sensation like no other!

Track Technology

Tracks are made up of superconductors that suspend the craft within a gravitational field using super-cells, cooled by liquid nitrogen. This Quantum Levitation Effect allows craft to skim along the track at incredibly high speeds whilst remaining suspended in the field through all degrees of motion. Magnetic side buffers create an invisible barrier to dampen impact at high speeds whilst holographic digital elements serve to update your HUD with visual feedback.

Handling and Features

With improved 2097 style craft physics and handling - tracks will be designed with roller coaster style ‘heart in your throat’ moments making full use of cyclic 3600 rotation, extreme twists and inverted sections meaning the tracks will be staged to be more abstract and challenging than ever before. Track features include: Corkscrews, Loops, Twists, Banking, Field Switches and Inverted jumps along with X-sections and flyovers. Lighting FX and post processing will also play a big part; trails of the craft come from plasma clouds which dissipate over time making it possible at extreme speeds to see ghosted versions as you complete a lap.


Gameplay includes a layer of technology research and craft customization through the team garage facility, along with competitive ‘edge of your seat’ style racing in the various classes; working your way from Amateur Racing Class up to the slick FF-Hyper Sports leagues. Along with the base game modes we also aim to bring you visceral ‘in-cockpit’ F1 VR style action and synchronous eSports Racing Leagues. For those of you wanting to explore your own creativity, Team customization elements will allow you to create your own team and garage skins.


The game will represent not only a next generation reboot of the classic AG Racing genre, but also a drive to bring back the core tried and tested elements from the most successful and most cherished AG Racing Titles ever made including a thumping urban soundtrack produced by our very own DubFX in collaboration with CoLD SToRAGE.

The game is to be the first title from the newly formed R8 Games Development Studio; a company made up of dev talent including ex Wipeout, Colin McRae, AutoClub Revolution, Carmageddon and Midnight Club developers.

Game Setting

The game is set in and around NY State, 50 years after the cataclysmic events of an all-out global nuclear war rendered most areas uninhabitable. Redevelopment on a vast scale has all but papered over the cracks, with many districts almost unrecognizable. The division between rich and poor is the greatest it has ever been with Favela style slums and make-shift buildings forming poverty stricken rings around affluent commercial districts. Branding and Graphic design elements to make the world come to life will come from influential and award winning designers, The Designers Republic.

The year is 2075. 177 years since man first got behind the wheel of a car and raced against a competitor. Through the years, advances in science and technology have pushed the field of Quantum Levitation to a degree that allows modern transportation to be suspended within artificially created gravity fields above super conducted highways. Along with transportation, this technology became embedded in motor sport racing; the pomp and celebration of what was Formula 1, evolved to become FORMULA FUSION – QUANTUM RACING LEAGUES.

The racing calendar is now established as a global sporting event that brings technology and science together like never before. Because of the high level of technical competition and the huge levels of investment the race attracts - the traditional corporate backed race teams have given way to huge University based research facilities, and each team is now represented on a national level by these huge schools of excellence. These Mega-Unis are often the size of large cities with their own economies and laws.

With competition for research funding high, each race season is as much about showcasing the skills of the pilots as it is the performance of the craft. Competition to attract the best researchers and engineers to these institutions is fierce with big money headhunting common place. Craft pilots are nurtured from birth and conditioned into becoming perfect testing machines to support this drive for success.

Universities regularly publish their standings in the global research tables and this in turn allows them to achieve greater funding and expansion. Formula Fusion is a perfect testing grounds for the latest in hardware and science innovations. To support the research surrounding the event, Universities have focused their research into 4 key areas of innovation. These are represented in the Garage Tech Trees:

    • Weapon Systems
    • Propulsion Systems
    • Craft Materials
    • Quantum Physics

Game Features:

- 7 themed zones – each containing 3 tracks and a final championship track resulting in 22 variations;
- 10 National Racing Teams/ Research institutes – Each with different research specialties;
- Branding and Graphic design from The Designers Republic – A perfect marriage of style and content;
- Customisable Race Settings – Including Weather and TOD;
- New Weapon Technology – Research new technology and adapt your own style of play;
- New Game Modes and Meta Games - including an integrated Zone style mode and garage missions;
- Local Split Screen and Synchronous multiplayer aspect - with Replay Ghost;
- Team Research Garage – Craft upgrade mechanic and race analytics through the front end;
- Records, Awards and eSPORTS Racing Leagues – through our eSports partner;
- 5 unlockable Craft Classes, available at key upgrade/advance stages – including team specific AlienTech craft;
- Potential VR Integration – for visceral cockpit action;
- A Thumping Urban Soundtrack - From DubFX and CoLD SToRAGE.

Check out the Test Pilot Programme, news and further information, here:

Thank you,
Team R8
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Message » 02 Fév 2015 10:01

Petite Série d'information.

FF utilise l'Unreal Engine 4 comme moteur Graphique => (Source)

A ce Sujet ils y reconfirment que l'Unreal Engine 4 ne sait pas exploiter les configuration SLI/Crossfire de cartes graphique.
Chose qu'EPIC avait déjà confirmé l'année dernière (Source)

Autres infos FF permettra aussi la conduite en mode Cockpit notamment en vue de sa compatibilité avec Oculus Rift (Source)

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Message » 02 Fév 2015 10:38

En fait si ils veulent utiliser le SLi ils doivent le coder eux même. Non mais sans déconner c'est quoi ce moteur qui ne sait pas utiliser le SLi nativement surtout vu la puissance qu'il demande pour tourner ?

Daylight dont on parle beaucoup actuellement gère le SLi et pourtant il utilise l'UE4.
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Message » 02 Fév 2015 10:57

BennJ a écrit:En fait si ils veulent utiliser le SLi ils doivent le coder eux même.
Daylight dont on parle beaucoup actuellement gère le SLi et pourtant il utilise l'UE4.

Le SLi peut etre mais il ne me semble mais pas le crossfire il me semble
Il me semble aussi que techniquement, les retours de Daylight étaient plutot mitigé

Et puis R8Games n'est pas Zombie Studio. Ils n'ont qu'une quinzaine employés
Je pense qu'il ne faut pas trop compter la-dessus.
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Message » 02 Fév 2015 11:44

Attention je ne parle pas de l'optimisation de DyingLight, car oui c'est de la merde. Mais juste de la partie utilisation du SLi dans ce jeu par rapport à l’utilisation d'une seule carte.
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Message » 02 Fév 2015 11:51

Je l'avais bien compris BennJ :bravo:
Mais perso je préfèrerais que R8Games se concentre plus sur l'optimisation que sur le support du MultiGPU

Et puis rappelons que UE4 a été concu dés le départ pour exprimer tout son potentiel sous DX12.
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Message » 10 Fév 2015 18:14



[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource GamesPress.]

Los Angeles, CA – February 10, 2015 – Today, ESL, the world’s largest esports company, is pleased to officially announce ESL Matchmaking, its white label development toolkit that will be featured in the upcoming anti-gravity racing game, Formula Fusion by R8 Games, dubbed by many as the spiritual successor to the blockbuster WipEout.

UK-based indie developer R8 Games – comprised of team members with pedigrees that include many highly successful racing titles, including WipEout, the Colin McRae series, Midnight Club, Carmageddon and Auto Club Revolution – is set to release Formula Fusion on Windows PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in early 2016. Formula Fusion is the first video game announced to leverage ESL Matchmaking for its competitive-grade esports matchmaking multiplayer.

“Indie development has grown in leaps and bounds, continuing to be an area of amazing video game innovation in terms of content, game play and overall creativity. ESL recognizes the potential of indie games and we believe the ESL Matchmaking toolkit will help level the playing field for indies,” said Arne Peters, Vice President of ESL Technology. “While many indie titles are ideally suited for competitive play from a design perspective, sadly that aspect isn’t always an initial priority. Our ESL Matchmaking toolkit makes it quite easy for indie developers to deliver world-class support for competitive gaming without distracting them from their core competency of making amazingly creative games.”

“Teaming up with esports professionals from the world of ESL is a big deal for us. It clearly communicates our ambitions to be the next big thing in anti-gravity racing,” said Andrew Walker, CEO of R8 Games. “ESL Matchmaking will not only fuel the best possible online multiplayer experiences for our fans, but it will also help us focus our resources on game design, development and balancing. We are truly excited about this opportunity and the potential that offering industry-leading esports support brings.”

The ESL Matchmaking toolkit is platform-independent and connects via a web application program interface (API). This allows developers integrating the ESL Matchmaking tool into their games to benefit from advanced skill-based matchmaking features across all game versions and platforms. Developed by ESL and proven over numerous years in ESL’s online tournaments, ESL Matchmaking is now available to every developer of multiplayer video games, regardless of platform or genre.

The ESL Technology team will showcase the capabilities of the ESL Matchmaking tool at the upcoming Game Developers Conference (GDC) from March 2nd through 6th, 2015 in San Francisco, CA.

For more information regarding ESL Matchmaking and ESL Technology, please contact


About ESL Technology

ESL Technology, a subsidiary of ESL, the world leaders in esports, provides tools and services for both game developers and publishers. Years of experience organizing, hosting and running professional single and multiplayer game competitions and events establishes ESL Technology as the most qualified white label provider of esports technology services on the market.

About R8 Games

R8 Games Ltd is an independent developer, based in Middlesbrough, UK. With an in-depth knowledge of anti-gravity and traditional racing games at its heart, the company was formed to push forward the boundaries of adrenaline-fueled gameplay using next-gen gaming technology. Learn more at or by contacting
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Message » 10 Fév 2015 18:20

Petit complément d'info
Les sélections pour la phase pilotes ont eut lieu hier et ce matin
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Message » 05 Mar 2015 12:20

Le logo pour l'eSport et les 1ers screenshots du jeu 8)



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Message » 05 Mar 2015 12:41

Ca fait très très Wipeout sur ses screenshots :)
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Message » 05 Mar 2015 12:52

Vu les géniteurs, cela se comprend aisement
et en désespérance de voir un jour un nouveau wipeout on aura Formula Fusion en multiplateforme
Dernière édition par Darkhan le 05 Mar 2015 12:55, édité 1 fois.
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Message » 05 Mar 2015 12:53

Par contre j'espère des changements sur le gameplay ou plutot sur les animations car sur les premières vidéos de gameplay justement les véhicules bougeaient vraiment bizarrement.
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Message » 05 Mar 2015 12:57

CLairement ce n'était pas au top

Les vehicule n'avaient aucun roulis dans le conduite
R8G avait confirmé à ce moment là que tout était à faire pour eux
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