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Message » 01 Déc 2004 10:19

zitlouz a écrit:tout a fait .

pour faire du sacd 5.1 c'est:

-soit un ampli 5.1(jungson par exemple):la liaison est directe avec le sacd.MAIS il faut 2 entrees 5.1 sur le preampli hifi( comme sur le dernier atoll).

ou alors tu prends un ampli 5.1 avec décodeur (comme le jungson AV1000C) et tu enlèves ton Denon. Tu n'as alors plus besoin que d'un jeu d'entrées 5.1 pour brancher ta platine SACD, et d'une entrée numérique (coaxiale ou optique) pour brancher ton lecteur de DVD...
Messages: 429
Inscription Forum: 23 Avr 2003 23:12
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 11:29


lu attentivement vos posts et merci de noter que si besoin de précisions je peux vous donner des infos au sujet
du transport et de la douane depuis la chine (mais c'est pas difficile c'est mon job) ou tout autre problème lié a l'import (lu sur un post que les bateaux mettent 2 mois euh en fait 26 jours...)

ceci dit au sujet du matos :
La c'est pas mon job mais j'ai la chance d'avoir des collègues en chine et à HKG qui peuvent assez vite me donner le prix d'un appareil et me l'apporter à domicile quand il viennent en france (youpi !!!!!)
(en respectant bien entendu les règles de l'importation du matériel)

1/si j'achete en chine , il faut que le fabricant ait un SAV en france sinon quid quand panne ?
2/j'ai lu sur divers posts que cayin était bon - lequel serait le plus intéressant à acheter
(ou quel autre modèle de quelle marque??)
3/euh vos ampli à tubes , on connecte direct les enceintes dessus , ou faut un pré-ampli par exemple ?? (vous marrez pas - connais pas grand chose en ampli , j'ai un intégré rotel)

a vous lire et si vous avez des questions

nb : lu plusieurs post sur l'éthique des achats ''citoyens'' amha a mettre dans les topic ''sujets divers'' car il y a beaucoup à dire
amha encore , le cours du yuan devrait pas bouger à court terme
Messages: 286
Inscription Forum: 19 Oct 2004 14:56
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 11:51

Salut Lerapia,

Merci de ta participation...
1°) le SAV en France c'est valable durant la période de garantie... Ensuite peu importe le réparateur : ce ne sont toujours que des composants et des tubes...
2°) Tout dépend du budget que tu prévois mais si c'est entre 1000 et 1500 euros, il y a le A88T dont le grand intérêt réside dans le fait qu'il s'agit d'un intégré (pas besoin de préampli puisqu'il est dedans) auquel on peut aussi raccorder ensuite un meilleur préampli (le SC-6LS) et cela transcende l'ampli dixit ceux qui en ont fait l'expérience... (cette possibilité n'est pas très courante sur les intégrés et c'est du coup un appareil vraiment évolutif !)
3°) bah je viens de répondre... On peut parfois raccorder directement un lecteur CD à sortie variable à un ampli de puissance (sans passer d'abord par un préampli donc) mais cette possibilité est rare et assez délicate il me semble...
Donc en général il faut un préampli : celui-ci est soit intégré, soit indépendant. Cette 2ème option est plus coûteuse mais souvent de meilleure qualité et permet de faire évoluer son système...
Messages: 16136
Inscription Forum: 13 Jan 2004 3:44
Localisation: Dordogne (24)
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 12:05

En réponse à lcartau et pour ne pas trop poluer ici...

[url=]Acheter en chine, c'est bien ou c'est pas bien?
Messages: 1877
Inscription Forum: 04 Juin 2004 10:23
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 12:09


ou puis je voir les photos de l'engin ??

sinon je vais demander le prix pour le A88T
et pour le nouveau? modèle TI 88

encore une question de strouphm :
on branche l'enceinte par prise rca , ou direct le cable ??
Messages: 286
Inscription Forum: 19 Oct 2004 14:56
Localisation: sur ma chaise
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 12:17

Sur le site de

Le nouveau modèle le TI 88 est à éviter car tu n'as plus dessus la possibilité de rajouter un préampli séparé justement, contrairement au A88T.

Non. Une enseinte se branche soit par fil nu (prise bornier à serrer ou à clipser) et c'est pour moi le plus simple et le moins idiophile ;), par fiche banane (ça s'enfonce dans le bornier, quasiment tous ont ce genre de connexion), ou plus rarement par un connecteur plat en forme de U à serrer au bornier...
Messages: 16136
Inscription Forum: 13 Jan 2004 3:44
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 12:44

quelqu'un aurait un avis sur la Cayin CDT15A ?

j'ai fait une recherche mais il y a bcp moins de posts que sur la CDT17A, et je me demande si la différence de prix est réellement justifiée ?
Messages: 43
Inscription Forum: 14 Mar 2003 21:21
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 13:32

Est-ce que qq'un connaît le site des espagnols où ils ont sans doute publié leurs CR ?

J'ai retrouvé ses liens : ... 9360.topic

"Mais les CR commencent à la page 34-35" apparemment
Messages: 16136
Inscription Forum: 13 Jan 2004 3:44
Localisation: Dordogne (24)
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 14:01

Bon je n'arrive pas à trouver ces foutus CR... Pourtant il me semble bien avoir réussi il y a qq mois... Ils ont peut-être retiré l'accès ? Ou bien j'ai pas compris comment ça marche... Si quelqu'un sait comment faire merci à lui ! ;)
Messages: 16136
Inscription Forum: 13 Jan 2004 3:44
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 14:26

peut-être que cela a déjà été évoqué, mais la commande ne pourrait pas être centralisée, et faite sous forme associative ?
Messages: 953
Inscription Forum: 09 Juin 2004 22:08
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 14:28

Je ne crois pas que ça ait été évoqué... mais quel est l'interet?
Messages: 1877
Inscription Forum: 04 Juin 2004 10:23
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 14:32

et bien pas de risque au niveau du fisc, pas de problème entre importateur légal et importations parallèles (puisque l'activité n'a par définitition par pour but d'engranger des bénéfices), tout en gardant la possibilité de faire une commande centralisée et donc d'obtenir une remise

par ailleurs, une livraison centralisée (ou pourquoi pas quelques livraisons "régionales") seront sans doute plus économiques que des livraisons individuelles
Messages: 953
Inscription Forum: 09 Juin 2004 22:08
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 16:45

chris.24 a écrit:Bon je n'arrive pas à trouver ces foutus CR... Pourtant il me semble bien avoir réussi il y a qq mois... Ils ont peut-être retiré l'accès ? Ou bien j'ai pas compris comment ça marche... Si quelqu'un sait comment faire merci à lui ! ;)

Salut Chris,

Effectivement on dirait qu'ils ont supprimé l'accès :(

Bon, j'ai trouvé d'autres infos sur le site espagnol d'Audio Nirvana (en anglais) :wink:

[ The Chinese way: I want to know ]

© Ernest Ruiz. 2003

This brief article that you're ready to read began as a post in one of the many internet forums devoted to hifi. Some days ago I visited that forum (I'm talking about the forums that are offered for free to audiophiles at the web site of Royal Audio, an spanish audio dealer) and there I found many posts that were talking about Vincent hi-fi products. It was a surprise to see such expectation about these products so I decided to get more information about this brand. In fact, I knew that firm before entering that forum (no, I haven't heard any of the Vicent components, as I have said many times) but I didn't expected to see all these comments. Many of the audiophiles in these forums talked about the great advantages of Vincent products, specially their price, their finishes and their great sound. When I talk about "their price" I mean really good prices (to be exact, cheap). Prices that are difficult to find in the audio market when you search products with the look of the Vincent range. These prices are unusual in high end market and I asked myself how it was possible. The first thing that came into my mind was that maybe the Vincent products were made in the far east, I mean China, because the production costs here in Europa are very high and it is almost impossible to build here these kind of products and to sell them with these prices.

As I said I knew the Vincent brand before entering the Royal Audio forums because it was associated some time ago in some way with Thorens and it was present in their website (maybe this link still works Also I knew the relation between Vincent and its sister brand TAC (maker of tube amplifiers) with Sintron, a german electronics importer/exporter. many people in the tube audio world has talked about the chinese origin of TAC products, a country that is increasing its presence in the audio world and that is offering excellent products to the audiophile community. So, with all this information and with the question of the Vincent products origin in mind I planned an intensive search on the net in order to find some answers. Another point that focused my attention was the fact that in many web sites, including some sites of official Vincent distributors, the equipment is referred as "Made in Germany", and that was very confusing because both countries were mentioned repeatly.

I know how to use a search engine and it was easy (in fact very easy) to find the relation between Vincent and the chinese manufacturer/brand Shengya Audio. In this site you can see that Vincent products has its origins in the Shengya range of products and that the Vincent name is used to sell them in Europe. I don't think that this is bad because as I said before and in other articles available in this page (see at articles section the article about the visit to Aufiofilo and the contact with Shanling products or the one about Consonance) I believe that chinese manufactures are doing a very good job. I understand that maybe they belive that it would be easy to sell their products in the old continent using an european name, althought I think that it would be better to use their original name for two reasons: first, to won a place with their real name in the audio world (they have to be proud of what they are doing) and second and most important, to avoid confusions. Because some users could be confused when some informations say that a given product is made in Germany and others says that it is made in China. Some of you maybe don't understand my interest in knowing the origin of all these products. Many of you probably don't care about the origin of what you buy because you're satisfied as customers with your products. But I think that is very important to know exactly what we are buying, to know exactly all the facts about the products we own and to ask for all the information if there's some confusion. That's why I have written these lines because I can't understand the reason why this kind of information is hidden, because I want to know.

But all these things never come alone. At the same time I began to search the information about Vincent-Shengya in the net I had a conversation by email with an audiophile who was interested in the "british made" Affordable Valve Company amplifiers. He told me that he was very impressed about the products and he ask me about them. I knew the products from the british magazines I read and I gave him my opinion. He also told me that he had phoned Affordable and that he was surprised to hear that the man who answered his phone call identified himself as chinese. First, I didn't care about that, but suddenly something come to my mind. Chinese? Rapidly I visited again the Affordable web site but now I opened a new internet browser window with the TAC page and oh! surprise, the amplifiers by TAC and Affordable looked the same and had identical configurations. As you can imagine my interest then was focused not only in the Vincent-TAC origin but also in knowing in depth the matter about "Made in China" audio products that come to us here in Europe with non-chinese names or european names.

So I started again my search in the net and after some days of intensive work I found all the information I'm giving to you in the links shown below. I did this work with only one objective in mind, to have information and to give it to you in order to know exactly what some manufacturers are offering and also to know what we are buying. I'm not blaming chinese products only because they come from China. In fact, as I said before, and now I repeat it to be sure that it is clear, I think that they are good products that have to be considered. But we have to know it. All the links are from chinese manufactures (also a few from other asian countries) that are selling their hi-fi products to western countries under their own brands or under OEM products. Here you are. - Antique Sound Lab products sold under the same brand. - A chinese hi-fi central. Here you can see many products from different manufacturers. Original and OEM versions. - Amplifiers made by Spark Audio sold under the Cayin name. - As Mr. Mark Levinson (Red Rose Music-RRM) said in some interviews some of the RRM products come are made by Korsun. Compare Korsum products with RRM products that can be found at RRM site. - Ribbon speakers used in the RRM Rosebud II speaker - Aurum Cantus mother company. ... /youx2.htm - Here you can see the original Aurum Cantus speakers that is sold as RRM Rosebud II. - I started this search with this brand. - Spark amplifiers. They make the Cayin amps.

As you can see this is a very short list. There're many more chinese manufacturers in the net selling their OEM products to other hifi industries all around the world. My work is only a fast view into this matter. You can follow the search by yourself and so I would give you some advice. First download the chinese characters for your browser. This will allow the browser to show properly the pages written in chinese. Second, use always english to seacrh for these issues. All the chinese sites are written in chinese but also in english and it's better to seacrh using this language. Third, search using numerical names. For example if you want to know the origin of an amplifier called "Mark SP-V456", type in the search engine "sp-v456 +amplifier". Some manufacturers change the name of the amplifier from the original chinese name to an european/western name but they don't change the number of the model (the same happen to DVD players).

Finaly, before buying any product get as much information about it as you can and ask the dealers or the importers all the questions you have about that product. Doing this we'll be more secure as customers about what we buy.


07/09/2003- While writing this article I contacted Sintron, the european importer of Shengya products, to ask them about their products and this is the answer I have received. Thanks to Sintron for this information:

Dear Mr. Ruiz,
We are pleased to notice your interest in our Hi-Fi Products and see below for your question! Production place China as like more and more brands do, of course. Shengya are different to Vincent although the housings are temporatly the same which are able to give confused but shouldn't happened as far as Shengya wouldn't and couldn't be commercialize in Europe. Enginering by co-venture as well as technical modifications/specifications are concerned and these are relevant under industrial secret. Best regards. Olivier Kasjan//SINTRON.

09/09/2003- More information about Shengya, kindly provided by the chinese company. Thanks very much to Shengya:

Dear Mr. Ruiz,
Thanks for your Email! Yes, that's true about your questions! 1. Vincent products are made by us in China and all the design is different with Shengya and Vincent produts are sale in Europe by Sintron. 2. Whats the different between them? Some of them IC/capacitor/transformer/tube/remote control etc. Of course, they will more better in Vincent and more expensive. Any questions pls don't hesitate to contact us! Thank you! BRGD Abby_Jiang.


27/01/2004- More concidences with this two manufacturers:

C'est un peu long, mais j'espère que ça pourra vous aider un peu :wink:
J'ai aussi un peu consulté leur forum, mais n'ai pas trouvé de CR vous intéressant !
Je continue les recherches, olé... :mdr:

Bonne journée à tous
Messages: 989
Inscription Forum: 28 Oct 2004 10:44
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 21:45

Perso, finalement je suis passé par norman.

Je devrais avoir ma commande demain (appel aujourd'hui de fedex), avec image2.5, classic6.6 et originala6.

La CG, j'y crois moyennement, ne suis pas persuadé de l'intérêt (gain) et ne souhaite pas attendre x mois de façon incertaine.

De plus, comme cela a été dit vis-à-vis des vendeurs français, il ne faut pas oublier que norman aussi est un vendeur, même s'il est en chine, il prodigue aussi des conseils, donc, à en croire certains posts, demander conseil à un vendeur puis acheter aillers c'est mal.

Au niveau prix, en ayant revendu mon matos (il me reste encore à vendre mon P500), je m'y retrouve.

voilà :-)
Messages: 518
Inscription Forum: 29 Juin 2003 22:23
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Message » 01 Déc 2004 21:48

J'étais aussi tomber par hasard sur ça... merci qd même...
Messages: 16136
Inscription Forum: 13 Jan 2004 3:44
Localisation: Dordogne (24)
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