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[EPP] 2013:Plasmas Panasonic ST60 (42, 50, 55, 65 pouces)

Message » 19 Mar 2013 14:27

Pas forcément, mais autant être exact.
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 14:46

A priori le VT60 aura également 3 HDMI et non pas 4.
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 14:58

Scarecrew a écrit:
lcdmen a écrit:ce que je reproche a ce model(ST) :
- une seule paire de lunette
- 5wx2 pour le son
- 3 HDMI c'est tout

Euh... non : 5w X 2 + Subwoofer de 10w. :wink:

je parle juste des HPs sans le Subwoofer ! :wink:
la plus part des constructeurs mettent 10w par HP d'autre 12w voir 20w,y'a que Pana qui met 4w pour les LED et 5w pour les plasma !
c'est le progret made by Pana !
Krystaufe a écrit:A priori le VT60 aura également 3 HDMI et non pas 4.

vu son prix normalement c'est 5 ports hdmi,1000 euros d'ecart par rapport au ST !
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 16:41

Sur les fiches produit en tout cas c'est 3.

Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9300 avec Tapatalk
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 18:42

Il n'y a que moi qui soit tres content des 1er retours de st60 sans banding? ?? Meme si je sais qu il faut prendre ca avec de grosses pincettes. .. je vais peut etre attendre un peu avant d acheter mon 55st50. .

Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9300 avec Tapatalk
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 21:16

GT50 à gauche, ST60 à droite :

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Message » 19 Mar 2013 22:13

Et qu'est on censé regarder?
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Inscription Forum: 27 Juil 2003 15:27
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 22:21

Manuxs, tu peux mettre le lien du forum du site avs ou on peu suivre les dernières news?? J ai cherché mais j ai rien trouvé. ..

Envoyé depuis mon GT-I9300 avec Tapatalk
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 22:27

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Message » 19 Mar 2013 22:35

Toujours sur le coup realzven :mdr: :wink:
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Message » 19 Mar 2013 22:53

Il est trop fort :love:
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Message » 20 Mar 2013 0:23

yy a écrit:Et qu'est on censé regarder?

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Inscription Forum: 27 Mai 2007 19:44
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Message » 20 Mar 2013 8:47

from avforum steeve bumtious calibreur pro :

Originally Posted by golden phoenix

i have plenty of questions for you I will list them and just answer them when you have the chance, you might not have all the answers, so i will take that into account. as youve only spent a little time with it.

most would probably ask this stuff who have read the panny forums over the last few years

1. did you notice any VBI at all
2. did you notice any DFC
3. how did the ST handle motion especially on sports
4. how would you compare the new ST to last years GT/VT
5. are there increased calibration controls compared to last year.
6. did you try any gaming, how was the lag?
7. did you notice any improvement on brightness especially white scenes
8. Any green blobs
9. any purple snakes
10 how was the crosstalk on 3D
11. any ghosting on images
12. was everything as should be on cadence detection
13. how was sky and 50 htz content, and where any anomalies introduced because you were watching 50 htz material
14. how was image retention

1. No non at all, I see it instantly and is slight on my VT50. The GT that was sent for review here had it and was seen the second we turned it on once returned. Watched football, checked it with full rasters in all colours at 5 point increments from 0 to 100 ire and checked the grey update screen. Both the 42X60 and the 50ST60 we have had none.

2. Everyone sees this differently but it seems much less, settings play a part and there are simply loads more than on the 50's. No where near finished playing with all the possibilities.

3. Motion is very good, but was last year.

4. That is an interesting one, colour accuracy is better than last year and that was awesome, the fact that red saturates correctly achieves a level I've not seen on a domestic set. The filter makes blacks look stunning as you have seen from the picture posted. You will have to see them to decide. At the next meet, a comprehensive demo is planned to show how filters respond to light.

5. Think I've shown that with pictures, but you have 10 point greyscale (2 point IS NOT ENOUGH) The CMS has double the control over last year and there is cell light options, black expander, full 10 point gamma, 100 sharpness (edge enhancement) options instead of 10.

6. Not tried, but no game preset, instead you have a game option on all inputs.

7. Yes definitely brighter.

8. No but there is non on any of our demo sets or my VT 50. Only seen this on 2 sets.

9. No and have not seen this for 3 years.

10. Have not got that far, but the new glasses are very flimsy and don't sit right. (3D3's are where it's at.). Crosstalk is normally caused by the glasses anyway. ( see owner feedback )

11. See 10. Same

12. Yes. Separate control to turn on or off.

13. Like the 50's a non issue.

14. You're not reading the thread, did a test earlier, test card F left on for 30 mins, then put 100 ire white raster, any retention which was slight cleared in 30 seconds. (That's with a static pattern.)

Everything I've commented on and observed can be completely backed up by demonstration.
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Inscription Forum: 13 Mar 2010 15:19
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Message » 20 Mar 2013 9:15

J'adore les réponses 13 et 14. Elles résument parfaitement ce que je pense de ces revues....
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Inscription Forum: 30 Avr 2012 18:50
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Message » 20 Mar 2013 10:13

yy a écrit:Et qu'est on censé regarder?

La différence de niveau de noirs, les deux écrans étant calibrés ISF :roll:
Messages: 16046
Inscription Forum: 23 Mai 2005 18:28
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