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Emotiva XMC-1 préamp HD XLR avec DiracLive.

Message » 24 Juil 2014 16:41

SYLEX a écrit:
kisscool a écrit:... mais je vais attendre , car de toutes facon la ristourne de -40% tu l auras plus tard aussi .
Tu es sûr ? Pas d'affolement, alors. :zen:

La remise de -40% est d'office pour l upgrade du pre amp , si tu as acheté un UMC-1 ; tu auras la remise sur l XMC-1 .. mais pas le suivant. Par contre un acheteur d XMC-1 , aura lui une remise sur son successeur.. en 2025 ;-)

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- Enceintes Paradigm : Principales S8 v2 (Bi amp) - Centrale C5 v3 -Surround ADP3 v2 - Cable QED XT 40
- Ampli Yamaha RX-A8A - Vidéo pro LS-12000b - Ecran fixe Duronic 2.94m de base
- Nvidia Shield TV 2019 - Xbox Série X - Platine vinyle Denon DP-300F
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Message » 24 Juil 2014 23:21

Et pour le Dirac à venir? Upgrade? Ou faudra racheter un XMC-1?

Envoyé de mon iPhone
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Message » 25 Juil 2014 1:52

"XMC-1’s will be shipping without Dirac Live Room Correction installed on them. As promised, Dirac Live will be fully implemented shortly; in about 60 days you’ll receive the software update for Dirac on a USB flash drive, a calibration microphone, and updated user instructions."

extrait du mail pour la confirmation de réservation.
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Inscription Forum: 25 Mar 2010 22:43
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Message » 25 Juil 2014 9:19

Espérons que les 60 jours ne soient pas trop optimistes. :siffle: En tout cas Emotiva affirme que le hard est totalement prêt, qu'il n'y a plus que le soft à finaliser. Par conséquent, que ça ne va pas tarder et qu'il n'y aura qu'une mise à jour du FirmWare a effectuer. :zen:

A l'idéal, la MàJ arrive mi-septembre. Fin septembre les retours sur le XMC-1 et le Dirac sont très positifs (objectifs et détaillés). Et on en commande tous un pour Noël. :D

La configuration dans mon profil

Magnetar UDP800 / Lumagen Radiance Pro 4242 / JVC DLA-N7 / MicroPerf'Oray HD 4K / Anthem AVM90 / 9 x Focal SM6 Be & 1000 Be + 4 x Focal 300 / 2 x Subs DIY Beyma 18LX60 V1 / Amplis HPA / Etudes, traitements & calibrations pros
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Message » 25 Juil 2014 11:56

SYLEX a écrit:Espérons que les 60 jours ne soient pas trop optimistes. :siffle: (...)

Ils nous ont prouvé qu'ils sont très très forts pour les prévisions des délais de mise à dispo :hehe:
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Message » 25 Juil 2014 18:35

Please note that 1 (one) Emotiva day is approx equal to 1 (one) to 20 (twenty) days (remember also that 1 day is usually about 24H in the real world).

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Message » 28 Juil 2014 6:37

Bonjour à tous, je n'ai pas tout compris, il est dispo ou pas à la vente cette XMC...? Sur leur site c'est indiqué"à venir"
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Message » 28 Juil 2014 9:26

Non, les 1ers modèles sont réservés à ceux qui l'avaient pré-réservé. :lol: La liste de pré-réservation étant longue, le produit n'étant pas encore complet (pas de Dirac), la commande directe pour le client Lambda ne sera sans doute pas avant Noël ou 2015. Mais je souhaite vivement qu'ils reviennent dans le monde réel et que tout à chacun puisse en commander un. :siffle:

La configuration dans mon profil

Magnetar UDP800 / Lumagen Radiance Pro 4242 / JVC DLA-N7 / MicroPerf'Oray HD 4K / Anthem AVM90 / 9 x Focal SM6 Be & 1000 Be + 4 x Focal 300 / 2 x Subs DIY Beyma 18LX60 V1 / Amplis HPA / Etudes, traitements & calibrations pros
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Message » 28 Juil 2014 14:24

mteva a écrit:"XMC-1’s will be shipping without Dirac Live Room Correction installed on them. As promised, Dirac Live will be fully implemented shortly; in about 60 days you’ll receive the software update for Dirac on a USB flash drive, a calibration microphone, and updated user instructions."

extrait du mail pour la confirmation de réservation.

Merci, je vais confirmer ma réservation!
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Message » 28 Juil 2014 14:29

Autant attendre le produit fini non ?
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Message » 28 Juil 2014 15:05

Ben non ! Autant que certains le testent tout de suite. Comme ça, nous on saura si on peut le commander. :lol:

La configuration dans mon profil

Magnetar UDP800 / Lumagen Radiance Pro 4242 / JVC DLA-N7 / MicroPerf'Oray HD 4K / Anthem AVM90 / 9 x Focal SM6 Be & 1000 Be + 4 x Focal 300 / 2 x Subs DIY Beyma 18LX60 V1 / Amplis HPA / Etudes, traitements & calibrations pros
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Message » 28 Juil 2014 16:00

autant j'en ai teste bcq autant celui la j'attendrais
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Message » 28 Juil 2014 17:09

Bonjour, merci pour cette éclaircissement, ici en France, certains on reçus leurs appareilles pré commandés? J'attends aussi quelques retours même si au début tout est beau et rose...
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Inscription Forum: 03 Mar 2005 21:06
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Message » 29 Juil 2014 9:57

mteva a écrit:"XMC-1’s will be shipping without Dirac Live Room Correction installed on them. As promised, Dirac Live will be fully implemented shortly; in about 60 days you’ll receive the software update for Dirac on a USB flash drive, a calibration microphone, and updated user instructions."

extrait du mail pour la confirmation de réservation.

Qqn peut nous mettre tout le mail svp? On est plusieurs a pas l'avoir reçu. Moi je n'ai reçu qu'un e-mail disant qu'ils envoyaient les XMC-1, rien sur une confirmation de réservation. Et étant possesseur d'UMC-200 je l'aurais à 1'499.- US$... 8)
Messages: 7605
Inscription Forum: 08 Mar 2012 19:11
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Message » 29 Juil 2014 10:08

Dear loyal Emotiva customer,
We are very pleased to announce that the wait is over! The XMC-1 is now in full production and we’re ready to take your order! Since you were one of the first to reserve your place on line, you’ll be one of the first to enjoy the awesome sound quality and amazing features of the XMC-1 - our new game-changing flagship pre/pro.
We are ready to take your order for one of our August XMC-1 units. Please respond by Wednesday, July 30, 2014 if you intend to purchase an XMC-1. If you do not respond by the July 30th cutoff date, you will forfeit your place in line.
To place your order, please give us a call at 615-790-6754 with your payment information. If you are using your 25% upgrade for life discount, please let us know when you place your order so we can verify that information. If you have a 40% upgrade card, you’ll have to mail it in before we can actually ship your unit. Although there are other options, we strongly recommend selecting US certified mail or a similar secure method for shipping your upgrade card in.
We’re pleased to tell you that we’ve finished beta testing the XMC-1, and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. While the XMC-1 has more features than any of our previous models, we’ve optimized the menus so well that it’s actually easier to use.
And, of course, you’re getting real audiophile sound quality – the XMC-1 sounds every bit as good as the best audiophile preamps available today. You also now have the choice between our Reference Stereo mode, which avoids all processing for the purest possible audiophile stereo performance, and our new version of Direct Mode, which still eliminates almost all processing, but lets you keep bass management (so you can still use your sub).
One thing we do need to make you aware of is that the first few batches of XMC-1’s will be shipping without Dirac Live Room Correction installed on them. As promised, Dirac Live will be fully implemented shortly; in about 60 days you’ll receive the software update for Dirac on a USB flash drive, a calibration microphone, and updated user instructions. We really wanted to have Dirac installed on every XMC-1 that we ship, but we’re still working out a few small but significant details of how the Dirac calibration software talks to the XMC-1. (Dirac Live works perfectly, and so does the Dirac engine on the XMC-1, but we’ve not going to release it until we’re sure they’ll work smoothly together on everybody’s home network.) Luckily, with the XMC-1, updating the firmware is as easy as plugging in a USB stick and selecting “Update Firmware” from the menu.
In the mean time, you’ll have the XMC-1’s incredibly powerful manual equalization controls and test tone generators for your room correction needs (Each manual preset, which can be assigned separately to each input, gives you 11 independent bands of fully parametric equalization for each speaker). The incredibly flexible internal test tone generators deliver white noise for setting levels, and fully variable sine wave test tones for calibrating frequency response.)
We appreciate your patience and support and look forward to adding your name to our list of early adopters! Also please note that the early adopters will receive an exclusive limited edition gift from Emotiva.
Since Dirac isn’t quite ready, if you purchase your XMC-1 now, of course we’ll extend your 30-day trial period until 30 days after we send you the Dirac update. We will remind you that this is strictly a software update, and doesn’t affect the hardware at all, so there’s no reason whatsoever to delay buying your XMC-1 right now. However, if you do decide you want to wait for Dirac, and have us install it for you, then you will still need to call in or reply to this email so we can save your spot in line for you.
If you’ve changed your mind, you don’t have to reply; however, due to the high demand, if we don’t hear from you by next Wednesday, 7/30, we’ll remove your name from the waiting list and move on to the next customer in line. (That means you’ll be back at the end of the line when you decide you want one after all.)
For any other technical questions about the XMC-1, please call our technical sales team at 1-877-EMO-TECH.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Messages: 104
Inscription Forum: 25 Mar 2010 22:43
Localisation: Nouvelle-Calédonie
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