Ils avaient visiblement trouvé une solution pour avoir une chaine complète fidèle, c'est remarquable.
La chaine va de l'enregistrement à la reproduction et comprend autant les éléments du système que le local utilisé.
Reste à savoir si cette chaine s'est imposée comme un modèle et si elle est transposable au commun des mortels.
A ce sujet, je ne vais pas transposer ici les propos de Newell dans leur totalité car il y a beaucoup de pages à ce sujet mais je vous en conseille la lecture.
L'aspect encodage (enregistrement) et décodage (reproduction) y sont abordés, les problèmes de transposition suivant les techniques et styles de musique, préférence des audiophiles, le choix du type d'acoustique pour les control room, etc ...
Et de longues explications sur le type de control rool qu'il affectionne et qui supprime une variable.
Chapitre 16.
Un petit extrait.
Recordings are not sold to the public with instructions about on which type of loudspeaker, and
in which size, shape, or other property of room they should be auditioned. There is also
absolutely nothing expected from the foreseeable future that will be likely to reduce the
range of domestic listening equipment and conditions. Furthermore, music is not the most
important thing in the lives of the majority of people, so it will continue to be normal for people
to buy houses not for the acoustics of their rooms, but for a multitude of other priorities,
and then find appropriate rooms in which to listen to the music of their choice. Different
loudspeakers will suit different rooms, different types of music, different recording techniques
and media, different budgets, and different personal tastes, relating to precisely what people
like to hear in order to achieve the most enjoyment that they can from the music of their
choice during its reproduction. There is, therefore, adequate justification in having available
a good choice of reproduction equipment.
Taking many of these variables into account, there will be the audiophiles who choose
their system and listening conditions with great care, and who may well enjoy optimising them
for their favourite types of music, recording techniques and storage media. The most
appropriate loudspeakers and listening conditions for rock music recorded on an analogue
system, will, in all probability, be different from those most suited to the enjoyment of middle/
side, stereo microphone technique recordings of digitally recorded classical music.
However, even within the latter, quite highly defined set of recording conditions, there will be
a wide range of available and appropriate reproduction systems and environments, and all
will sound different. There is an argument for the case that different recording styles should be
mixed in control rooms optimised for their own specific characteristics. However ....